Is there a difference with the CON (green label) Professional Shampoo


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. So I was at Sally's the other day and I saw that they had the CON (Green label) shampoo on sale for $5 (32 oz by the way). I had never tried CON shampoo, but I had heard sooo many good reviews about it that I quickly grabbed it before someone else did :lachen:and walked out the store like...:grin:. So I'm all happy and I take it out and notice that it says 'Professional' but I'm thinking "no big deal."

On wash day, I get ready for the 'CON experience' and I wash my scalp with it, and end up walking out of the shower like :perplexed "Why is everyone singing praises about it again?"

I was just not impressed by it AT ALL. Should I have bought the regular CON shampoo because there IS a difference with the professional, or does my hair just not agree with CON shampoos at all?
The only difference is the size. The formula is the same. Girl, that stuff is a great detangler. I see your hair didn't like it.

ETA: your hair just doesn't like CON.
why dont you try the red lable. i have both and its funny because to me the red lable(conditioning shampoo) is waaaaayyyy better than the green lable which is supposed to be ultra moisturizing and conditioning