Is the Lord Punishing Us?


formerly nicola.kirwan
My family has been through the ringer and it just will not let up. I have gone to a family member's funeral every year since 2003, and this morning my mother called to tell me that her brother passed away. He was in his 40s. The others were in their 20s or 40s, all before their time.

My grandmother, the matriarch of the family suffered a severe stroke a few years back and went from being completely independent, landlord and property owner, to being an unable to speak or walk, or do anything. Seeing her decline more and more is so painful, especially as she outlives her sons and daughters and grandchildren.

My mother just finished her breast cancer treatments, and she is well, but I'm genuinely afraid that she will be next, as one after another her siblings are passing away.

For the longest time I've had the feeling that the Lord was judging my family for all of the generational sins within it. Everyone who passed, except one, I could look at and say that the life they led is what ultimately caused their death or sickness, that "the wages of sin is death." But still I want to know if there is redemption left for us.

I am one of few believers in my family. I came to Christ, followed by my aunt, then my sister. But other than that, I can't really say that anyone else believes. I pray for repentance and redemtpion, but then I look and it just seems like the Lord's hand is heavy on us.

No one is changing their ways, no matter how much they're pleaded with, how many interventions are done, how much they know what is right. And that really scares me, because I just have a deep and abiding feeling that it's not over. And my sister says the same thing. My cousin, a buddhist, says she fears that we're cursed. I don't know about being cursed, but if this is the Lord's judgment, I just pray that He would make way for redemption. I guess I write all of that to ask for you all's prayers for my family.
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My family has been through the ringer and it just will not let up. I have gone to a family member's funeral every year since 2003, and this morning my mother called to tell me that her brother passed away. He was in his 40s. The others were in their 20s or 40s, all before their time.

My grandmother, the matriarch of the family suffered a severe stroke a few years back and went from being completely independent, landlord and property owner, to being an unable to speak or walk, or do anything. Seeing her decline more and more is so painful, especially as she outlives her sons and daughters and grandchildren.

My mother just finished her breast cancer treatments, and she is well, but I'm genuinely afraid that she will be next, as one after another her siblings are passing away.

For the longest time I've had the feeling that the Lord was judging my family for all of the generational sins within it. Everyone who passed, except one, I could look at and say that the life they led is what ultimately caused their death or sickness, that "the wages of sin is death." But still I want to know if there is redemption left for us.

I am one of few believers in my family. I came to Christ, followed by my aunt, then my sister. But other than that, I can't really say that anyone else believes. I pray for repentance and redemtpion, but then I look and it just seems like the Lord's hand is heavy on us.

No one is changing their ways, no matter how much they're pleaded with, how many interventions are done, how much they know what is right. And that really scares me, because I just have a deep and abiding feeling that it's not over. And my sister says the same thing. My cousin, a buddhist, says she fears that we're cursed. I don't know about being cursed, but if this is the Lord's judgment, I just pray that He would make way for redemption. I guess I write all of that to ask for you all's prayers for my family.

Sorry to hear about the death of your uncle. My love and heartfelt prayers are with you and your family. :bighug:
My family has been through the ringer and it just will not let up. I have gone to a family member's funeral every year since 2003, and this morning my mother called to tell me that her brother passed away. He was in his 40s. The others were in their 20s or 40s, all before their time.

My grandmother, the matriarch of the family suffered a severe stroke a few years back and went from being completely independent, landlord and property owner, to being an unable to speak or walk, or do anything. Seeing her decline more and more is so painful, especially as she outlives her sons and daughters and grandchildren.

My mother just finished her breast cancer treatments, and she is well, but I'm genuinely afraid that she will be next, as one after another her siblings are passing away.

For the longest time I've had the feeling that the Lord was judging my family for all of the generational sins within it. Everyone who passed, except one, I could look at and say that the life they led is what ultimately caused their death or sickness, that "the wages of sin is death." But still I want to know if there is redemption left for us.

I am one of few believers in my family. I came to Christ, followed by my aunt, then my sister. But other than that, I can't really say that anyone else believes. I pray for repentance and redemtpion, but then I look and it just seems like the Lord's hand is heavy on us.

No one is changing their ways, no matter how much they're pleaded with, how many interventions are done, how much they know what is right. And that really scares me, because I just have a deep and abiding feeling that it's not over. And my sister says the same thing. My cousin, a buddhist, says she fears that we're cursed. I don't know about being cursed, but if this is the Lord's judgment, I just pray that He would make way for redemption. I guess I write all of that to ask for you all's prayers for my family.

I am so sorry to hear that your family is going through this. I dont think God works this way, but I don't know what to tell you.

The same thing is happening in my family. We have struggled and struggled for years. Not a single person has any success to show, we've been knocked down again and again. I even asked my mother the other day if she thinks we are cursed and she said her sister (my aunt was in a bad car crash recently) asked her the same thing a few days before.

My family is filled with Christians. My grandfather was a minister with his own church so we all grew up on the word. But I don't know what the deal is with the family. I just keep praying that we will break the chains and I pray yours will too.
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My family has been through the ringer and it just will not let up. I have gone to a family member's funeral every year since 2003, and this morning my mother called to tell me that her brother passed away. He was in his 40s. The others were in their 20s or 40s, all before their time.

My grandmother, the matriarch of the family suffered a severe stroke a few years back and went from being completely independent, landlord and property owner, to being an unable to speak or walk, or do anything. Seeing her decline more and more is so painful, especially as she outlives her sons and daughters and grandchildren.

My mother just finished her breast cancer treatments, and she is well, but I'm genuinely afraid that she will be next, as one after another her siblings are passing away.

For the longest time I've had the feeling that the Lord was judging my family for all of the generational sins within it. Everyone who passed, except one, I could look at and say that the life they led is what ultimately caused their death or sickness, that "the wages of sin is death." But still I want to know if there is redemption left for us.

I am one of few believers in my family. I came to Christ, followed by my aunt, then my sister. But other than that, I can't really say that anyone else believes. I pray for repentance and redemtpion, but then I look and it just seems like the Lord's hand is heavy on us.

No one is changing their ways, no matter how much they're pleaded with, how many interventions are done, how much they know what is right. And that really scares me, because I just have a deep and abiding feeling that it's not over. And my sister says the same thing. My cousin, a buddhist, says she fears that we're cursed. I don't know about being cursed, but if this is the Lord's judgment, I just pray that He would make way for redemption. I guess I write all of that to ask for you all's prayers for my family.

I feel your pain and I am sorry for your losses. But no one goes before his time because it's G-d's time for them to go. Everyone sins, even christians, so don't feel there's some kind of "curse" on your family. Every man will stand before the Creator, on his own. We are responsible for what we do individually. And please remember that G-d shines upon the wicked as well as the just. He loves all and gives to all His children good things and if we, being evil, know how to give good gifts, ever moreso our Heavenly Father. Pray for them and do not lose hope. Continue uphill. I will pray for your family.
I'm sorry about your family... I often feel this same way, that God is this big dude up there just PUNISHING... but then he always helps me find a way back to neutral... there are consequences for everything that is done, and I have seen some people reap very little while some reap many... I really don't have the answer but I hope He comforts you... He has always comforted me no matter what happens, so I don't know what to call it. I really know how you feel though.
Thanks you all. I feel better today. There are natural consequences to everything we do, and no one ever really knows their time anyway. All there is to do is love God and others and walk with Him.
here's my take on your issue:

your family could have the spirit of death. the thing with curses is that it could have come in from your ancestors(way back before slavery days) and the Lord does say that He will revisit the sins of the fathers to the 3rd and 4th generation.

what i could ask you to do is to fast and SERIOUSLY pray & ask God to show you exactly what has been going on in your family and how you can counter attack the plans the enemy has for your family.
God is faithful and He will bring deliverance to you and your loved ones.
here's my take on your issue:

what i could ask you to do is to fast and SERIOUSLY pray & ask God to show you exactly what has been going on in your family and how you can counter attack the plans the enemy has for your family.
God is faithful and He will bring deliverance to you and your loved ones.

I have and I think I do know...I think I just don't like the answer I was given. :nono:
:kiss: Nicola, the Lord's hand is most definitely upon you... IN LOVE and in His unfailing protection. I can't begin to understand the pain you have endured, but I can say this and know this to be true...

God has hidden you in the clift of the and has stretched His hand to protect you and your loved ones who remain.

And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by:

(Exodus 33:22)

Because you are in Christ's Jesus, you have been redeemed from the curse of the law. (Galatians 3:13)

Christ hath redeemed us from the CURSE OF THE LAW, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:

I can't say what has happened to your loved ones who have passed away. But I know that it is not God's will that anyone should perish. And of this promise, God is not slack in it's fullfillment thereof.

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should PERISH, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)

Because of your loving prayers, God will bring your loved ones into His rest and His loving protection. He will bring them from afar, even from the ends of the earth.

I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth; (Isiah 43:6)

God even says that He will 'hiss' for them; signal them to come. "Pisst, come here, come here to me..."

I will hiss for them, and gather them; for I have redeemed them: and they shall increase as they have increased. (Zachariah 10:8)

And when they come, God will keep them and protect them forever...that's His promise.

I the LORD do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day. (Isaiah 27:3)

How do I know? Because I lived these words of the Lord and I have watched them come to pass for those whom I love and feared for their lives. God'\s word was all I had. Silver and gold, nor affluence did I have, but such as I have be it unto you.

With all of my heart, I share them with you... :Rose:

Read the book of Job. He had everything, but lost it all. God was testing his faith and patience.
I have never been through the things you are experiencing in your life, but when I do go through tough times, I always remember that there is someone out there who is going through more than what I am experiencing at the moment. God allows for the situations to go on because He will NEVER put more on you than you can bear. You are a strong woman, and because of what you have been through, use it to encourage others who are facing the same set backs you are going through. But remember, through it all, Good and bad, praise God. He could have taken your Grandmother or your mother years ago. Cherish the moments you have with them. Remember the good times you had with you late relatives. Stay strong and cointinue to pray for your family. God is working through you to get to them.