Is Stretching Beneficial??


SuperDuper Member
I was just thinking about this practice. Is stretching relaxers beneficial? Your hair already grows... and it has nothing to do with the permed portion. You're not giving your hair a break because the hair that you perm is only the newgrowth. I could be wrong though. Could someone explain this? Why do you stretch? TIA:yep:
I was wondering this myself...

Oh, I did see a post that said most people don't have much of a distinction between 4-6 weeks worth of ngrowth, and when you perm regularly it's harder to see and overlapping/over-processing occurs.

Now, I really don't know why we stretch beyond 8 weeks because you shoal nuf can see my ng by then :lachen::lachen:
If you know how to do it right it is beneficial IMO.

My hair doesn't grow that fast(.25inches/month). My beautician which I depend on for relaxers would overlap if I did not stretch. She's the best beautician that I've had in a while. She moisturizes really well, and has basic knowledge of what's good for hair. She's better than my previous beauticians. She has one vice, though :she relaxes everyone's hair, like they have an inch a month. It takes me 4 mos to get an inch of ng, so I have to stretch. I'm afraid to leave, though. I've had many bad experiences, and not many people know how to work with my hair. She KNOWS my hair and is decent. I have a feeling I will have to leave her soon. It has worked for me. My hair is black at the roots again.:grin:
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Beneficial to my pockets...I'm not a self relaxer(don't plan to be) and I'm not too keen on coming off of $70 during relaxer time. As far as my hair goes...I've always went for at least 12-14 wks before relaxing my hair. I know that many of my girlfriends don't because their hair breaks extremely if they didn't relax 7-8 weeks post.
MtAiryHoney, thanks for pointing this out....i am fairly new to LHCF and i was wondering the same thing.

I was also wondering, if you stretch your relexer for more than 8 wks, breakage takes place and causes you to do more damage than good to your hair. I am currently 8 wks post and i have to say i was trying to stretch for at least 12 wks, but i have noticed MAD BREAKAGE so i have decided to go to the hairdresser as schuled, which is on the 3rd of feb.

I think i am going to stay with my 8 wks relexer and trim. I may not reach my hair goal ASAP, but i will get there one of these days! IMO
MtAiryHoney, thanks for pointing this out....i am fairly new to LHCF and i was wondering the same thing.

I was also wondering, if you stretch your relexer for more than 8 wks, breakage takes place and causes you to do more damage than good to your hair. I am currently 8 wks post and i have to say i was trying to stretch for at least 12 wks, but i have noticed MAD BREAKAGE so i have decided to go to the hairdresser as schuled, which is on the 3rd of feb.

I think i am going to stay with my 8 wks relexer and trim. I may not reach my hair goal ASAP, but i will get there one of these days! IMO
My last relaxer was in October, I have hella new growth. I did this because I was considering transitioning to natural though- I've since decided against it. I get my touch-up Feb 1st. After that, I think I will be getting touch-ups about every 10 weeks.
If you know how to do it right it is beneficial IMO.

My hair doesn't grow that fast(.25inches/month). My beautician which I depnd on for relaxers would overlap if I did not stretch. She's the best beautician that I've had in a while. She moisturizes really well, and has basic knowledge of what's good for hair. She's better than my previous beauticians. She has one vice, though :she relaxes everyone's hair, like they have an inch a month. It takes me 4 mos to get an inch of ng, so I have to stretch. I'm afraid to leave, though. I've had many bad experiences, and not many people know how to work with my hair. She KNOWS my hair and is decent. I have a feeling I will have to leave her soon. It has worked for me. My hair is black at the roots again.:grin:
OH! I though people did this for some sort of benefit to the hair. Okay, so you stretch so that the line of demarcation is obvious in order to not overlap relaxer. That makes a lot of sense!
Beneficial to my pockets...I'm not a self relaxer(don't plan to be) and I'm not too keen on coming off of $70 during relaxer time. As far as my hair goes...I've always went for at least 12-14 wks before relaxing my hair. I know that many of my girlfriends don't because their hair breaks extremely if they didn't relax 7-8 weeks post.
:lachen::lachen::lachen: THAT makes sense too!! I have to kick out about the same amount for my touch-ups.
I was wondering this myself...

Oh, I did see a post that said most people don't have much of a distinction between 4-6 weeks worth of ngrowth, and when you perm regularly it's harder to see and overlapping/over-processing occurs.

Now, I really don't know why we stretch beyond 8 weeks because you shoal nuf can see my ng by then :lachen::lachen:
I never knew why people did it:grin: You know what though, I don't think I'll be going over 10 weeks anymore... my hair looks a wreck! IMO:lachen: I have to fight it too much to get it to behave. WHOOHOO, I can't wait to do my rollerset after my fresh perm. I won't know what to do with myself.
MtAiryHoney, question for you. Since your last relexer was in Oct and you just received one on feb 1st, did you exp any MAD breakage or MAD shedding? Or any other CRAZY hair problems?
Stretching can be very beneficial. :yep: To the ladies that experince breakage at the demarcation line, are you moisturizing that area properly? If you are and you still experience breakage, then stretching may not be for you. It isn't for everyone.

Just do what works best for you. :)
MtAiryHoney, question for you. Since your last relexer was in Oct and you just received one on feb 1st, did you exp any MAD breakage or MAD shedding? Or any other CRAZY hair problems?
I've experienced breakage and shedding. I've always had a lot of shedding anyway though- compared to the amount others say they shed on here. The breakage was due to my hair being dry and not taking care of it properly, but it wasn't an excessive amount of breakage though.
MtAiryHoney, question for you. Since your last relexer was in Oct and you just received one on feb 1st, did you exp any MAD breakage or MAD shedding? Or any other CRAZY hair problems?

TStarr - My last perm was Nov 23rd and I'm not perming until Feb 23rdish...(12 wks) . I've not experienced any breakage, and my shedding is about the same or a little less than it normally was...

First, I think the DC/w heat with "every" wash was key for, I'm co washing once during the week and adding moisture EVERYDAY and sealing my ends in the morning and night with coconut oil/castor oil.

I am a recovering 'dry hair addict'. I knew grease weighed the hair down, so I thought no oil will make it bouncy. Yeah, bouncing right off my head. :wallbash: I am a firm believer in feeding the moisture monster ..nuf said.

Also, to combat my regular shedding...I did purchase garlic shampoo and once every two weeks I've mixed with conditioner, and the alternating week I add straight garlic oil to my conditioner and wash.

Has worked miracles for my shedding for sure.

Another technique (thanks to many LHCF members) to measure my progress (reducing shedding) was with each detangle and wash I collect my hair from the comb, air dry the hair (so I don't have mold growing in the envelop later) and label the days :
1) Removed from comb during wet detangling
2) Removed from strainer in sink

I have about 8 envelopes and can go back and say I am loosing considerably less hair than when I started.

Hope some of my ramblings help you
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MtAiryHoney, thanks for pointing this out....i am fairly new to LHCF and i was wondering the same thing.

I was also wondering, if you stretch your relexer for more than 8 wks, breakage takes place and causes you to do more damage than good to your hair. I am currently 8 wks post and i have to say i was trying to stretch for at least 12 wks, but i have noticed MAD BREAKAGE so i have decided to go to the hairdresser as schuled, which is on the 3rd of feb.

I think i am going to stay with my 8 wks relexer and trim. I may not reach my hair goal ASAP, but i will get there one of these days! IMO

I did a stretch my first one for 14 weeks - never again - had not paid attention but my hair broke really bad in the crown area - I'm assuming it was not getting properly moisterized in that area. I was airdrying and bunning doing the low muniplation process - that did not work for me. I will stick to 12 weeks. I was so upset. Now I have to baby that area and treat it very gently - trying to regain the thickness and length in that area.
MizAvalon, i am one of those ladies that experince breakage at the demarcation line.

I will try and moisturize that area properly going forward.

BTW how on earth do you moisturize that area properly? Can i use my EVOO for moisturizing? thanks love!

MtAiryHoney, THANKS MAMA!!!!
MizAvalon, i am one of those ladies that experince breakage at the demarcation line.

I will try and moisturize that area properly going forward.

BTW how on earth do you moisturize that area properly? Can i use my EVOO for moisturizing? thanks love!

MtAiryHoney, THANKS MAMA!!!!

I'm sure you can probably use your EVOO.:yep:
MizAvalon, i am one of those ladies that experince breakage at the demarcation line.

I will try and moisturize that area properly going forward.

BTW how on earth do you moisturize that area properly? Can i use my EVOO for moisturizing? thanks love!

MtAiryHoney, THANKS MAMA!!!!

This question wasn't directed at me, but I would not use EVOO to moisturize. It is an oil, so therefore it should be used after a moisturizer such as ORS Carrot Oil, ORS Olive Oil, Hollywood Beauty Carrot Creme, Mango Butter, etc. The oil seals in the moisture so that your hair strands will remain moist for a longer period of time.
This question wasn't directed at me, but I would not use EVOO to moisturize. It is an oil, so therefore it should be used after a moisturizer such as ORS Carrot Oil, ORS Olive Oil, Hollywood Beauty Carrot Creme, Mango Butter, etc. The oil seals in the moisture so that your hair strands will remain moist for a longer period of time.
I can vouch for the ORS olive oil -in the jar That Stuff is heaven sent when it comes to moisturizing my hair. My hair is constantly thirsty... I put that stuff on and my hair makes a complete turn around! The Elasta QP Mango Butter is good too, but for some reason, I believe the ORS OO is just a tad bit better IMO.
Yes, there is the issue of overlapping, which occurs to most of us one way or another, in spite of the care that may be taken during the process. Then, when you think about it, all the hair on your head gets exposed to the relaxer chemicals during the rinse out, which is why protecting it with conditioner, oil or SAA is so important.

IMO, Relaxing your hair 8 to 10 times per year exposes it twice as often to relaxer chemicals than if you only relax 4 to 5 times per year. Since my goal is to keep the length of my hair healthy, my goal is to reduce the overall exposure frequency of relaxer chemicals to my hair to 4 times per year maximum. Althought that is a goal, I'll have to weigh the breakage/shedding issues to the know, the cost-benefit ratio! :grin:
For me personally, stretching has been very beneficial. My hair is thicker than it has ever been and my edges are the longest that they have ever been. This is the best thing that I could have ever done for my relaxed hair and that is stretching my relaxers out 12wks opposed to relaxing every 5-6wks. Even though only my ng was getting relaxed, there is still the residue from the relaxer running on the already relaxed hair. I'm a stretcher for life now and never plan to relax under 12wks again.
For me personally, stretching has been very beneficial. My hair is thicker than it has ever been and my edges are the longest that they have ever been. This is the best thing that I could have ever done for my relaxed hair and that is stretching my relaxers out 12wks opposed to relaxing every 5-6wks. Even though only my ng was getting relaxed, there is still the residue from the relaxer running on the already relaxed hair. I'm a stretcher for life now and never plan to relax under 12wks again.

I just got my hair relaxed 2 saturdays ago... Texturized I mean.
My Hair is Luscious. Thick. every thing I could ask for. (I am now right at armpit, the back is even, the front is layered)

I stretched my hair for 37 weeks.
NOPE. i wasn't transitioning. I only text. my hair once a year at most.
(i'm a 4a/3c...mostly 4a)

Yeah. I had maaaaaaaaaaaaaad tangles. I had hairballs the size of little animals coming out of my head.... I thought my hair was going to look busted when i got it relaxed this time, i was sooo nervous.

When I got it done, the hairdresser clapped his hands and said whatever i'm doing, continue to do it, because my hair is thriving.

**incidentally, all those hairballs, etc, were alot of dead hair he said.
anyway. What i did was mainly keep my hair under a wig, or I did alot of half wig styles, with the front in twists....

I don't know if i'm going to go to 37 weeks this time, I think, instead I'll texturize again at 20 weeks, just because my hair is still semi manageable at that point. ( I want to wear my hair out more this summer)

and yes, i agree with you all, i do experience breakage at my demarcation point if i don't baby it, but usually, i just slap alot of moisture at that area, and go back to hiding my hair.

So i commiserate with many of you, but I do say that stretching is beneficial to the hair, and longer periods can be done....
MtAiryHoney, thanks for pointing this out....i am fairly new to LHCF and i was wondering the same thing.

I was also wondering, if you stretch your relexer for more than 8 wks, breakage takes place and causes you to do more damage than good to your hair. I am currently 8 wks post and i have to say i was trying to stretch for at least 12 wks, but i have noticed MAD BREAKAGE so i have decided to go to the hairdresser as schuled, which is on the 3rd of feb.

I think i am going to stay with my 8 wks relexer and trim. I may not reach my hair goal ASAP, but i will get there one of these days! IMO

HALLELUJAH! :yay: SOMEONE FEELS THE EXACT SAME WAY I DO!!! I am just not thinking it's that beneficial for me...I am 8 weeks post as of yesterday and i'm relaxing my hair TONIGHT! I have 1 inch of new growth and it's very easy to see...MtAiryHoney I could kiss you for posting this thread:urock: I'm OVER HERE DOING THE HAPPY DANCE!:happydance:
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I'm trying to stretch for the first time in my life. Before I was relaxing every 5-6 weeks. Now I'm trying to push to about 8-10 weeks if possible.

I've noticed a lot of people who stretch "hide" their hair under wigs, etc between relaxers for protection. But what's the point in stretching and doing what's necessary to have healthier hair if you can't enjoy it and you're constantly camouflaging it?

I want to stretch AND enjoy my hair, but some people on here make me feel like it's impossible to do both :sad:.
The breakage ain't a direct result of stretching itself. It's how you are handling your hair. Some wise woman on this board said, "You don't correct breakage by adding chemicals" and thats true. The fact that you are stretching ain't causing the breakage its the way you are handling your hair. Some don't know how to manage their hair when that new growth starts building up and tangles start to form and all. If you knew the proper methods to care for your stretched hair, you wouldn't be having that breakage. Relaxer ain't like a deep conditioner or anything that repairs the damage, it just makes your hair more manageable and thats why you aren't seeing the breakage after that freshly relaxer hair. But its very possible to train your hair into being manageable with stretched hair. I love stretching just because I love how manageable my hair is even with the 2 different textures. Girl, don't root it out completely... you might find it to be very benefical once you learn how to properly care for it.
Technically, I'm transitioning...
not stretching... but I'm 11 months into my transition.
The biggest thing I noticed it that my natural hair/roots
are a lot thicker than my relaxed ends... my relaxed ends
are pathetic in comparison.

Overprocessed hair is not cute, stretching relaxers can help prevent
this... I've seen people that stretch have bouncy hair while others
that relax every 1 or 2 months have those stick straight ends that stick out
and just look blah.

Plus, why not stretch the time you're exposing yourself to
those caustic chemicals... I think if you're going to relax try to
only do 3-4 times a year max.
I stretched for 5 months, and had no progess.

Here is my September 07 pick and my january 08 pick. Hair is the same length.


It might of been heat usage. It could be i didnt retain any length because of my using to much heat to straighten the new growth, but i will only be stretching for every 3 months now.