Is rollersetting healthy?


Grow, hair,Grow!!!
Is rollersetting healthy to be done on a regular basis? As some of you know, I've started rollersetting and I absolutely loved the results. I even bought a hood dryer so I could dry my hair faster, but I won't be using it again for that. It made my scalp really dry and itchy, and I had to wash it soon after. What I've been doing is rollersetting and letting it air dry 95%, and then before I get to bed, I wrap it up. In the morning, I'm getting soft hair with the ends softly curled under. My hair doen't feel greasy all the time and my ends don't feel dry because I started doing a conditioner wash between my weekly shampoos. So far it's working out fine, but I want to know if this can damage my hair on the long run. TIA
I think it's pretty healthy as long as the roller setting technique and the products you use are good.
The only problem I've had is breakage when trying to detangle to put the section of hair on the roller. The closer it is to a perm, the harder time I have sectioning and detangling the hair. I try to do them early on in my relaxer, to avoid breakage. My last trim and hot oil treatments have helped alleviate tangling, so I will try a rollerset again soon.
I think it is, I love rollersetting and I have no problem sleeping in rollers, the more bounce I want the bigger the rollers I use. The closer I get to a perm the tighter my curls get.
i think it's healthy, as a matter of fact i just finished washing my hair and am sitting under the dryer w/ rollers as i type.
Raquel said:
I think it is, I love rollersetting and I have no problem sleeping in rollers, the more bounce I want the bigger the rollers I use. The closer I get to a perm the tighter my curls get.

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I agree!! I've grown out my hair long twice by strictly rollersetting. Like Raquel, when its close to relaxer time, I use smaller rollers to help disguise new growth. Rollersetting is a pain in the butt, but its worth it.
i second that "rollersetting is a pain in the butt, but it's worth it." i'd rollerset my hair ANYDAY compared to frying it with the curling iron.
It's the way to go. I rollerset and sit under the dryer twice a week and have no problems. I just don't put it on high, I go medium and cool, takes forever but it's worth it.
I agree with every one else. One thing that helps me, is as I get more and more newgrowth I move to smaller and smaller rollers. That way I'm not worried about having super straight ends and puffy roots. Perm rods are great during the summer once you figure out how to snap them into place.
Thanks a lot, ladies. I have fallen in love and rollersetting is my new staple. I don't think I'll ever need to use a curling iron to get my hair looking pretty again. It's just so easy to do(compared to blowdrying then, hot curling it, that I just want to do it everytime I wash it. I don't know if I'll be doing that closer to my retouch, but as long as I'm freshly relaxed, it's a total winner.
Thank you for all the responses.
I think it's healthy! It's good maintenance for your hair. It helps grow out your hair since it's somewhat of a protective style.

BTW Wildflower, your new avatar pic looks nice...very classy!
Poohbear said:
BTW Wildflower, your new avatar pic looks nice...very classy!

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Thanks Poobear, you're so sweet!
So far, I've had no problems at all airdrying with rollersetting, just very moisturized hair. I wear mine to bed in such a way that I can get some sleep. I just wish I knew all about this before I came to the hair boards!
Actually, I have not roller set my hair for several months. In fact, I have returned to a method of styling my hair that was used by the stylist when I lived in Augusta, Georgia. She would apply setting lotion to my hair, comb it through, and then sit me under the hood dryer. When my hair was, say, about 90% dry, the stylist would finish me with a blow dryer, and then bump my ends with a marcel iron.
My hair was long, strong and healthy.

I found that I actually lost far more hair wet roller setting than when I hood dry, blow dry and flat iron.

I do,however, alternate wrapping and roller setting my hair for bed.

I enjoy rollersetting as well and my hair does too! I haven't used any direct heat in years. Sometimes I airdry with my rollersetting and I find that my hair likes that better, unfortunately, time does not always permit that. It takes my hair 3 hours on med/low setting to dry ( longer with the bonnet), but I believe the health of my hair is worth it.
candibaby said:
i second that "rollersetting is a pain in the butt, but it's worth it." i'd rollerset my hair ANYDAY compared to frying it with the curling iron.

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I agree.
Wildflower, your hair looks so classy and elegant! I really like your new photos (not that the old ones were bad). The way your hair makes that wave and frames your face is so feminine. It reminds me of this actress named Veronica Lake. She was a blond bombshell whose hair always had that wave.
northernbelle said:
Actually, I have not roller set my hair for several months. In fact, I have returned to a method of styling my hair that was used by the stylist when I lived in Augusta, Georgia. She would apply setting lotion to my hair, comb it through, and then sit me under the hood dryer. When my hair was, say, about 90% dry, the stylist would finish me with a blow dryer, and then bump my ends with a marcel iron.
My hair was long, strong and healthy.

I found that I actually lost far more hair wet roller setting than when I hood dry, blow dry and flat iron.

I do,however, alternate wrapping and roller setting my hair for bed.


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It seems different people's hair respond to different ways of styling the hair.

My hair has flourished by rollersetting my hair. My hair is so moisturized, long and healthy due to rollersetting ( and all the maintenance/prodcuts that I use!)

I have tried different measures in the past to style my hair. I went through the blowdry/curl phase. My hair was dry and took forever to grow. When it was long and I blew dry/curled it got progressively shorter because everytime I went to the stylist for a trim she had no choice but to cut off 3-4 inches!!! Knowing what I know now about SHS she may have just cut that much because she has sissor happy!

Ive also tried the partially dry hair under the dryer and blowdry curl and my hair was still dry looking

About two years ago I tried the wet wrap/ceramic flat iron method. this was a little better for me, but my mother would always say "Chaya your hair looks dry!" However, my hair was a little more healthier using this technique.

Then about 1.5 years ago I started the wet/bun look. My hair HATED this!!!!
My ends became dry and well it just didnt work out!

About 8 months ago I started strickly wet rollersetting my hair. At first before I could perfect the technique, I had to use the flat iron on the top of my head where my roots were still curly. Now that I have perfected it, I dont anymore!! My hair grows a mile a minute, I have no split ends and I can retain my length.

Wildflower I love the pic of your hair with the flip. It looks really good and yoru rollerset turned out nice.
I have to try that flip again, but right now I'm still in my honeymoon with my rollers.
. My husband thinks I'm obsessed with my hair.