
New Member
Hi ladies. I have a question to ask I don't know if it has been or asked before or not, if it has please forgive me but here goes: I was looking at some info I got in the mail concerning Phytorelaxer. It says that it contains guanide carbonate. When I did a search of this on the internet all kinds of things concerning chemicals popped up. So I guess what I am asking is Phytorelaxer really chemical free or not?

Your responses are appreciated.
I agree with the other posters. Nothing that changes the texture of your hair permanently can be considered chemical-free. For straightening to occur, a chemical reaction has to occur. It's just a matter of what type of chemical that they use.

I took a Food Science class in college and my professor used to always say, "Everything is chemical".
It's not just no-lye. It doesn't have alot of the most damaging chemicals found in regular lye and no lye relaxers. It doesn't use the same ingredients as typical no lye relaxers to straighten. It contains soy and plant extracts and other ingredients that are milder and alot gentler than found in typical relaxers. I assume thats why people who love it love the body and elasticity that remains in the hair and people who don't like it tend to say it doesn't get their hair straight enough. But by no means is it 'chemical free'.
It uses soy and guanidine carbonate which is also found in a lot of no-lye relaxers. Usually it's mixed with calcium hyroxide but in the case of phyto it's mixed with soy and whatever else.