Is Obama the Messiah?

Pebbles puts it out there plain and simple. And so do you. Like I said, you both have me shoutin' up here in my livingroom....:yahoo: Love it!

Love you too, angel. :hug2:

Woot!! LOL! :lachen::lol:

I just think it's patently unfair for anyone to take a post(s) off of a public forum and make the determination that people are obsessed. A post is a snapshot in time, and unless you're with someone all day, you can't make the determination that people are obsessed with anything, especially when you don't even know the people your judging. Everyone here has a life outside of this forum. Folks have to work, go to school, care for their kids, etc.

When I was 10 years old, my father used to work for the Boston Globe as a proof reader. He had to work in South Boston, and anyone can tell you that during those days, black people didn't go to that side of town. He had to be escorted to his car nightly because it was too dangerous for him to walk that strip alone.

Now just 32 years later, I'm watching a black man march towards the presidency of the USA, with the support of white people???!!!??????? My dad died 14 years ago, but he would never believe what's happening today. A black man who's considered a serious candidate for the Presidency????? No way! He would have been rivited to the tv set in utter amazement.

You know I'm the mother of 2 teenaged sons, and this is one of the few times that I can point to a black man who's not a rap artist or a ball player, but has people of all races in mass numbers focused on an issue, and it's not a murder trial either. :ohwell: I'm tired of that mess. Let young black kids see a black person use their brains to get ahead. My sons are actually talking about politics with their friends! They have never expressed any real interest in anything having to do with politics before, ever.

To the younger people, none of this may seem important. But for those of us who are a bit older, who remember a time when blacks had to watch where they went, and there was no need to be PC because white people would drop the "N" bomb like it was as natural as breathing, this means something. You're always going to have people who go overboard about every event under the sun, but not everyone who likes Obama and wants to keep up on the news and latest happenings is seeing him as some deity. Don't vote for him, don't follow the news about him, don't go to the Political forum if you don't want to, but don't judge others harshly if they do. Just try to understand the enthusiasm some of us have for this election cycle.

Peace and Blessings! :rosebud:
Woot!! LOL! :lachen::lol:

I just think it's patently unfair for anyone to take a post(s) off of a public forum and make the determination that people are obsessed. A post is a snapshot in time, and unless you're with someone all day, you can't make the determination that people are obsessed with anything, especially when you don't even know the people your judging. Everyone here has a life outside of this forum. Folks have to work, go to school, care for their kids, etc.

When I was 10 years old, my father used to work for the Boston Globe as a proof reader. He had to work in South Boston, and anyone can tell you that during those days, black people didn't go to that side of town. He had to be escorted to his car nightly because it was too dangerous for him to walk that strip alone.

Now just 32 years later, I'm watching a black man march towards the presidency of the USA, with the support of white people???!!!??????? My dad died 14 years ago, but he would never believe what's happening today. A black man who's considered a serious candidate for the Presidency????? No way! He would have been rivited to the tv set in utter amazement.

You know I'm the mother of 2 teenaged sons, and this is one of the few times that I can point to a black man who's not a rap artist or a ball player, but has people of all races in mass numbers focused on an issue, and it's not a murder trial either. :ohwell:

I'm tired of that mess.

Let young black kids see a black person use their brains to get ahead. My sons are actually talking about politics with their friends! They have never expressed any real interest in anything having to do with politics before, ever.

To the younger people, none of this may seem important. But for those of us who are a bit older, who remember a time when blacks had to watch where they went, and there was no need to be PC because white people would drop the "N" bomb like it was as natural as breathing, this means something. You're always going to have people who go overboard about every event under the sun, but not everyone who likes Obama and wants to keep up on the news and latest happenings is seeing him as some deity. Don't vote for him, don't follow the news about him, don't go to the Political forum if you don't want to, but don't judge others harshly if they do. Just try to understand the enthusiasm some of us have for this election cycle.

Peace and Blessings! :rosebud:
Pebs, this entire post brings tears to my eyes. How long did it take for us as parents (you know my background too, raising my babies, alone), but how long did it take to have a sincere positive role model...Black.

And Pebs, I dare to say that this is what's 'killing' the Clintons (and others). Hillary saw herself as a forerunner for sure and regarded Obama as a 'mere' component, adding a little color to the democratic palet. This woman is 'pissed' (not censored) that he's not rose up, but is STILL rising and still a thorn in her flesh. And she cannot handle this. :nono:

And it's not even about a competition. It more like life or death for her. She had this postion of regaining the White House 'locked' in her mind as 'locked' in the bag. And she didn't see it coming. She didn't see it coming that there would be a competent forerunner who is and will be always be be-fore her.

I'm glad Obama is there. You know that I am a Republican and have been for quite awhile. HOWEVER, I'm not a Democrat recruit. I'm finally as you stated above, in the bolded...

Pebbles said:
Pebbles said:
this is one of the few times that I can point to a black man who's not a rap artist or a ball player, but has people of all races in mass numbers focused on an issue, and it's not a murder trial either.'s no longer a 'downer' of Black exploitation....

I'm praying for this man. His life, his family, his health, his protection, his relationship with God, for without God there's little else to hope for.

Love and blessings. I'm so proud of your boys. So proud. They are true champions for Jesus...:yep: :love2:
Pebs, this entire post brings tears to my eyes. How long did it take for us as parents (you know my background too, raising my babies, alone), but how long did it take to have a sincere positive role model...Black.

And Pebs, I dare to say that this is what's 'killing' the Clintons (and others). Hillary saw herself as a forerunner for sure and regarded Obama as a 'mere' component, adding a little color to the democratic palet. This woman is 'pissed' (not censored) that he's not rose up, but is STILL rising and still a thorn in her flesh. And she cannot handle this. :nono:

And it's not even about a competition. It more like life or death for her. She had this postion of regaining the White House 'locked' in her mind as 'locked' in the bag. And she didn't see it coming. She didn't see it coming that there would be a competent forerunner who is and will be always be be-fore her.

I'm glad Obama is there. You know that I am a Republican and have been for quite awhile. HOWEVER, I'm not a Democrat recruit. I'm finally as you stated above, in the bolded...'s no longer a 'downer' of Black exploitation....

I'm praying for this man. His life, his family, his health, his protection, his relationship with God, for without God there's little else to hope for.

Love and blessings. I'm so proud of your boys. So proud. They are true champions for Jesus...:yep: :love2:

Shimmie, I didn't see this coming. I'm watching an impossible event unfolding right before me, and it just drives home the point that GOD will use anyone, at anytime, to lift whomever HE chooses for HIS purpose and glory, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I've always believed that leaders are ordained from above. I don't know what the future holds, this may not go anywhere. I'm just watching an historical event with rapt interest. And I point to this event to show my boys, nothing is impossible if it's what GOD wants. We shall see. Either way, may HIS will be done. :yep:

Girl, you know I'm a card carrying Republican, have been since I could vote, so we have that in common, among other things. :lol:

And yes, my babies continue to step out and live boldly for CHRIST, declaring HIM King of their lives to anybody who wants to hear, and I thank GOD everyday for blessing me with them. Love you, sis! :kiss:
I pray for President Bush as well...have been for many, many years. I also pray for Mr. Obama.

People have a right to feel however they want to feel..just like you and I do. People feel like I shouldn't talk about Jesus the way I do, but I do it anyway because this is what I want to do.

I totally understood what the OP question was. If she wanted to find the answer from the actors/actresses she was talking about, she would have to ask them, but...she came into the CF and asked, therefore I answered in the way that I felt was right.

It's ok to disagree with me, I don't mind. But, to say that people are wrong to feel the way they feel about someone they feel can lead them and this country...that's not right...we all are free in USA and we should be free to express our sentiments the way we want to.

Nice talking to you again, Keen.

ETA: we are on a hair forum. we talk about many, many things and there are lots of people who obsess about their hair. do I say to them that they are wrong for that and that they are 'over the top?" No, I would never do that, just like I don't want people to tell me that I am 'over the top' because I speak about God the way I do.

Just wanted to add that.


It's never over the top to praise God but IMO, I do think it can get over the top praising men.
Well, certainly he is not the "Messiah".

There have been many men/women who have come out for years that people have done this with: ie: Michael Jackson

Mr. Obama is a very popular person, especially because its a great possibility that he will be the first, black president of the United States...that's huge for so many people, and that's ok for them to feel that way.

I'm 44 years old and if you would have told me 15/20 years ago that there would be a possibility that a black man would go this far in the election process, and the way he's getting there, I would have told you that would not be possible...but it is.

Our focus as christians should be to matter who comes into power as the leader of this country, so that we may live peaceable lives..this is what the scriptures say.

Blessing, ladies!

Thank you for what you said. I too, am in your age bracket and I very well understand what you are saying. I don't think we should be judged as far as not praising God, we all know and love him and know that Obama is not God nor does he profess to be so. It's just that folks have been beat down for so long and don't have anybody to look up to or to represent. I believe that Obama is making a change for everyone. People see hope in the future, a future that includes someone looking out for all of us. I do believe that God has sent him our way to make peace. I pray to God about this all of the time. I almost feel like God has put him here and said to us "So what are you going to do with the gift that I have sent to you?" I feel like God has sent me many gifts such as the valuable family, friends and supportive people on this website. So let's try to put this into a positive spin and see people coming together for the better. I feel like Obama could give my two little black children hope for the future. My husband and I are doing our best it just feels really good for the world to see someone like him. Let's see this as a sign of hope for the future. I talk to people praising God all of the time. We love him and honor him and would never put Obama before him. I don't see it as people honoring him and not God. My 85 year old mother is overjoyed by seeing this in her lifetime. So let's keep a positive spin on this and thank God for the blessing that he has sent us. I pray to God to help us all no matter who wins this election. have been on this forum know how people do. They give Bush the same "limelight" as they do Obama, but they aren't giving him the 'dog' treatment like they do Bush.

People are going to be know that.

Remember that thread you started in the Hair Forum? Did you think it was going to go down like that? No, you didn't...same thing.

I'm not an Obama fan, a Hillary fan, or for any of these people that are trying to become, I'm not taking up for anyone on this board or the political forum...I'm a fan of God!

Heehee! WELL SAID!

I almost forgot about this 'thread'! :grin:
I don't begin to understand how anyone in their right mind would make the connection between Obama and the Messiah. Obama is running for the highest office in the land, and as a black man he's experiencing great success. It's amazing to see, and personally, I never thought I'd see a black man get this close to the WH in my lifetime. This is history in the making, and I think many rational people would understand that the process is exciting for everyone, particular black people.

But make no mistake about it, though I support Obama, I don't think of him as the Messiah. Obama didn't shed his blood on the cross to save my life. JESUS CHRIST did that. My faith is in JESUS, and my hope is that Obama will win the WH and make history. I can't speak for Halle Berry. Only she knows her relationship with the LORD, if she has one. But as to the women in the Political forum, the forum was created to discuss politics, and Obama is the exciting news of the season. Some of us really enjoy politics, and we love talking about it. Why not give us the benefit of the doubt that we know Obama is a mere mortal, not a god amongst men?


You are so killer... I know your head is screwed on right, though... Others? :rolleyes:

Anyway, I agree, housemom ;)