Is my jar of relaxer ruined?


After I relaxed my hair last night and started to clean up, the opened jar of relaxer fell into the sink under running water.

I poured the water off the top, but is the relaxer still good? Did the water ruin the strength? Should I throw it away to be safe? I have about half a jar of lye relaxer left.
Hmmm.... :perplexed

My thought is "no" because relaxers are water-based anyway. I believe it's strength comes from the percentage of active ingredient (like sodium hydroxide). But because water is basically an inert ingredient (the carrier), and you poured most of it off, it should be okay to still use.

But, if you have hard water in your area, large amounts of copper may adversely effect the effectiveness of the relaxer. But, it's such a small amount it probably makes no difference.

My best advice? Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. If it is concerning you, throw it out. :)
Throw it out. What kind of relaxer is it? If it's Affirm Fiberguard I can hook you up with some more (for no charge of course ;)).
I would toss it just too be safe, I figaure it's better to be safe than sorry. I mean the last thing you want is some type of hair set back.
victorious said:
Thanks Ladies. I'll throw it out tonight to be safe.

Hey, even I always say: "When in doubt, throw it out!" :yep: :lol: You have to do what is comfortable for you.