Is my hair damaged?


Think Slim
I'm trying to determine whether or not my stylist over relaxed my hair. The shedding that I have due to post-partum hormones is completely under control, but I keep wondering if the thinning hairline is a result of my stylist over relaxing my hair or from the hormones. No matter how neglected my hair has been, I've never had a problem with my hair line.

How can you tell when hair is damaged or just thinning from natural reasons: hormones, rough handling, or stress?

thinning hairline comes from wearing your hair too tight or it could be receeding.

damaged hair is hair that breaks, has splits, and is stiff, dull and lifeless.

Im not a hair expert but I hope that info helps!
Hey Webby,
A friend of mine lost A LOT of hair around her hair line during post-partum shedding. I would say that it was right around the time our babies turned 6-9 months old. And when she stopped nursing him. I don't think I had hairline shedding but I did have regular overall post-partum shedding. It is probably your hormones from /images/graemlins/baby2.gif.
Thank you ladies. I thought that everyone was going to skip over my post /images/graemlins/cry3.gif
Well, I guess now I must take preventive measures, to make sure that I don't cause any damage to any new hairs.

flyjump, your hair is absolutely beautiful /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Yep, I believe it is Post-Preg shedding. I was smack-bald on my temple area. I actually had a mini-breakdown becuase of it /images/graemlins/laugh.gif (I can laugh now). But with a little ORS and vitamin E, my hair FINALLY started growing in. It didn't fully/completely recover until this year (2 and a half years later) /images/graemlins/frown.gif

Lee...I must be your shadow, cuz I feel like I'm walking right in your footsteps.

Girl, don't talk about breakdowns. I FINALLY see shiny, healthy length; I'm ready to grow out as much as I can and BAM....cow-licks. I can't talk about this with my husband, cuz he thinks I'm /images/graemlins/nuts.gif So, I have to come here where someone can relate /images/graemlins/rofl.gif

BTW, what is ORS?
Lee...I must be your shadow, cuz I feel like I'm walking right in your footsteps.

Girl, don't talk about breakdowns. I FINALLY see shiny, healthy length; I'm ready to grow out as much as I can and BAM....cow-licks. I can't talk about this with my husband, cuz he thinks I'm /images/graemlins/nuts.gif So, I have to come here where someone can relate /images/graemlins/rofl.gif

BTW, what is ORS?

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ORS is what my beautician told me to buy. The full name is ORS (organic root stimulator) TEMPLE BALM. Anyway, you massage it on the temple area and it helps re-grow that area. Vitamin E was recommended by a hair group (LHCAB)
I had the same problem too and Surge helped fill it back in nicely. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
My daughter is 10 months and I still have that problem. Is that normal? She will be 11 months on the 1st.

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Mine didn't fully grow back in until recently and my son is 2 1/2 /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif So yes, it's normal. Also, my shedding didn't start until my son was about 7 months. I was told that it could ahve started earlier, but I didn't notice until I was bald in the temple area.
I lost my entire hairline when my son was around 4 or 5 months old (I believe I have pics of my bald hairline in my year2 album) and it grew right back in. The rest of my hair really didn't have any heavy shedding until I weaned him a year later- I thought I was going to go bald until a friend recommended Surge it stopped the shedding totally. Good luck with it- postpartum shedding is no fun at all /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Diva /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I cannot believe that YOU had a balding hairline. I have always admired your full, lush head of hair.

As recommended, I'll be surging...for sure /images/graemlins/smile.gif