Is mayonnaise a light or heavy protein?


New Member
I've used egg for my past two protein treatments. It helped my hair incredibly. Now I feel like my hair (which are fine strands and seems to love protein; too much moisture makes it really mushy) just needs a light protein every week. However, I couldn't find if mayo was a light or heavy protein. I'm going to DC with Pureology so I really don't want to over-moisturize my hair. I'm planning to seal with shea butter. Thanks!! :yawn:
I don't know but my strands are fine too & my hair loves protein like Amy loves her crackpipe.

LOL!!! I was so surprised because moisture is a huge thing here. So I would be moisturizing the hell out of my hair and it would just be soooo mushy and literally just falling apart. Then I egg'd it and it was total difference. The top and front of my hair LOVE protein conditioner (I use Organix Coconut) and the back which is thicker, I give moisturizing (Herbal Essence Hydralicious; my hair hates Hello Hydration). So I guess fine-strands really benefit from protein better.
You should check the nutrition label on your jar of mayo. Mine says there is no protein in it at all.
You should check the nutrition label on your jar of mayo. Mine says there is no protein in it at all.

These are the ingredients:

Soybean oil, water, whole eggs and egg yolks, vinegar, salt, sugar, lemon juice, calcium disodium EDTA (used to protect quality), natural flavors
Oh and you're right, mine says 0g :(

Sorry it didn't work out for you. But at least now you know.

You can buy a light protein conditioner. Do a search to see if there are any good product recommendations. I can't recommend one because I use eggs twice a month on my hair.

Good Luck!
Sorry it didn't work out for you. But at least now you know.

You can buy a light protein conditioner. Do a search to see if there are any good product recommendations. I can't recommend one because I use eggs twice a month on my hair.

Good Luck!

I really love the egg. I am newly transitioned so I am still figuring things out (even though my staples are shea butter, Organix coconut, hydralicious) so I don't want to over moisturize my hair. What I did is put half an egg in this time till I can get a staple light protein to use weekly. Or maybe like you, use the egg bi-weekly. I just hate seeing those little breaking hairs but they are becoming less and less. Thank you :):)
I really love the egg. I am newly transitioned so I am still figuring things out (even though my staples are shea butter, Organix coconut, hydralicious) so I don't want to over moisturize my hair. What I did is put half an egg in this time till I can get a staple light protein to use weekly. Or maybe like you, use the egg bi-weekly. I just hate seeing those little breaking hairs but they are becoming less and less. Thank you :):)

Here is the link to a website I found helpful when I first started out. This link goes directly to an article on protein conditioners and how often they should be done on relaxed and natural hair.
if you're using real mayonnaise, (not miracle whip :barf: ) then it's definitely got protein. mayonnaise is made from eggs and oil, so it's got less protein than using a full-strength egg. i'm not sure whether it's a light or heavy one though. i'd guess that because of the oil, the protein concentration is diluted.
if you're using real mayonnaise, (not miracle whip :barf: ) then it's definitely got protein. mayonnaise is made from eggs and oil, so it's got less protein than using a full-strength egg. i'm not sure whether it's a light or heavy one though. i'd guess that because of the oil, the protein concentration is diluted.

Thanks very much. I will try this next weekend and see how it goes :) I see that the mayo has salt in it, though. Do you think it would be drying to the hair?