Is Leaving in Conditioner BAD???


New Member
Hi everyone!!! :grin:

Well a rollerset didnt work for my natural I decided to cowash instead and oil rinse!! I do like the way my hair looks in it's natural set..while it's wet, but when it dries :wallbash:. I have always loved QP Elasta's Intense Conditioner....and while in the shower...I decided...."hmmm why not?" I left in in. :blush: As of now my hair is drying up nice with lots of uniform curls....but I'm sorta thinking maybe that's it's crazy to do this. Will my hair break off??? Any other possible problems??? Have you ladies ever left conditioner in your hair that wasent intended for leave in???
i used to do this in high school in leu of using gel, but i heard that it can be bad for your hair. You should try to use products that say 'leave in', HOWEVER, if you really like it, i would put it in a spray bottle and mix it with water (i think alot of women here do that with their fav regular condioner).

BTW - when i say bad for your hair, i think its mostly a 'build up' problem since its not meant to stay on your hair. i dont remember my hair breaking too much from wearing conditioner. HTH.
I did it in HS also - I'd say be careful about how much you use b/c it will cause buildup, and can make your hair stiff which means breakage if you trying to move it around alot during the day. But if you're going to WnG daily then you should be fine. I also like the Sunsilk leave ins - I used to use one of them and then cover that with at serum for WnG. It left my hair softer and silkier than conditioner but it's the same consistancy.
GREAT!!!:grin: Thanks for the responses ladies!! Now I don't feel so bad!! :lachen:

Neonbright: During rollersets huh??? I may need to try this. I attempted a rollerset day before yesterday: the curls were cute, but after I combed it POOF! :lachen:
Mayber this will help tame those frizzies as well! :rolleyes:
GREAT!!!:grin: Thanks for the responses ladies!! Now I don't feel so bad!! :lachen:

Neonbright: During rollersets huh??? I may need to try this. I attempted a rollerset day before yesterday: the curls were cute, but after I combed it POOF! :lachen:
Mayber this will help tame those frizzies as well! :rolleyes:

Look at the pics in my siggy, I just use a little; no more larger than a nickel or quarter.
I ALWAYS leave in my condish... I've been doing this for over a yr & my hair absolutely loves it! I'm sure it will not work for everyone because everyone's hair is different & blah blah blah but conditioner is my miracle leave in... Rite now i'm using suave humectant but in the past i mostly used pantent HC... I do wash every 2-3 days but this is because i feel that it promotes growth in my hair not because of buildup... the conditioner usually just rinses right out under the water... good luck! i advise u to just try it for a while & if it doesn't work u can always stop!
I do this too.I've been doing for 2+ years and I don't notice any bad side affects.I say do what works for you just make sure clarify to get it all out.:yep:
I would leave in conditioner a lot when I was just finding out about hairboards. I used to be able to walk around after applying CON conditioner after wetting my hair in the shower with no problem. I do think it could lead to build up if done too often or left on too long.
I am glad you asked this. I have VO5 Starwberries and Cream which is like water on my hair when its wet, but i tried it the other day on my dry hair and it works because its not heavy. Some water and up in a bun it goes!!
I think it greatly depends on your hair.

My hair loves this and I've gone back to doing it after not doing it for a long time. My hair tends to be super dry and drier now that it's colder. It works for me.

I have been using a mix of some left over V05 and Infusium con and my hair has stayed pretty moist.
when i used to do wash and go's, leaving regular conditioner in my hair was the only way I could get my curls/naps defined in the way I wanted them to. I never noticed anything that bad, but stylists told me this would dry out my hair, but I kept doing it. I personally don't think my hair suffered from this, but who knows. the leave in conditioners were too light too hold my hair the way I wanted, so in the future, I can still see myself leaving in the conditioner. My favorite to leave in was the Tropical Avocado conditioner (Dominican).
Wow...I thought about doing do it every day? so...does it help your hair??
yup everyday. it makes detanglling the next day literally less than a min, and prevents any tangles from forming.

its also great for frizz prone hair. i find i have less frizz when i use conditoner as leavein. helps my hair stay moisturized and soft. all around id say its def a big part of my routine. it aint going anywhere :)
I do this too..not a lot . I rinse my hair pretty clean of condtioner and then I put a tiny amount on and then seal with oil. If later my hair feels dry ill spray it LIGHTLY with water and put a TINY bit of conditioner on my ends as a moisturizer. If theres any left on my hands I run it up the rest of my hair. It really doe s the trick