Is it wrong to go to a PARTICULAR church 'cause of a man?

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
Okay. There's a guy who peaks my interest. I was raised Christian (Pentecostal/Church of God) and he's SDA. Now, I was curious about the SDA Church way before I even met him, and had been to the SDA church way before I discovered that he's SDA.

Seeing as how it's all Christianity, is it wrong for me to attend that particular church with the hope of getting to know him better? I know I should just let God do his thing if it's supposed to work out, but. . .
Is it "wrong", I can't say...I think you should attend church as you are led by the Holy Spirit. There are things that are known in the Spirit that we cannot/do not see, if we follow His leading, we cannot go wrong. We get into trouble when we put ourselves in the driver's seat. What you're asking, I've been there and done that....Would I go to a particular church becaue of a man again? No. A thousand times no.
He's definitely not the only reason I'm going to church in general. I'm trying to find a church home.

Thanks for the replies :up:
You said...

"is it wrong for me to attend that particular church with the hope of getting to know him better?"

If that's your MAIN reason then, yes I think it's wrong.

If you feel that your spirit is being led to this church (not because of him) and getting to know him is just an added benefit or something then no, I don't think it's wrong.

Just take him out of the equation and think about if you'd still want to go there. What if he stopped going there. Would you still want to go there?
Stormy said:
Just take him out of the equation and think about if you'd still want to go there. What if he stopped going there. Would you still want to go there?

Very good point. I will search my heart for the answer to this question.
Yes, it is wrong and this could be a distraction from the devil so God cannot get you to the Church He wants you to be at. Being at the right Church at the right time is crucial for your life to be a success. God places into the Churches where He wants to use us. So going to a Church for any person other than where GOd told you to go would be a disadvantage to you in the long run. You do not want to be out in the wilderness for 40 years wondering how did I got here and how can I get out. I think this is test to see where your heart is: with God or man. :grin:
Very well said. AMEN - Jesus should be man we are seeking to see. :lol:

LaNecia said:
Is it "wrong", I can't say...I think you should attend church as you are led by the Holy Spirit. There are things that are known in the Spirit that we cannot/do not see, if we follow His leading, we cannot go wrong. We get into trouble when we put ourselves in the driver's seat. What you're asking, I've been there and done that....Would I go to a particular church becaue of a man again? No. A thousand times no.
classimami713 said:
Now, I was curious about the SDA Church way before I even met him, and had been to the SDA church way before I discovered that he's SDA.
Go with that. SDA doctrine is a hit and a half. The health laws, philosophy of education, and end time prophecy are incredibly detailed.

Interact with your crush directly so that you can resolve whether he's available and interested in you. No sense extending this period of not knowing.
megonw said:
Go with that. SDA doctrine is a hit and a half. The health laws, philosophy of education, and end time prophecy are incredibly detailed.

Interact with your crush directly so that you can resolve whether he's available and interested in you. No sense extending this period of not knowing.

I'm very curious about the SDA doctrine. I will probably actually go to the church that he doesn't go to so I can explore my curiosity about the faith without getting distracted by him.

It's not really a crush per se :blush: . . .I think he's cute, and his being Christian is a plus!