Is it weird?


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys!

I'm new to the board and LOVE the topics on this forum. Do you guys think it's weird that I'm 20 years old, and literally NEVER BEEN TOUCHED? :nono: Never been intimate, never been KISSED?

I don't consider myself 'unattractive', and I've been told that I'm a cute girl, but I'm just really awkward around guys.

Any thoughts?
Hey Guys!

I'm new to the board and LOVE the topics on this forum. Do you guys think it's weird that I'm 20 years old, and literally NEVER BEEN TOUCHED? :nono: Never been intimate, never been KISSED?

I don't consider myself 'unattractive', and I've been told that I'm a cute girl, but I'm just really awkward around guys.

Any thoughts?

Was that intentionally? Or is it just so happen? I don't think it's weird.

I've always been shy around guys, plus I wanted to 'wait' for the right guy, but it seem trivial (there are 20 year olds that are engaged, or at least in committed relationships and i'm barely out of the womb). and i just feel like an 'old maid'. :nono: i guess the real root of my question is do you think being so old and inexperienced is doing more harm than good.
First, welcome :)

Second, do not come here talking about you're 20 and feel like an old maid. :nono: Believe me, I'm trying to spare you from the impending wrath :lachen::lachen:

Finally, I don't think it's 'weird' at all! We all go at our own pace and you should listen more to your body, your belief system and your heart than anything else. ;)
If that's you in your avatar, I'm thoroughly confuzzled as to why you haven't been touched. LOL.
But seriously though, it doesn't matter what guys think.
It's about what you think. If you're ready for it, you'll do it.
That's all there is to it. Live your life by doing what makes you happy.
I think it's good that you're relatively untouched.
But on the other hand, in your age group (I'm acting like I'm so much older than you & I'm only 21 LOL), you're going to have to learn lessons quick, fast, & in a hurry.
Because people are going to expect you to know certain things at a certain age.
So it's kind of a double edged sword.
It's kind of sad that our society doesn't value innocence & chastity.

I've always been shy around guys, plus I wanted to 'wait' for the right guy, but it seem trivial (there are 20 year olds that are engaged, or at least in committed relationships and i'm barely out of the womb). and i just feel like an 'old maid'. :nono: i guess the real root of my question is do you think being so old and inexperienced is doing more harm than good.

What? old maid? I just need to go ahead and buy me six cat cause I'm way pass 20. If having to be touched determine weather you are in a committed relationship, it may not be the type of relationship you want to be in, especially if you're saving yourself.
Hi! I'll be 19 in March and I've yet to do any of those things. I'm still awaiting my first kiss. It's special and I am waiting for the special guy who I'm willing to give that to. It's not weird and It doesn't have to be rushed. I know so many girls who have rushed into being intimate or marriage and have regretted it later. My best guy friend will be 21 in March as well and he's never even kissed a girl before (I know because his parents are very strict, and he grew up in a mennonite community = very conservative :yep:) Anyway. You're not alone! It will be that much more special when you meet someone who will be just right to share all of those things with.

Also, Welcome to LHCF!
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I've always been shy around guys, plus I wanted to 'wait' for the right guy, but it seem trivial (there are 20 year olds that are engaged, or at least in committed relationships and i'm barely out of the womb). and i just feel like an 'old maid'. :nono: i guess the real root of my question is do you think being so old and inexperienced is doing more harm than good.

girl I had to do that. You are too much with that. There is absolutely nothing wrong whether it was intentional or not. The cutiest girls don't get all the guys, so don't believe the hype. Just know that you are saving yourself some stress by not being ultrally out there relationship wise. You are still young focus on you, get where you want to be in life, and everything else will fall into place.

Do not allow any fool make you not value yourself. But be wise and prepared for what comes your way.
No ... its not weird

You are the only person who should determine at what age you would like to date, kiss, or be sexually involved with anybody

You are the only one who should determine when you are comfortable making those choices
Not weird. I was like that all the way until 18. If a guy is worth anything, he won't judge you for your lack of experience. If anything he'll feel great that he's the first or one of the first.
it is seemingly uncommon (depending on your social circle) but it is not weird at all. sometimes there are circumstances that lead us to have little interaction with the opposite sex (for example, if your high school was all girls) or we are just plain awkward around them in general.

i can see a little of myself in you based off of what you've written down, although i've had interaction with guys already. the only advice i have for you is to not feel like you are weird or some social misfit. as when you start believing that, you start looking for ways to become "right" and to "correct" yourself and this leads you to grabbing onto any semi-decent opportunity.

most likely than not, you will regret rushing in so fast. please keep this all in mind. you do not want a time where you will look back and say..."well, i was fine all along, so why did i rush this?" hindsight really is a b!tch. i'm not just talking about not rushing things in relation to sex but even in regards to kissing and everything in between that and kissing. you shouldn't wait until marriage if this is not want you want to do but never sell yourself short because you want to be "normal".
please just take your time, it will happen at the right time. It's not weird, it's actually beautiful-you have something to look forward to in life that special and there are no second chances at a first, so enjoy this place in life.
OP, when I was 17 I felt the same way you do :perplexed to me it did seem "weird" that I had never been touched, kissed, or anything...But I thought about it, and If I was a guy, I wouldn't have initiated anything with a girl like me. Not because I was any less attractive than the next (a little rounder maybe) but because I never invited anyone to be in "my space". I wasn't very social, and no guy was ever the right guy because I didnt like the idea of being touched by just any ol' guy.

But I will say, when I met my SO, and he prooved to me through many conversations that he was "the right guy", I pretty much threw the panties in his lap :lachen:and I don't regret it one bit!
I usually just lurk on this board, but after reading your post I just had to comment and say that you are not alone.

I am 20 years old too, and have never kissed or been intimate with a guy. I also tend to be shy and kind of standoffish around guys even if there is one I'm interested in. I guess that maybe I seem unapproachable. In high school, I was the only one in my group of friends who wasn't having sex or in a relationship. There were guys who liked me, but honestly most of them were wack or just not my type. Now I'm in college, and I'm not very social or a party girl so I haven't really made too many guy friends. Being a virgin doesn't really bother me because I do plan to wait until marriage, but I think that being 20 and never in a relationship or in love with a guy is what bothers me the most...However, I always tell myself that my time will come and that very soon I am going to meet the right one..

So just know that you're not alone!
Old maid? Girl, you are fine. My aunt is 28 and has never done any of that stuff. Seriously.
Not weird. I was like that all the way until 18. If a guy is worth anything, he won't judge you for your lack of experience. If anything he'll feel great that he's the first or one of the first.

OT, but your avatar is just...

I am truly overwhelmed by all the love and support you guys are giving me. Give me about 20 mins to respond to your posts.

thanks guys!!!!:grin:
If that's you in your avatar, I'm thoroughly confuzzled as to why you haven't been touched. LOL.
But seriously though, it doesn't matter what guys think.
It's about what you think. If you're ready for it, you'll do it.
That's all there is to it. Live your life by doing what makes you happy.
I think it's good that you're relatively untouched.
But on the other hand, in your age group (I'm acting like I'm so much older than you & I'm only 21 LOL), you're going to have to learn lessons quick, fast, & in a hurry.
Because people are going to expect you to know certain things at a certain age.
So it's kind of a double edged sword.
It's kind of sad that our society doesn't value innocence & chastity.

Hey filthyfresh,
that's what concerns me. I feel like in all other aspects of life i'm right on with the "social clock". But it's one thing to have taken progressive baby steps (kiss at 12...boyfriend at 16....1st heartbreak at 19) and be prepared for the 'last step' like intimacy and marriage, but to make one HUGE leap into everything seems scary. I haven't learned those life & love lessons and being SO naive about guys as a YOUNG ADULT.........i don't know.
Hi! I'll be 19 in March and I've yet to do any of those things. I'm still awaiting my first kiss. It's special and I am waiting for the special guy who I'm willing to give that to. It's not weird and It doesn't have to be rushed. I know so many girls who have rushed into being intimate or marriage and have regretted it later. My best guy friend will be 21 in March as well and he's never even kissed a girl before (I know because his parents are very strict, and he grew up in a mennonite community = very conservative :yep:) Anyway. You're not alone! It will be that much more special when you meet someone who will be just right to share all of those things with.

Also, Welcome to LHCF!

Hey Opalsunset,

Thanks for your response, it's nice to know that there's more than one of me out there!!!
Not weird. I was like that all the way until 18. If a guy is worth anything, he won't judge you for your lack of experience. If anything he'll feel great that he's the first or one of the first.

Hey erokawa,

Thank you for responding. That's my biggest fear, finding a guy that will be patient with me that would be willing to I guess "start all over" and support me while I go aaaaaalllllllll the back to Step One.
I was wondering the same thing

To Nikkipoo and Filthyfresh,

No, that's not me. I was looking through someone's blog, and I thought she was gaaawwwgious. Anyway, I picked her as my Avatar cuz she's sssooo pretty, yet her look is attainable.
I usually just lurk on this board, but after reading your post I just had to comment and say that you are not alone.

I am 20 years old too, and have never kissed or been intimate with a guy. I also tend to be shy and kind of standoffish around guys even if there is one I'm interested in. I guess that maybe I seem unapproachable. In high school, I was the only one in my group of friends who wasn't having sex or in a relationship. There were guys who liked me, but honestly most of them were wack or just not my type. Now I'm in college, and I'm not very social or a party girl so I haven't really made too many guy friends. Being a virgin doesn't really bother me because I do plan to wait until marriage, but I think that being 20 and never in a relationship or in love with a guy is what bothers me the most...However, I always tell myself that my time will come and that very soon I am going to meet the right one..

So just know that you're not alone!


uuuummm............were we separated at birth and lived the exact same life?? The sad part is, when I was in my early teens i was watching Drew Barrymore's Movie, "Never Been Kissed" laughing, like "that will never be me", but it just might be.:dork: Right now, if someone came at me with a pair of lips, I literally would not know what to do with it.:nono: But like you said, our time will come, our time will come.
