Is it true?


New Member
Someone mentionned to me that in the Bible the number 7 represents something like perfection. Is that true? If so what Biblical references can you give me to support this?
I just made a quick search and found websites that confirms what I was told but I have yet to see scripture referenced. I'll do a more extensive search tomorrow but would love for anyone to inform me this on this. Thanks :)
MindTwister said:
Someone mentionned to me that in the Bible the number 7 represents something like perfection. Is that true? If so what Biblical references can you give me to support this?
I just made a quick search and found websites that confirms what I was told but I have yet to see scripture referenced. I'll do a more extensive search tomorrow but would love for anyone to inform me this on this. Thanks :)
yes it symbolizes completion and perfection. forget the websites for a minute. Do you have a concordance? If you look up the word seven it is listed. I can't count it but several several several times in the bible. But just knowing even God in the beginning di dnot see that froll all that he said and saw and made wasn't good until the seventh day and that is when he rested. God also instucts us on the seventh day to rest as well and to keep holy.

Pentecost was also a seven day completion theory
if you were unclean it was for seven days , then purify on the third and the seventh day and then you would be clean again.
I can go on and on here are some scrips:

Gen 2:2
Gen 21 vs 28-30
Gen 41 (the whole chap)
Levit 15:28
2king 5:10

again I can go on and on


and see how many many passages symbolize completion or perfection.
Excellent question to post and an excellent answer from "SO" ;)

My birthday is 7 x's 3. :lol: I guess I'm triple complete. ;) (Note that I did not say 'perfect'....) :D

The number three is also symbolic of God's completion.

The Trinity (The Father, Son, Holy Spirit) after such there is no other God.

Jonah in the Belly of the whale (3 days and 3 nights) symbolic of the burial and ressurrection of Jesus who was in the ground 3 days and 3 nights (72 hours).

Numbers play a major part in our Faith. ;) But it's God's numeral system and it's very interesting to study. I have a list of numbers from our Bible Study. I'll try to post it sometime soon.
I can't wait for that Shimmie. I would love to do a study of numbers.

Shimmie said:
Excellent question to post and an excellent answer from "SO" ;)

My birthday is 7 x's 3. :lol: I guess I'm triple complete. ;) (Note that I did not say 'perfect'....) :D

The number three is also symbolic of God's completion.

The Trinity (The Father, Son, Holy Spirit) after such there is no other God.

Jonah in the Belly of the whale (3 days and 3 nights) symbolic of the burial and ressurrection of Jesus who was in the ground 3 days and 3 nights (72 hours).

Numbers play a major part in our Faith. ;) But it's God's numeral system and it's very interesting to study. I have a list of numbers from our Bible Study. I'll try to post it sometime soon.
LadyR said:
I can't wait for that Shimmie. I would love to do a study of numbers.

"LadyR" I can't get the sheet to upload to the forum. It says that the file is too large. It's a single sheet list entitled, "Scriptual Meanings for Numbers" and it is in PDF format that Pastor gave us in a Bible Study Class.

I'm going to PM you my email address. I can email it to you as an attachment if you like. Look for my PM, okay?

Anyone else is very welcome to receive this as well. Just PM me your email address and I will send it to you from my home email. Your email address will remain confidential. I will not share it with anyone.

Our Pastor says that there are other interpretations of the Scriptual meanings for numbers, but this is one where most teachings agree. This one is just a 'guide' for reference. ;)
Well I'm glad I posted this and that others are interested by it :) I'm going to look up the scriptures, wait for Shimmie's list (will PM u my adress) and check out that website that was recommended "Nomoweave".
I'll probably have an interesting discussion with the person that mention this and will have to thank her:)
By the way my first name starts with a G :D

Shimmie if it's not too much to ask, why don't u post a little bit each week in this post about the significance of numbers? It'd be good for anyone who is reluctant to share his/her email adress I think
nomoweavesfome said:
yes it symbolizes completion and perfection. forget the websites for a minute. Do you have a concordance? If you look up the word seven it is listed. I can't count it but several several several times in the bible. But just knowing even God in the beginning di dnot see that froll all that he said and saw and made wasn't good until the seventh day and that is when he rested. God also instucts us on the seventh day to rest as well and to keep holy.

Pentecost was also a seven day completion theory
if you were unclean it was for seven days , then purify on the third and the seventh day and then you would be clean again.
I can go on and on here are some scrips:

Gen 2:2
Gen 21 vs 28-30
Gen 41 (the whole chap)
Levit 15:28
2king 5:10

again I can go on and on


and see how many many passages symbolize completion or perfection.
I forgot to ask u, what is a Concordance? If it's some type of Bible can u recommend one per favore :) And is it different from the parallel Bibles that have been mentionned on the board?
MindTwister said:
I forgot to ask u, what is a Concordance? If it's some type of Bible can u recommend one per favore :) And is it different from the parallel Bibles that have been mentionned on the board?

A concordance is a cross reference guide. Most that are used is entitled "Strong's Concordance." It's very popular for Bible Study.

See it as a 'search' tool. For instance. You may be looking for a scripture that has the word, "water" in it. The concordance will give you every scripture with water in its text and the scripture's location in the Bible.

BTW: This is a very large and HEAVY book. :lol: I believe it comes in paperback also, but the hardback is better for endurance. I'm ashamed to say that I don't use mine as often as I did when I first purchased it years ago. Once in awhile, I may need it for Bible Study. After 24 years of reading the Bible, you 'almost' know it by heart...."I said ALMOST :lol: " I'm still learning more each day. Each time I read the Bible, God gives me a fresh word. But that's our Jesus...New mercies every morning. ;)

Here's a link from

ETA: I'lll try my best to type the Scriptual Meanings of Numbers for you. I'll be busy this weekend...a wedding and classes. But I will do what I can just for you. Okay? ;)
MindTwister said:
I forgot to ask u, what is a Concordance? If it's some type of Bible can u recommend one per favore :) And is it different from the parallel Bibles that have been mentionned on the board?

I think some Bibles have a small concordance in the back. My bible does. :)