Is it too late to transition? Regretting the Relaxer...


Well-Known Member
I was updating my progress pic below (i'm pretty happy with the results thus far might I add) and I said to myself, "darn, why did I relax my hair after the big chop"....I would have loved for that 4 month progress pic to be an all natural fro of hair. Now I'm caught in the middle because I don't want to big chop ever again but at the same time I love the free hair feeling of natural hair piling up on my head, lol. I'm wondering if I'd be doing my hair more damage than good by abondoning the relaxer from this point forward? Is it too late to transition without starting over?
It's never too late to transition Smiley:), and going natural doesn't always mean doing the BC I never cut my hair once in my transition I just found ways to blend the two textures untill all the relaxed hair fell away on its own. So if you want to go natural again, you could just do the long term-transition:yep:

It's never too late to embrace your natural beauty, if/when you do, you know we got ya back for tips & tricks;)
Uh oh...BlackMasterPiece, you're in trouble! You now have a new friend!!! MEEE!!!:lachen: Thank you for those encouraging words...Girl, i just love the way my hair feels so free and full as it is growing out. The only area of concern for me is those darn edges...they are bye-bye gone. This is after close to decade of weaving (without haircare) and now I'm paying the price. But i find that not relaxing does help. Well, I'll give it try and see how long I can ride it out because I really like thus far. I haven't relaxed since a couple months now; I'm just going to keep researching the forum for threads on stretching and managing new growth, because me and the comb are not friends right now.:nono: By the way BMP, you're hair looks aboslutely beautiful. I can now add you on to my list of "members that inspire".
IA with BMP, its never too late and you can transition over any period of time.. If handling your ng is hard work you could always try protective styles (braids etc) over handling your hair daily. I'd also recommend having a transition buddy for support..
That's a great idea too...thank you. Yes, i really need to educate myself on HANDLING new growth. What confuses me is how often we are encouraged to keep our hand out of our hair but I feel very uncoomfortable after a few days of not detanling all that new growth to a smooth comb out; so I'll surf some more and read the posts on this and maybe even join the support threads and challanges on transitioning and handling new growth. Thanks girls!!!!