Will You Ever Transition?

MrsHouston said:
I am transitioning now (almost 4 months). I don't want my hair to be dependent on chemicals. Also, I think more research should be done on African American hair and getting these chemicals for yearsssssssssssss.

I think all health research is against us either way. Meaning, that if you search (especially with AA's seeing how our health is statistically) you SHALL find, which makes me reluctant to even believe it may be the relaxer.
I will never transition. I have hair from the motherland LOL, and it just wouldnt be a good look for me personally if I went au natural. I wouldnt know what to do with it at all. I like the ease of relaxed hair...I can have straight or curly hair without using any heat.
I definately will, within the next 2 years. I just love seeing women with their natural hair. Its so beautiful to me. For me its like "Well that is who I am". I mean think about it, its like make up for your hair. Its like that proactive commercial "you have beautiful skin under your acne" I believe we have beautiful hair under our perms. As for manageability, I think I will be able to manage it, just like our forefathers or should I say foremothers did before us. I am doing a 6 mths stretch right now, after this I might just go ahead and do it, since that is what I really desire most of all when it comes to hair (healthy, what I was blessed with strands):) .
AlexB7 said:
Probably..one day...maybe.
I just love my new growth and would love to see it all over, but I'm not sure.

same here!

I think I will one day, I don't know when...

I think I would transition for a long time wihout big chopping
I am currently 21 weeks into a 1 year transition. This is my third time transitioning.
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LocksOfLuV said:
I think all health research is against us either way. Meaning, that if you search (especially with AA's seeing how our health is statistically) you SHALL find, which makes me reluctant to even believe it may be the relaxer.
Very true. Name the disease/condition/whatever, and there's tons of research that shows a higher percentage of Blacks with it. Either that or we're more adversely affected by it.
I am transitioning now. Well actually I don't know yet. I am 10 months post and so far I've had no problems with it and have 6 or so inches of ng. I am still in the relaxer stretch stage for me since I only relax in April and June. I think I will probably know whether I am really going natural or just stretching when it gets hot outside and the humidity starts attacking my ng. I want to wear natural curly styles (mostly wash and go's) but I also want to be able to wear my hair straight without any problems. If my natural hair gets to be SL by the summer than I will def. do the BC. If I just can't handle it by the summer than I will relax in June and just try again later in life. I'm just scared now that I am going to achieve the length I want (2" to WL) and then relax or that I am going to actually do the BC and then relax which would be a waste.
I'm currently thinking about it. Being on the board has made my outlook on natural hair totally different.

I'm also looking for that "big hair" since mine is fine and thin but I am :( scared of the frizzy monster. I am 3 months into a 6 month stretch so hopefully I will have made my decision by then. I am loving my ng right now being that this is the first time I have seen it.
I am currently transitioning, I am 3 months post relaxer and so far, so good:) Don't know how I will feel in another 3 months but I'll see.
Not now. I like it easy to manage now. Probably when I get older I would like to grow long locks.:p
I'm just the opposite. I don't think I can ever relax again. All this hard work the last 21 months for nothing? :ohwell: Plus, I love BIG, curly pageant hair (I am from Texas) and the only way I can get the versatility of a curly wash n' go, a wavy braid-out or a silky smooth blowout/press is to go natural.
I am transitioning now, and I like some others, dont remember what my hair was like in its natural state. I want to do it while I'm still young, because I would hate if I gotten older and realized that my natural hair would've made me even sexier.lol Plus after looking at those albums I am hooked.
at first if I didnt know anybetter I would have said no...but the week after joining LHCF I did the BC. The natural hair albums wowed me and I dont regret my decision.
11 months into transition for me now.i can't wait to be 100% natural - i shall be the twist QUEEN.

i shall embrace my poofy big hair and learn to give a fisheye when i receive one :D .

not sure if i'll ever be able to make a decent afro with it though since my texture is so strange. One thing is sure nuff though....it will be HUGE LOL

i've a pretty good inkling how dealing with the NC summers will be and i actually look forward to it and work with the extra moisture in the air.

i'm sooo hyped it's a shame!!

i really want to be free of the relaxer routines and dependencies @ this stage of my life.

sidenote: i think the key for anyone even thinking about transitioning is accepting your hair no matter what sort of texture you have, learn to work with it and love it for what it is - don't hate it for what it isn't.

edit for typos.
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Inquisition12 said:
I've definitely considered it. I brought this up to a stylist a few years ago, suggesting that I "grow my perm out" (I didn't know the term, transitioning).

She gave me this look --> :eek:

So I said, OK, maybe not :nono:

NOW, I've been considering it, and I am less afraid to do it, but I doubt it will be any time soon ... but we'll see. (I'm actually scheduled for a touch up in about 3 weeks).

My hair stylist gave me the same reaction! So i zipped my lip about it and that's the last time I saw her. She'll see me again in 2008 when i finally put heat to my hair and get a press on my beautiful natural hair! Sucks though she probably could have helped me last longer without the BC, but i was taking care of my own hair during the transitition and i am so impatient!

But honest I never even thought of transitioning as an option. I just thought every 4 months I needed to get a relaxer and that's just how it had to be if you were black. I hadn't even seen my real hair since i was 7. After 7 it was blow dried right after washing and after 14 it was permed. If it wasn't for this site I don't know what my mind set to be.

Most people assume their hair will look a hot mess if they go natural but I've seen type 3-4zzz look gorgeous natural, you just have to transition your mind and get to know your hair.

I think everyone should transition sometime in their life, or at least know it's an option.
:D :) I think that I might one day transition, meaning I will just tstop getting relaxers, but never BC. I will probably just continue a moisture regimen and go to Dominican Shops to blow dry the unrelaxed hair straight. I can't see myself spending all this time and money on products to get my hair long, and then chop it off and start all over...besides, I have gone back and forth being natural and relaxed, and I just brefer to be relaxed because of texture options, and styling.

Don't Shop @ Asian BSS. Visit http://www.youtube.com/watch? to see Aron Ranen's Black Hair Documentery and see the Monopoly being built among Asian Business Owners to shut Black Business Owners out of the Multi BILLION $$$$ Black Hair Care Industry. Then visit http://www.BOBSA.org to get info on how you can help keep this lucrative business in the Black community.....basicly STOP SHOPPING THERE:) :D :)