Is it terrible to flatiron OVER hairspray?


New Member
Hey ladies. I've purchased a sedu flatiron recently and my favorite style is to straighten and flip out the ends. In order to hold that style, it's essential for me to use an alcohol free hairspray. However I've found that after applying the hairspray (no matter what tiny bit of spray I use and how far I hold it away from my head, spraying it in the air and letting it settle on my hair), my hair falls a little limp and I end up touching up so many pieces that I may as well do my whole head again. :hair: But when I put a tiny bit of spray on big sections of my hair and combing through BEFORE sectioning to flatiron it, my hair turns out straighter, bouncier, shinier, and has great hold without being stiff. :infatuated: I've read the posts on flatironing OVER as FEW products as possible especially not oil and the only other product I use is some sort of serum (right now sebastian's moisture block). So my question is: Is it so terrible to flat iron over hairspray and if so, why?? (plz say no plz say no :pray: )
Me, personally, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't want my hair to look like some crispy bacon strips.
i haven't done it, but i remember reading a post a while ago where a member did that and said that her hair got straighter, and stayed straight longer than normal.
I used to do it to hold my curls for the night b/c I noticed that if I sprayed the hairspray after I was done styling, the moisture would make my hair alittle frizzy, there by ruining my perfect sleekness. SO I would spritz lightly - let it DRY (very important so not to fry) and then curl. My hair was always touchable, and soft, I could still run my fingers through it, but it kept the curls from dropping.
well yeah you know it is. cuz your actually frying you hair but actually I did it last night. I bought a half wig and I needed th efront of my hair to match the wig (straight!). So I applied fantasia ic olive oil serum and beyond strait serum by maxius and then flatironed. for the very front I sprayed some hair spray b/c that is where I really perspire so I want the hair to resist the moisture. it's wrong to do but I need my hair to be pretty for at least a day
I wonder if you're really frying it if you let it dry at least part way though. I mean it doesn't contain oil :confused:
I wonder if you're really frying it if you let it dry at least part way though. I mean it doesn't contain oil :confused:

No, you have to let it dry COMPLETELY. Flat ironing over any kind of damp = sizzle, pop! and heat damage. No good.

I used to actually take TIGI Ego Boost Split end mender and put it on my ends before flat ironing. Let it dry and then straighten - it sealed them silky every time.

Have you tried a spray wax or gel? They tend to not frizz my finished hair up like hairspray so there's no need to go back over it. But honestly - I don't see how heat styling over hairspray is any different than using a curling wax or one of those curling sprays...:ohwell: