Is it safe to wear my hair down yet?


New Member
Currently the back of my hair is hair is a couple of inches past collar bone and the front is just grazing my collarbone. I know hair is most vulnerable to breakage when its around shoulder length but I was wondering if it is still vulnerable to breakage if it's a little past collarbone length inching towards armpit length?
Well. Hair is always vulnerable to damage, so - it depends on your definition of 'safe'. Will it break off the same way it would at shoulder? I don't know - it depends on what you wear, where you sit, what you do, etc, etc, etc. But then, you also have to weigh the risk of damage over the benefit of being able to wear your hair out.

Is it less vulnerable than it would be at shoulder? Depends on you.
Is it more vulnerable than it would be up? Definitely.
I hope it's safe, your hair looks so pretty in your avi, I don't blame you for wanting to wear it down.