Is it really worth the knots?


New Member
I'm currently 12 weeks and 1 day post and my roots are matting like CRAZY!:mad: More hair is breaking off in knots. What should I do?

I wanted to stretch to 16 weeks but now I don't know.:confused: It seems like I'm losing too much hair. If I just leave my hair alone I'm afraid it will get matted even worse. Perhaps moisturizing my scalp/new growth with ORS Olive Oil or JCS Nourish & Shine would keep it from matting- but that would have to be every other day before it dries up and mats (which is a lot of work). How do you ladies who stretch w/o weaves/braids do it?
I don't think it's worth it. I am going through the same thing myself. That's why I'm relaxing on Sept. 23 instead of waiting until November.

You are looking at low/ no manipulation or just go for the creamy crack!
I know exactly how you feel!

It's been only 7 weeks for me, and my hair is twisting and knotting and tangling like crazy. I'm getting knots inside of knots! :eek:
I called my beautician today, and set up an appointment. With all this crazy new growth (stupid vitamins and biotin!), stretching any longer is not an option.

It's just not worth it! :(
what styles are u wearing.
I know when I stretch I don't even touch my new growth.
I wash hair in shower, put in lots of conditioner and comb thru.
I get out, put in leave ins focusing on new growth. Dry.
Then I tie up every night which keeps new growth flat. I never have to comb thru it, as long as it LOOKS flat and smooth and kept well moisturized, thats good enuf for me.
sylver2 said:
what styles are u wearing.
I know when I stretch I don't even touch my new growth.
I wash hair in shower, put in lots of conditioner and comb thru.
I get out, put in leave ins focusing on new growth. Dry.
Then I tie up every night which keeps new growth flat. I never have to comb thru it, as long as it LOOKS flat and smooth and kept well moisturized, thats good enuf for me.

Monday I washed and put in plaits (I didn't have anywhere to go) until yesterday when I put it in a bun. Tuesday I "greased" my scalp with ORS Olive Oil and sprayed with SCurl and Surge. Already by today my hair soaked it up and is beginning to mat again. It's already a hassle trying to get my hair flat without looking like a helmet head, now I'll have to grease my scalp every couple days.
Are you moisturizing ALL of your new growth? Every square inch? This is important because if you don't, you'll have dry strands matt with moisturized strands. And whenever you wash it, make sure you detangle THOROUGHLY before styling. And you may need to moisturize twice a day. I've used S-Curl and Surge before and they should make your hair soft and moisturized. Whatever you do, don't try to comb your hair when its dry nor style it when its dry. I think it IS worth it to wait for a relaxer touch-up...less chemical applications each year. You just gotta find the proper way to care for your hair when you have your natural new growth and relaxed ends. Hope that helps!
blueabyss333 said:
Monday I washed and put in plaits (I didn't have anywhere to go) until yesterday when I put it in a bun. Tuesday I "greased" my scalp with ORS Olive Oil and sprayed with SCurl and Surge. Already by today my hair soaked it up and is beginning to mat again. It's already a hassle trying to get my hair flat without looking like a helmet head, now I'll have to grease my scalp every couple days.

Girl a lot of people say that that Surge spray will def. matt up your newgrowth! I have read that A LOT!

Maybe you can cut the surge out for a while or use it sparingly.
What I have learned from this stretch is that the knots sometimes form when the shedding hair is trying to fall out but is stuck in a crowd of NG 1in or more and ends up wrapping around a few or more strands. A few wks ago I had tangles and knots that were ridiculous and I have never ever had knots like this b4 thinking back as far as I can remember in my life. But once I was done detangling (3 days later) All the hair that I collected from the comb had white bulbs on the end. I had been shedding like crazy lately and I guess in 2 inch + worth of NG it couldn't escape as easily.
My new #1 rule is always wash in sections (I was doing 2 sec. but now w/APL I took it up to 4 sections especially w/all this NG. I also will not try to shampoo my hair w/o my best detangling cond. on hand.
The best thing for you to do is to either braid your hair up if you want to continue stretching, and or try doing a rollerset, flexirod set, and/or rod set that way your not in your hair every day and the slight tension helps straighten out the NG a little. HTH's
Girl not everyone can strech their relaxers for a long time....and it takes time to learn the proper technique for streching without breakage. If you are having second thoughs you should just relax you still strenced a thats good