Is it possible to have THREE different natural hair textures???


New Member
I dunno, but I am CONVINCED I have three different textures. In the back its a very wavy s-pattern (Really silky too!!), in the mid-section, its very curly, like tiny spirals, and at my edges in the front it's extremely kinky-coily (I can't get it to lay down for nothing but I can get my back edges to that though, because oddly enough its wavy too). This all when my hair is uncombed, and wet/dry. I'm thinking this is a transitioner's phase but then again, I don't because I can't find any logic in that unlesssss it's true? If so, do I maybe I need to bump the BC a little sooner to even it all out? Because it's kind of annoyingHas anyone else gone through this while transitioning?

I would show pictures but I do not have anyone to take GOOD photos of my hair for me =(
I think so. I think I may have 3 different textures myself. My hair in the back appears to be 3c, but typing is so confusing, I just say it's 4a. Each section of my hair behaves differently. The back has a loose curl and loves to straighten out. The middle is full little pen-sized spirals. It tangles up A LOT. The front of my hair... well, it's just weird. It doesn't grow very fast. It curls when wet but the curl completely disappears after it dries. It sticks straight up in the air no matter what.
Yes it is very possible. I have tight spiral coils in the back, a loose coil patter in the middle and a very loose s pattern in the front half of my hair. The front is so loose their is very very little shrinkage like the rest of my hair. I've been natural for 32 months now. When my I first started transitioning, my hair in the front had a deep wave pattern, now It's hardly there. I don't know if the texture changed or if it's because the hair is longer and has more to weigh it down.
I've never seen a head of hair (aside from a weave) that had the exact same texture throughout. I have three I think...tiny coils, large ringlets, and large S shaped thingy's. My hair is predominately small/tiny coils with the others mixed in random places.
Interesting. I'm not quiet sure which is predominate, I guess I would say the wavy and spiral curly part because the coily-kinky only takes up my front and side edges.
i have 3
i have large and small S shaped curls.large and small confused O S shaped curls.
i patch of 4a coils at the front and the rest is 3b/c and all the inbetween
I've got at least 3 different textures on my head. My back is definitely 3c/4a, there is one particular spot in the back that I have to fight to keep it in twists because it wont hold!! and the rest of my head is 4b. I hope it doesn't grow out into a mullet!!! LOL
I dunno, but I am CONVINCED I have three different textures. In the back its a very wavy s-pattern (Really silky too!!), in the mid-section, its very curly, like tiny spirals, and at my edges in the front it's extremely kinky-coily (I can't get it to lay down for nothing but I can get my back edges to that though, because oddly enough its wavy too). This all when my hair is uncombed, and wet/dry. I'm thinking this is a transitioner's phase but then again, I don't because I can't find any logic in that unlesssss it's true? If so, do I maybe I need to bump the BC a little sooner to even it all out? Because it's kind of annoyingHas anyone else gone through this while transitioning?

I would show pictures but I do not have anyone to take GOOD photos of my hair for me =(

Yes. I have 4. That is why my hair type is completely Unknown.
It is posibble. Even though I am texlaxed my hair has three different textures and I process my hair accordingly. The front of my hair has a loose curls the middle and back has tight ringlets and my nape area has a wave that is so loose that it looks like 3a curls when I texlaxed. I just love this hair of mine(sometimes)!!:lachen::lachen: