Is it possible to have damaged your scalp beyond repair ...


New Member
If so, does that mean that hair won't grow from those areas? My man saw my thinning hair in the front and sides. He was trying to be nice about it, he knows how sensitive I am about my hair. But he saw it and commented and I bursted out into tears. This patch of hair that circles my head and it's really short in this area like TWA length. I think it's alopecia. I've been MTG-ing and it's only been two weeks ... but I don't see any progress. What if my hair can't grow? :( The thing about that part is it was bad before but it's gotten worse since I started taking care of my hair three months ago.
I'm no expert....

but if there's hair there I doubt it's permanently damaged. I guess you'd have to describe it in more detail. But unless you're seeing scalp in that area and have been for some time, it sounds like damaged hair not a damaged scalp.

my oldest sister's hair can not handle any type of chemical service. she went natural because she had too and has since locked her hair. Texturizers and relaxers, colors, etc. all lead to breakage no matter how many different ways she tried it. there were always areas that broke down to twa length.

my youngest sister, who is also natural and locked, could do whatever the heck she wanted to her hair and it would thrive.

I did! It was useless. The derm told me it "might be alopecia" and that I should try some OTC Rogaine. I am fed up. I may go see a regular doc and have them run tests to see if I'm deficient in anything. I am iron deficient so I take supplements that have them in. I also take biotin, b compex, flax seed oil. I don't know. But, the whole chemical thing may be it. It is so short that even when I stretch to relax that part means I am putting relaxer directly on my scalp.

ETA ~ and those parts are all scab hair [wiry, won't relax, won't gel down]! So it probably is the chemicals. I did a 8 month transition last year [then broke down and texturized with relaxer] and I think this scab hair was a result of that. Problem is, it's just not growing now ...
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I agree with patient1, if there is hair there it sounds more like damaged hair than damaged scalp.

How are you wearing your hair? Are you pulling it back tight into ponytails, or wearing scarfs/headbands that are really tight? Are you brushing it back a lot? They might be the problem. I think it would be a good idea to lay off relaxing for awhile as well, to give that area time to recover, and just keep being extra gentle with it. Like you said, it's only been two weeks, so give it a little time :).
If the derm didn't give you a definitive YES about it being alopecia I would be heartened by that news. Obviously right now your scalp needs to be nourished (from the inside and out) and treated tenderly. I'd take whatever steps that meant. You might need to go for a really long stretch in order to let that area recuperate. I'd shun any styles that stress that area. And you might consider the type of weave that could let that area rest underneath. You didn't mention braids, but I just wanted to mention in advance that they would be too much stress (individuals, cornrow extensions, etc.)

Just baby the area and give it time. That's most important. I saw a woman who was pretty much bald from the base of her nape all the way up to her ears. She still had the hair that was left pulled into a TIGHT ponytail. She had to know that the tightness was damaging, but must be refusing to let that style go and let her scalp heal. Don't make the same mistake. Make a short term sacrifice for the long term health of your hair.

Wishing you well!!!
Thanks guys ((hugs)). Okay styles - I have been doing the whole phony pony protective style thing for the past three months ... that could be it. But that hair is so short it doesn't even get pulled into the tail. I don't comb my hair and use an uber-soft brush that I got from

I think maybe a weave will be good in that it will give me a break from the ponies and the chemicals. I have been stretching 8 - 10 weeks, but maybe it needs a longer break. I can do it so that those parts are left out so it's not getting stressed and I can still moisturize, MTG, baby it.

Thanks again ~
ITA with patient1 and kisses. :yep:

If it is growing in kinky and looking like its time to relax, that is good news! That means your hair is still growing and thriving despite your setback. As long as you are seeing newgrowth, its growing and the follicles are still doing their job! Retaining the length is your second worry-- and that may be why the area appears to not be getting any longer. Your styling choices or the chemicals may be making it harder for you to retain the length, not that its actually not growing from the scalp. If you are having to relax it, it s definitely growing! :yep:

I'd skip relaxing that part for the next few applications-- since it is so short and close to the scalp. Give it a chance actually pick up some length before you relax it again. I had an issue awhile back with one temple area that thinned because of terrible postpartum shedding. I relaxed my hair as usual every 14-16 weeks, but I did not touch that section at all for about 2 applications straight until the area grew back in a little on its own. If its that close to the scalp, I would let it grow out a lil more first.
and just wanted to add... make sure you keep it heavily moisturized in those areas. Look into your facial cleanser as well. It has a tendency to dry out the hair along the front hairline too. I wouldn't wear this hair pulled back in any way. I'd go for some loose protective styles like braidouts and twisouts. These really helped my temple recover during those months. My buns were just too much stress at the time. :nono:
Sistaslick - I don't know if it actually grows. I don't think it does. It's just scab haired so it feels 'nappy'. But, I am definitely gonna skip relaxing that area for however long it takes to see some length. I mean it's not even a 1/4 inch long. It's sickly looking. I feel so :( I'm really trying to get my hair into shape and it seems after three months I have no progress.

I :love: your hair, BTW. be-u-tee-ful!!

patient1 - I am a recovering tizillion abuser. Can't go there anymore, lol! But thanks for that suggestion as well.