Is it possible to DC for too long???


Well-Known Member
I'm asking because I washed my hair last night and put the deep conditioner on it afterwards. However I was too tired to sit under the dryer so I decided leave it in over night and rinse out in the morning before work.

I over slept and was almost late for work. I didn't have time to rinse and style my hair so I put a wig cap over my plastic cap (with the condish still in my hair) and slapped on a wig and went out the door. :drunk:

So by the time I get home this condish would have been on my head for 24 hours

Is that bad????
It can be, sometimes your hair can become mushy from being over moisturized. How you fix that, I don't know. I know you should be gentle when you rinse your hair can you may want it to airdry a bit before you detangle it b/c it's going to be extremely fragile.

This also depends on the DC you used, some can go for 24 hrs. and some can't.
This is the first time I've done this. Due to time constrants this morning.

I will definately be gentle with my hair tonight
Omg I hope its not mushy :nono:

When I woke up this morning my hair drank most of it up so it was kind of dry in some spots. So hopefuly I can just rinse it out with ease.
To correct too much moisture or mushy hair do a protein treatment
I've only had mushy hair once when I transitioned I never get that being natural
To correct too much moisture or mushy hair do a protein treatment
I've only had mushy hair once when I transitioned I never get that being natural

I'm natural so maybe this won't be an issue for me. Honestly I think my hair soaked up most of it.

Still at work right now so I'll rinse it out first thing when I get home tonight.
I do that a lot... sometimes i even let it sit for 3 days... i did not experience bad the morning i put in some water with my waterspray and slap some more deep activate it again..when i have the time (got 2 children) i shampoo my hair after that...because just a regular co wash does not work for me.
After washing my hair and some leave in, my hair feels really good!
I do that a lot... sometimes i even let it sit for 3 days... i did not experience bad the morning i put in some water with my waterspray and slap some more deep activate it again..when i have the time (got 2 children) i shampoo my hair after that...because just a regular co wash does not work for me.
After washing my hair and some leave in, my hair feels really good!

Thanks I rinsed my hair out last night and it was fine. Reallll soft actually.
I wouldn't do it with a protein based condish but I think it depends on the individual.

If I leave conditioner on overnight my already soft hair turns to mush. Other ladies swear by overnight conditioning.

I have however left condish on for hours at home while cleaning and dealing with family kid stuff. Only becuase I didn't have time to rinse. I wouldn't do it as a rule though.

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!
I wouldn't do it with a protein based condish but I think it depends on the individual.

If I leave conditioner on overnight my already soft hair turns to mush. Other ladies swear by overnight conditioning.

I have however left condish on for hours at home while cleaning and dealing with family kid stuff. Only becuase I didn't have time to rinse. I wouldn't do it as a rule though.

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!

O yes forgot.. You're right.. Be carefull with strong protein deep conditioners. When my hair gets protein overload (and happens a lot) i Put in a moisture deep conditioner and leave it in for as long i left the protein one in.. Also spray with water to re activate the treatment