Is it only me??? who gets those nasty tangles?


The longer my hair grows, the more tangles I have. Is anyone else experiencing this? I rollerset most of the time and use heat maybe once a month. I expect more tangles with my curls, but when I straighten it out with heat, there are just as many. By the end of the week, I have knots. I am not even wearing it out b/c I need a touch up and it really tangles at this time. Detangling in the shower is taking longer and longer. :wallbash:
I get them too. i really had a lot of hair come out last week when i washed my hair. the longer my hair gets the more i get. so i feel ya pain. what helped me a lot was getting a filter.
I get tangles too, especially the longer I go between washes. Washing in braids helps as well as combing and detangling in sections under the shower stream with conditioner.
Yes, I do. This is precisely why I cowash and detangle gently every day or every other day. I learned the hard way about waiting for days to detangle. I also wear it in a protective style nearly every day.
I have knots i hate them and i wish they would disapear. i guess its part of being natural. i'm just gonna to ignore them:rolleyes:
Normally my tangles are under control but goot LAWD the last time I stretched for three months I lost three heaping handfuls of hair because of mats. I had two and a half inches of growth and ended up chopping two inches just to even it out some. :nono: Never again.
I have trouble with this too, but it's gotten a lot better now with the constant conditioning. Also, I try to comb (with a wide tooth) under water and while the conditioning rinse is in. I also wash my hair in the direction of growth... no bunching on top of the head... I had to learn this the hard way :nono:
I get really bad tangles and lots of knots throughout my hair. But I've noticed when I add a drop of coconut oil to my hair before I rollerset or blow-dry, I don't get any.
Also when I wear my hair silky straight I don't get tangles.
I get tangles too, especially the longer I go between washes. Washing in braids helps as well as combing and detangling in sections under the shower stream with conditioner.
ITA. When washing w/ braids, I hardly get any tangles. Also, I find it easier to fight tangling by detangling from the bottom up w/ a wide tooth comb.
ITA. When washing w/ braids, I hardly get any tangles. Also, I find it easier to fight tangling by detangling from the bottom up w/ a wide tooth comb.
I had some crazy tangles tonight. I am going to try washing in braids again. I dont know why but I just dont feel like I am getting it all clean when I tried this before. (plus my hair unbraid under the water.):ohwell:
I get them too. i really had a lot of hair come out last week when i washed my hair. the longer my hair gets the more i get. so i feel ya pain. what helped me a lot was getting a filter.[/quote]

Co-signing on the filter. It has pretty much eliminated my tangles, which were awful before I purchased it. These days, even when I clarify, my hair has some natural slip.
I used to get that too, it is harder as it gets longer.

Howver I use Dove sheer mosture mist and it gets my tangles out and makes it easier to comb. I dont use it alone though, I spray first then add my usual moisturiser and it gets much more easy to manage without breaks
I had some crazy tangles tonight. I am going to try washing in braids again. I dont know why but I just dont feel like I am getting it all clean when I tried this before. (plus my hair unbraid under the water.):ohwell:

I used to get alot of tangles before I started washing my hair in braids. I used to drag out hair by the combs full. I have absolutly no patience with tangles and knots. Now I don't get any at all. At first I too thought my scalp wasn't getting really clean. But then I realised that I actually spend more time washing each section individually so It's probably getting a lot cleaner that it used to be before. I put barrettes on the ends of my hair to keep it braided.
I used to get alot of tangles before I started washing my hair in braids. I used to drag out hair by the combs full. I have absolutly no patience with tangles and knots. Now I don't get any at all. At first I too thought my scalp wasn't getting really clean. But then I realised that I actually spend more time washing each section individually so It's probably getting a lot cleaner that it used to be before. I put barrettes on the ends of my hair to keep it braided.
Thanks for this tip. I will try this way. I am fighting tangles again!!
I used to get them too, until I started washing in four sectioned off braids, DC regularly and doing ACV,TANGLE FREE!
I used to get alot of tangles before I started washing my hair in braids. I used to drag out hair by the combs full. I have absolutly no patience with tangles and knots. Now I don't get any at all. At first I too thought my scalp wasn't getting really clean. But then I realised that I actually spend more time washing each section individually so It's probably getting a lot cleaner that it used to be before. I put barrettes on the ends of my hair to keep it braided.

this is what i have started doing on my daughter and has made her hair day a tear free event. i wish i woulda know about that technique earlier.
How do you wash in braids???......

Is there a tutorial somewhere??

I thought about this because I read about it somewhere before but I don't know how to do it.

My hair is a tangled mess now that I am past apl. I am getting clumps everywhere.

HELP ME!!!! :sad:
Oh, I am soo glad you ladies posted the braids for shampooing.. and adding barettes on the ends. My hair is tangled the longer it gets too.. and I thought it was my products. This week, I am braiding it up, with barrettes on the ends to poo to see if this is going to make a difference.:yep:
I used to get them too, until I started washing in four sectioned off braids, DC regularly and doing ACV,TANGLE FREE!

I'm sorry i don't really get this: do you wash your hair in braids, then unbraiding to detangle an rebraiding again? or do you not detangle at all?
Yes. My shedded hairs get tangled into the rest of the strands and break off. I'm trying to transition now, so I don't want to get a touch-up anytime soon... but this is a mess! the only thing that works for me is Bumble And Bumble Conditioners, and Oscar Blandi helps a lot. Komaza Care does pretty good job too with their conditioners.
here is how i wash my daughters hair in braids. sorry so long !

i take out her braids from the week and i put it into 4 big braids. i dont braid them too tight or too loose. about a medium to loose tightness. then i rinse her braids and scalp really good. i get my fingers all up in there to the scalp. this is why you dont wanna braid tight. then i put the shampoo in my hands and starting at the top section of on braid i work my fingers trhough the hair to the scalp getting her nice and sudsy then i work that soap down the braid. now here you are gonna have to sorta squeeze the braids this will work the soap in to them. all the way to the tips. do this on all of them. then rinse like crazy over and over. til the water runs clear and you would want to be squeezing those braids while your rinsing as well. to get the water into the middles. at this point i squeeze as much water outta the braids as i can. wrap her braided head in a towel. i mix her conditioner with EVOO and castor oil. when her hair is no longer dripping i take out 1 braid at a time and get this mix thoroughly through each section and braid back up. i do not detangle at this time. when she is saturated, i cover her head with a plastic bag and then cover that with her nighttime scarf. send her on about her playing business til im ready for her. sometimes 30 mins.....sometimes 3 when its time to rinse, i rinse her out still braided. squeezing and rinsing like i explained before. when the waters clear then i wrap her head in towel again and get her to "the hair chair" lol, and take out the braids one at a time and this is when i detangle. my kid is sooooo tenderheaded but since i have been doing it this way there has not been a single tear. no lie! everyone that gets bad tangles should give this a try. kid is sooooo tenderheaded but since i have been doing it this way there has not been a single tear. no lie! everyone that gets bad tangles should give this a try.

That is so great! I've heard about the dreaded tangles people with super long hair and naturals get and this is very encouraging. I was a tender headed kid too! If it helps your daughter I know it will help me. Thanks :grin:
That is so great! I've heard about the dreaded tangles people with super long hair and naturals get and this is very encouraging. I was a tender headed kid too! If it helps your daughter I know it will help me. Thanks :grin:

no prob! it feels good to be able to try to help someone else. my daughter is a 4a/b and her hair is almost WL when stretched out. so you see i needed some kind of tip for washing, the tangles were madness. her fresh washed hair used to bud up like sideshow bob on the simpsons. now with new washing habits and oils in the condish, she has nice silky hair that has some curl/wave pattern to it.
I got those all of last year. I got tangles for days, mats that I had to cut out at the root four separate times and knots at the end of hair strands. I started using food grade aloe vera gel in January and my hair never tangles or mats anymore and I do not get those knots at the end of the strands anymore. I have retained more length this year than all of last year. I use aloe vera daily, but only the dietary supplement, not the kind find in the skin section.
Washing in braids is THE TRUTH
I wash in two big braids and then at the very end of my wash after my deep condition i take them down and detangle each section...ITS SO GREAT.
Yes, I have to wash my hair in sections when I roller set my hair or I will have horrible tangles. Also using a rinse (thin conditioner) helps too.
here is how i wash my daughters hair in braids. sorry so long !

i take out her braids from the week and i put it into 4 big braids. i dont braid them too tight or too loose. about a medium to loose tightness. then i rinse her braids and scalp really good. i get my fingers all up in there to the scalp. this is why you dont wanna braid tight. then i put the shampoo in my hands and starting at the top section of on braid i work my fingers trhough the hair to the scalp getting her nice and sudsy then i work that soap down the braid. now here you are gonna have to sorta squeeze the braids this will work the soap in to them. all the way to the tips. do this on all of them. then rinse like crazy over and over. til the water runs clear and you would want to be squeezing those braids while your rinsing as well. to get the water into the middles. at this point i squeeze as much water outta the braids as i can. wrap her braided head in a towel. i mix her conditioner with EVOO and castor oil. when her hair is no longer dripping i take out 1 braid at a time and get this mix thoroughly through each section and braid back up. i do not detangle at this time. when she is saturated, i cover her head with a plastic bag and then cover that with her nighttime scarf. send her on about her playing business til im ready for her. sometimes 30 mins.....sometimes 3 when its time to rinse, i rinse her out still braided. squeezing and rinsing like i explained before. when the waters clear then i wrap her head in towel again and get her to "the hair chair" lol, and take out the braids one at a time and this is when i detangle. my kid is sooooo tenderheaded but since i have been doing it this way there has not been a single tear. no lie! everyone that gets bad tangles should give this a try.

Thank you so much for explaining this. I'm going to do this next wash. My daughter is going to be very happy.
Special thanks to my haircare sistas for explaining how you do this. :notworthy

I was really scared I was going to have to start over.
no problem at all. i am so happy to have been a help to any and

i actually learned that technique from here somewhere.