Is it Okay to take Silica along with Flaxseed oil?


Well-Known Member
I asked this in the 'I Love Flaxseed Oil!" Thread, but I guess it disappeared before anyone could respond to it. I'm just curious after reading about all the do's and don'ts concerning flaxseed oil.
I don't see why it should be a problem either. I've been taking both for almost 8 months now and I have had a problem. I've only had glowing skin and stronger nails and thicker hair strands at the root.
Okay that's good to hear. I'm planning on taking a trip to Whole Foods to buy some silica and flaxseed oil over the weekend. I didn't realize how so many natural products can give your body multiple benefits. Just by knowing how much natural product work 10 times better for hair growth, nail growth, and skin conditioning than artificially lab made products is awesome. This is one of the reasons why I want to grow my own garden of herbs and spices. :drunk:
Yes, I add flaxseed oil to my salads and sandwiches. In addition I drink water enriched with silica, though that may not be the same
Yes, I add flaxseed oil to my salads and sandwiches. In addition I drink water enriched with silica, though that may not be the same

Did you purchase water that has silica added to it already or do you just put the silica in the water yourself?