Is It Okay For Christians To Go To "the Clubs"

Is It Okay for Christians to Go to the Club

  • No absolutely not! Christians should no way, shape or form should be at a club

    Votes: 24 50.0%
  • Depends...Please Explain

    Votes: 21 43.8%
  • Im not sure

    Votes: 3 6.3%

  • Total voters
I believe you can go to the club and dance with your friends and still be a good Christian, but no engage in all of the debauchery that goes down.
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I'm not sure if you meant clubbing in the sense of all clubs or a certain type of club, but I do very much enjoy listening to jazz so I will go to a nice elegant jazz club on occasion with friends. I have never liked the loud party club scene.
I don't think drinking, smoking and dancing are sinful, I think drunkenness and liciviousness are sinful. To me, it would be safer to have such socializing in a big family gathering and look for a spouse at church. But when you just want to have fun with the friends your age, choose a classy club. That's my opinion and I realize that many ppl will not agree with it.
I believe you can go to the club and dance with your friends and still be a good Christian, but no engage in all of the debauchery that goes down.

I don't think drinking, smoking and dancing are sinful, I think drunkenness and liciviousness are sinful. To me, it would be safer to have such socializing in a big family gathering and look for a spouse at church. But when you just want to have fun with the friends your age, choose a classy club. That's my opinion and I realize that many ppl will not agree with it.

Nope i disagree. You cannot go to a club and dance to songs that excite sexual desires that glorify the flesh and sin, and still think it's okay. Dancing to those songs makes you a partaker in the debauchery.

I don't care how classy a club is decor or crowd-wise. The atmosphere is not conducive for holiness or any type of Godliness. The manner in which people dress in clubs is also part of glorifying the flesh and lust.

No matter how much people try to justify clubs, that is not a place a christian should be found 'hanging' out.
Unless you are there mandated by God to win souls, you are ministering to your flesh not your spirit man.

Romans 8:5-10 (Amplified Bible)

5 For those who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on and pursue those things which gratify the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit and are controlled by the desires of the Spirit set their minds on and seek those things which gratify the [Holy] Spirit.

6 Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever].

7 [That is] because the mind of the flesh [with its carnal thoughts and purposes] is hostile to God, for it does not submit itself to God's Law; indeed it cannot.

8 So then those who are living the life of the flesh [catering to the appetites and impulses of their carnal nature] cannot please or satisfy God, or be acceptable to Him.

9 But you are not living the life of the flesh, you are living the life of the Spirit, if the [Holy] Spirit of God [really] dwells within you [directs and controls you]. But if anyone does not possess the [Holy] Spirit of Christ, he is none of His [he does not belong to Christ, is not truly a child of God].
Nope i disagree. You cannot go to a club and dance to songs that excite sexual desires that glorify the flesh and sin, and still think it's okay. Dancing to those songs makes you a partaker in the debauchery.

That's why I said that I gave my opinion and realized that some ppl would not agree. I'm find with that.

I had to re-edit. If MY dancing doesn't excite sexual desires, then I'm not sinning. I don't bump and grind with strangers. Well, I don't do that with anybody. I do not partake in debauchery.
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Everything in moderation. There is nothing wrong with having a nice time. That does not make one a bad person or debaucherous. But people that go to they religious instititions but back bite gossip and sleep around being baby mamas are so pure?

There has to be a balance
I say no to clubs. I particualry don't agree with most secular music but thats another topic.

However, I chose depends. My cousin had her 40th in a club and I went. To be honest, having gone from being an ardent Raver(thursday to Sunday morning clubber) to Bible loving church goer, I couldnt see what all the fuss was about. I just felt like I'd been there and got the t-shirt.

You can't beat a party with the Holy Ghost.
I have been keeping up with this thread well and I have been a good clubber. But like I said in an earlier post that I now act different in the club I wouldn't dress up to attract anyone. I don't grind on other guys. So I guess I just need to stop going altogether; baby steps. I have not found scripture that it is a sin to go, but the things of lust of the flesh is. But I am a dancer, I dance to have fun or to work out. Not to show off or draw attention to myself (maybe back in the day). So I would think parties would be ok or dance studio dances because there isn't the pressure of lust and gluttony, just skills and merriment (yes merriment, lol).

Everyone just know what their intentions are when they go to places. If your intentions are to catch a man/woman and be seductive then you should not go. But if you wish to have fun with your friends and meet new people for friendship then I don't see the harm, just don't overindulge.
Its just not my forte... The closer my relationship became with God the more I had no desire to participate in certain activities...and that fell under them. I don't judge anyone that goes... We are all sinners we just pray to be better than we were yesterday.
I haven't read the entire thread, but I don't mind sharing as this topic was literally brought up tonight.

I definitely do not judge those who go clubbing, because I used to be in there every time the doors opened lol, but I finally had to sit myself down and re-evaluate my life. I had goals at the time that I wanted to accomplish and I knew that lifestyle was getting in the way. I still wasn't saved at that point, (which is crazy because I've always believed in God, but never said the salvation prayer), but I knew that I was doing the right thing for me.

I moved to a new city and I'm always hit with, what do you do for fun, do you go out? I shop, travel, and no.

Every now and again I'm invited out by my coworkers and out of being nice, I'll show up, but I'm literally in and out.

I've grown out of it, and it's just flat out not appealing.

It's like I'm a 25 year old rarity to some people. It's so weird.
I don't go to clubs but I will go to a lounge to listen to house music and talk with friends.
Maybe have a bite to eat which isn't any thing extravagant but more so like salsa/chips combo.
whosthatgurl, you're not weird at all. :love2:

You fell in love with Jesus. Many share your testimony...what you once were, you no longer are, no do want to go back. You belong to someone who gave His life for you and nothing can ever take you away Him.

The past is over...and never again.

I haven't read the entire thread, but I don't mind sharing as this topic was literally brought up tonight.

I definitely do not judge those who go clubbing, because I used to be in there every time the doors opened lol, but I finally had to sit myself down and re-evaluate my life. I had goals at the time that I wanted to accomplish and I knew that lifestyle was getting in the way. I still wasn't saved at that point, (which is crazy because I've always believed in God, but never said the salvation prayer), but I knew that I was doing the right thing for me.

I moved to a new city and I'm always hit with, what do you do for fun, do you go out? I shop, travel, and no.

Every now and again I'm invited out by my coworkers and out of being nice, I'll show up, but I'm literally in and out.

I've grown out of it, and it's just flat out not appealing.

It's like I'm a 25 year old rarity to some people. It's so weird.
Absolutely not. No casinos either, not even to eat at the restaurants.:nono:

I have not been to a club ( cover charge dance place in many years. More than 30. I went to a lunch buffet at a local Detroit casino with a set of co workers. We had no patients and were waiting on an admission. Otherwise, I have not been in a casino. I have never been to a male dancer party. I am not lifting myself up. I am glad that I have no desire to go with my schoolmates if they want to go to something like that.
Nope i disagree. You cannot go to a club and dance to songs that excite sexual desires that glorify the flesh and sin, and still think it's okay. Dancing to those songs makes you a partaker in the debauchery.

I don't care how classy a club is decor or crowd-wise. The atmosphere is not conducive for holiness or any type of Godliness. The manner in which people dress in clubs is also part of glorifying the flesh and lust.

No matter how much people try to justify clubs, that is not a place a christian should be found 'hanging' out.
Unless you are there mandated by God to win souls, you are ministering to your flesh not your spirit man.

Romans 8:5-10 (Amplified Bible)

5 For those who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on and pursue those things which gratify the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit and are controlled by the desires of the Spirit set their minds on and seek those things which gratify the [Holy] Spirit.

6 Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever].

7 [That is] because the mind of the flesh [with its carnal thoughts and purposes] is hostile to God, for it does not submit itself to God's Law; indeed it cannot.

8 So then those who are living the life of the flesh [catering to the appetites and impulses of their carnal nature] cannot please or satisfy God, or be acceptable to Him.

9 But you are not living the life of the flesh, you are living the life of the Spirit, if the [Holy] Spirit of God [really] dwells within you [directs and controls you]. But if anyone does not possess the [Holy] Spirit of Christ, he is none of His [he does not belong to Christ, is not truly a child of God].

Beautiful response. :yep:
I have not been to a club ( cover charge dance place in many years. More than 30. I went to a lunch buffet at a local Detroit casino with a set of co workers. We had no patients and were waiting on an admission. Otherwise, I have not been in a casino. I have never been to a male dancer party. I am not lifting myself up. I am glad that I have no desire to go with my schoolmates if they want to go to something like that.

Amen. Our former desires change when we fall in love with Jesus.
What about movies, television, internet, where you work (does your boss do drugs, cheat or any other inglorious behavior? You work for him...does it mean you're participating?), going to the park where there might be other people drinking beer at a picnic? What if there is no debaucherous music? What if you went to hear Al Jareau, Josh Grogan lol? What if your club is a dinner club where husbands and wives dance to piano music? People can disagree, which is their right, but a lot of this is personal opinion and preference and judgmentalism. Obviously, you know when you are sinning or when you're getting into trouble but someone else's preference doesn't necessarily indicate it's a sin. It all depends. @zenith
What about movies, television, internet,

where you work (does your boss do drugs, cheat or any other inglorious behavior?
You work for him...does it mean you're participating?), going to the park where there might be other people drinking beer at a picnic? What if there is no debaucherous music? What if you went to hear Al Jareau, Josh Grogan lol?

What if your club is a dinner club where husbands and wives dance to piano music? People can disagree, which is their right, but a lot of this is personal opinion and preference and judgmentalism. Obviously, you know when you are sinning or when you're getting into trouble but someone else's preference doesn't necessarily indicate it's a sin. It all depends. @zenith

"We're 'in' this world but we're not 'of' it."
If it's permissible in one's church, then it is not a sin, just like the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. I think few people are talking about Miami sex-on-the-dancefloor clubs or drunkenness. Some people consider watching television sinful...any of it. Does that apply? These issues are relative and not written in stone with a direct command behind them. We do have the 10 Commandments and follow them but something that does not fall directly into the commandments can become legalism and that's practically something personal. That leads into, "Sally isn't a real christian because she goes to concerts and music clubs and takes a drink of alcohol" and etc. .
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I believe you can go to the club and dance with your friends and still be a good Christian, but no engage in all of the debauchery that goes down.

Agreed. At this point, I'm wondering what types of clubs/dances/parties and what types of people others are being exposed to.
I know this is an old thread but I'm interested-- I go to a lot of Latin dance clubs, where they play bachata, cumbia and other face to face partner dance music styles. Of course, I'm Jamaican, and Jamaican dancehall definitely has a very strong sexual undertone, so I don't go to those clubs very often, and when I do, I go with friends just to dance or with my fiance. I love dancing. I just wish that dancehall was a bit more like soca, where the sexual energy isn't quite as strongly linked to dancing.