Is It Okay For Christians To Go To "the Clubs"

Is It Okay for Christians to Go to the Club

  • No absolutely not! Christians should no way, shape or form should be at a club

    Votes: 24 50.0%
  • Depends...Please Explain

    Votes: 21 43.8%
  • Im not sure

    Votes: 3 6.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I always hear as Christians that we shouldnt go to clubs and do the nightlife scene which I understand to some extent (drinking, smoking & drugs that are sometimes associated with that life). But what if you just want to go to a nice club just to listen to music with some friends and dont engage in all the extra stuff. IS IT WRONG? I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR OPINIONS AND BIBLICAL REFERENCES. THANK YOU!:grin:
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Great topic. I used to think it was okay to club, but I no longer do so. It's a part of "guarding my spirit and heart".

Will be back to post more details tomorrow.
I don't do the dance clubs anymore, but I do enjoy a nice, quaint jazz club. The music is nice, the people and ambiance are nice too.
I think I am weaning off the club scene. Since I have been married I only go with friends and hubby just to dance and not dance with strangers. So any one who tries to dance with me or grind on me I just politely move or decline. I don't do much booty shaking but my two step is decent. Eventually I will stop going. I do know this article will probably help you as well as me know not to go
I think I am weaning off the club scene. Since I have been married I only go with friends and hubby just to dance and not dance with strangers. So any one who tries to dance with me or grind on me I just politely move or decline. I don't do much booty shaking but my two step is decent. Eventually I will stop going. I do know this article will probably help you as well as me know not to go

Great article.
I think I am weaning off the club scene. Since I have been married I only go with friends and hubby just to dance and not dance with strangers. So any one who tries to dance with me or grind on me I just politely move or decline. I don't do much booty shaking but my two step is decent. Eventually I will stop going. I do know this article will probably help you as well as me know not to go

I was gonna give my lil input but I see you have an answer/conviction, and i encourage you to follow that...

Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17

“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be enslaved by anything. 1 Cor 6:12

Im glad you can see yourself clearly - I pray you are obedient to the Holy Spirit and stay at home.
I was gonna give my lil input but I see you have an answer/conviction, and i encourage you to follow that...

Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17

“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be enslaved by anything. 1 Cor 6:12

Im glad you can see yourself clearly - I pray you are obedient to the Holy Spirit and stay at home.

Cosigning. You know what you need to do. :grinwink:
I think I am weaning off the club scene. Since I have been married I only go with friends and hubby just to dance and not dance with strangers. So any one who tries to dance with me or grind on me I just politely move or decline. I don't do much booty shaking but my two step is decent. Eventually I will stop going. I do know this article will probably help you as well as me know not to go

Yes, great article. This is especially true: "They [clubs] are designed for the purpose of giving oneself over to sinful desires." Not even just the drinking or meeting people of the opposite sex. The music and lyrics. The lust. Etc.
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I am fortunate in that I'm not much of a fan of the club scene . . . everytime I do go, I get a nagging sense that I'm about to do something wrong . . . and I finally figured out why: Folks do NOT go to the club to glorify God, but to glorify the flesh. So even if I, as a Christian, do not engage in "dirty dancing" or take the dirty lyrics to heart, it's an environment that promotes hedonism and lustful desires . . . .

We must always be guardians of our hearts and minds . . . at the same time, though, I don't want to be a stick in the mud so I do listen to secular music, watch movies, etc. I try to police myself as necessary.
I don't do the dance clubs anymore, but I do enjoy a nice, quaint jazz club. The music is nice, the people and ambiance are nice too.
ITA with the above. As we change more and more into the image of our heavenly father,we don't even have the same desires like being in a traditional club type environment. Our minds have been renewed etc. I do however like different forms of music one being jazz. When we had our church Christmas fellowship, we had a variety of music and those that wanted to danced. No one danced in a provactive way. No one danced with other ppl's spouses. We had good , clean, fun/ fellowship. There are 'clubs' that play Christian music or other music that is not inappropriate, have good food, and an atmosphere conducive to positive things. You do have to guard your heart, ears, mind, etc. Anything that you decipher by the Spirit as not being of God- leave it alone. Always ask God for his guidance. He will never steer you wrong. Being a Christian does not mean you become a dour faced bible thumpin' weirdo. If in doubt, just leave it alone.
OP, I agree with the others, that the more you get to know God for yourself, the more you 'see' things differently and your actions also change because the Holy Spirit will do the convicting. It's really not the other people, but YOU that is changing.

As with anything else, we all deal with changes in our lives according to how we can handle them and the Holy Spirit is who helps us along the way. The conviction will come on its own.... Grow with God. He always meets us where we are, with no condemnation.
I so agree with you Laela, All of my old desires have fallen away from me, I can't stand to be around anyone that curses or talks and laughs in a vulgar way. I do not like secular music and I use to have all the jams from way back in the day. I threw the stuff out in the trash I have a new life in Christ and that is where my excitement lies. my daughter is turning 16, she wants a sweet 16 and I was so excited by it I was just thinking of dinner and having people over no she want a hall and a DJ and I was not feeling it and I was feeling bad for her because that part of my life is totally over and she is just starting out and can't see that she is not missing anything good. Even if we choose better music you can't predict how other people are going to behave and I was turned off behind it. I have no ideal what happen but she came to the same conclusion as myself she said, I like my friends but the more and more I hang out with them there doesn't seem to be much good about them and I just know they will do something to ruin my party and I dont' want to be spending all the money on folks that don't know how to act right and that was the end of that. She decided on her own. Now we are going to NY for the day for a show and dinner.
I never really enjoyed going to the club, so I probably can’t give any guidance on this. The cigarette smoke, drinking, drunk guys, etc…never really appealed to me. The first hour or so was fine, but anything after that was just way too long. With that said, the last club I went to was about seven years ago and I was with my husband. Even being married and loving the company of my husband, I still didn’t think the atmosphere was all that great because even if I’m not engaging in the activity I still don’t want to see it or be around it.

I do have a friend who used to love to go to clubs and she’s a Christian. She didn’t drink and she was never in to having a bunch of guys be all over her, but she loved to dance and that was her main purpose for going… dance. But after a while she got that nagging feeling that she shouldn’t be going and she gave it up.
I so agree with you Laela, All of my old desires have fallen away from me, I can't stand to be around anyone that curses or talks and laughs in a vulgar way. I do not like secular music and I use to have all the jams from way back in the day. I threw the stuff out in the trash I have a new life in Christ and that is where my excitement lies. my daughter is turning 16, she wants a sweet 16 and I was so excited by it I was just thinking of dinner and having people over no she want a hall and a DJ and I was not feeling it and I was feeling bad for her because that part of my life is totally over and she is just starting out and can't see that she is not missing anything good. Even if we choose better music you can't predict how other people are going to behave and I was turned off behind it. I have no ideal what happen but she came to the same conclusion as myself she said, I like my friends but the more and more I hang out with them there doesn't seem to be much good about them and I just know they will do something to ruin my party and I dont' want to be spending all the money on folks that don't know how to act right and that was the end of that. She decided on her own. Now we are going to NY for the day for a show and dinner.
Thank you ladies. I felt I needed to start this thread because I knew you guys would give me words of wisdom, I really do appreciate it. I dont club anymore havent been to a club for almost 3 years now! Got saved 4 years ago, and I was 18 at the time my friends wanted to go to the club and at that time yes I was saved but I didnt see anything wrong with going to the club because I wasnt doing anything wrong.:rolleyes: As I got rededicated to Christ , I knew the club scene wasnt for me and its not a type of environment a christian should be in so I stopped it all together and honestly had no desires to go. Now that Im 22 its like the urge is there because I feel like Im missing out and in my heart of hearts I know Im really not but its the flesh in me thats like "GO TRY OUT THE 21 AND OVER CLUBS, YOU NEVER TRIED THOSE BEFORE" its been on my mind alot more often. :ohwell: Im going to print this thread out to remind me why, I shouldnt give in to the temptation . Thanks again!:grin:
I had to come back to say ITA to your post... mainly because of the personal accountability that comes from that 'ah-ha moment' through the Holy Spirit. Good point... A person could hear the Word over and over and not get 'it' until they 'hear it' for themselves, and that comes through spiritual hearing. Guarding the heart - keeping guard of the Gates - is work that requires determination. Again, everyone's growth is different because everyone has a different weakness.

I recall my pastor mentioned some 'revelry' verses, and I'll post some. Like Prudent1 so deftly put it, who is getting the Glory is key and there are ways to fellowship that's just as fun. I don't have to be so puffed up or so stiff that I can't enjoy the Lord with music that glorifies Him. Satan didn't create Music... :laugh:

Romans 13:13
Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.

Luke 21:34
"Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap;

Galatians 5:21 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

I am fortunate in that I'm not much of a fan of the club scene . . . everytime I do go, I get a nagging sense that I'm about to do something wrong . . . and I finally figured out why: Folks do NOT go to the club to glorify God, but to glorify the flesh. So even if I, as a Christian, do not engage in "dirty dancing" or take the dirty lyrics to heart, it's an environment that promotes hedonism and lustful desires . . . .

We must always be guardians of our hearts and minds . . . at the same time, though, I don't want to be a stick in the mud so I do listen to secular music, watch movies, etc. I try to police myself as necessary.
I had to come back to say ITA to your post... mainly because of the personal accountability that comes from that 'ah-ha moment' through the Holy Spirit. Good point... A person could hear the Word over and over and not get 'it' until they 'hear it' for themselves, and that comes through spiritual hearing. Guarding the heart - keeping guard of the Gates - is work that requires determination. Again, everyone's growth is different because everyone has a different weakness.

I recall my pastor mentioned some 'revelry' verses, and I'll post some. Like Prudent1 so deftly put it, who is getting the Glory is key and there are ways to fellowship that's just as fun. I don't have to be so puffed up or so stiff that I can't enjoy the Lord with music that glorifies Him. Satan didn't create Music... :laugh:

Romans 13:13
Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.

Luke 21:34
"Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap;

Galatians 5:21 envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

ITA especially with the bolded! I will repeat what Laela said. Satan did not create music. EVERYTHING he does is a counterfeit of what God has already done.:spinning: He does not have any original ideas. Not one. Music was created to glorify God. Large parties often referred to by God as feasts, were created by God to allow pleasant fellowship among believers and as a dress rehersal for the awesome events we will attend in the here-after. The list of fakes Satan has copied from God goes on and on, sex, thought patterns, relationships, etc.:yep: We as believers can not continue to fall for the 'okie doke'.
Thank you ladies. I felt I needed to start this thread because I knew you guys would give me words of wisdom, I really do appreciate it. I dont club anymore havent been to a club for almost 3 years now! Got saved 4 years ago, and I was 18 at the time my friends wanted to go to the club and at that time yes I was saved but I didnt see anything wrong with going to the club because I wasnt doing anything wrong.:rolleyes: As I got rededicated to Christ , I knew the club scene wasnt for me and its not a type of environment a christian should be in so I stopped it all together and honestly had no desires to go. Now that Im 22 its like the urge is there because I feel like Im missing out and in my heart of hearts I know Im really not but its the flesh in me thats like "GO TRY OUT THE 21 AND OVER CLUBS, YOU NEVER TRIED THOSE BEFORE" its been on my mind alot more often. :ohwell: Im going to print this thread out to remind me why, I shouldnt give in to the temptation . Thanks again!:grin:

That's awesome that you avoided that temptation at 18 years old which is usually when people really want to do the clubbing scene. Pay no mind to the devil. You didn't miss out on a thing.
OP, what the devil is doing to you in classic and common. He baits you and then when you finally bite, he runs to God to condemn and accuse you.

"See, i told you she was going to yield to the flesh. Give me a chance to finish her off!"

Don't go to a place where you know you have no God coverage.
The bible says to him that knoweth to do right but doesn't, it's sin.
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Loving this thread. My BFF and I had a debate over clubbing and I had a hard time getting my reasons for not going through to her.

This hits the nail on the head. Calling her tonight to make my stance, gently.
Oddly, I have never been the clubbing type. My parents were super-strict and after I moved out at age 20, I still had no desire to go clubbing. I have been to clubs about 4 times in my life and never enjoyed it. I do like to go to a quiet bar with a few friends, though. Not sure that is classified as clubbing, though.

As a Christian, I don't think the club-scene is right (edifying) for us, but that is just my opinion. The Bible says we should flee temptation, and I would imagine that clubs are rife with that. Not that you don't face temptation in every day life, but we shouldn't go looking for them, either. I just don't see what I could gain from clubbing every week. But as I said, I've never been a club head.
Not anymore. The last time I went I felt out of place and it's part of the world so if we're in Christ, why do stuff that is worldly were Satan is boss?
I used to LOVE going to the club!!!! I never drank or smoked...all i did was dance. But what I realized after a while was that I had picked up worldly things besides that. My clothing got rediculously skimpy (cuz thas how everyone dressed...though I started off modest), the dance moves I did were sexual in nature and tone, the music they played was dagrading and downright sinful (all they talked about was the luv of money, drugs, and sex), and i began to LUST for male attention. I had to FORCE myself to stop going...becuz my flesh wanted to continue but the closer I got to God...the more convicted I felt.

Going to a club may not be a sin...but it can lead to sinful thoughts and activities. The club does not have good and noble goals/intentions...thats why its always dark in there lol. Just remember...more people are lead astray when they go to the club than are lead to Christ
I used to LOVE going to the club!!!! I never drank or smoked...all i did was dance. But what I realized after a while was that I had picked up worldly things besides that. My clothing got rediculously skimpy (cuz thas how everyone dressed...though I started off modest), the dance moves I did were sexual in nature and tone, the music they played was dagrading and downright sinful (all they talked about was the luv of money, drugs, and sex), and i began to LUST for male attention. I had to FORCE myself to stop going...becuz my flesh wanted to continue but the closer I got to God...the more convicted I felt.

Going to a club may not be a sin...but it can lead to sinful thoughts and activities. The club does not have good and noble goals/intentions...thats why its always dark in there lol. Just remember...more people are lead astray when they go to the club than are lead to Christ

Same here. I figured that since I didn't smoke and just drank "socially" or not at all, it was fine. I tricked myself and said I was just going so I could hit the dance floor. :nono:

You hit it right on the money though. Once you're there, it's hard not to pick up worldy, sinful habits. Yep, there's a reason why it's dark in there ...
I don't think it is good for a "christian" to go to a club even if that person doesn't drink, smoke, or act wildly. Bad company corrupts good company so the potential and temptation is there and because man's flesh (natural self) is weak the environment can provoke that christian to sin. To be on the safe side ignore clubs and rather fellowship with fellow christians at homes or other gathering places.
I'm not advocating going to the club at all :nono: and do understand what you mean here :yep: ....yet, know this:

If Jesus in in you, you can go anywhere and God IS with you. Your light will be seen in any 'dark; place. You are covered by the Blood and always have "God coverage"... blessed Assurance, insurance, or whatever you choose to call it. Jesus went out among sinners and prostitutes and was covered by his Father.

There are churches that have ministries that go to the club to harvest souls and witness. Those people are covered.

I know the thread is about going to the club to have a good time; I just wanted to address the 'God coverage' aspect.

God bless!

Don't go to a place where you know you have no God coverage.
I'm not talking about people who go to rightfully minister to people who are in the club, i'm talking about people who willfully go and PARTAKE what is going on in the club. That is being disobedient.

If you enter the devil's territory with God's backing and approval, you will suffer tremendous loss- even death!
Remember David had to seek the Lord's face first before going into battle. He did not get there and then start asking for help.
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Forgive me if you've seen this post multiple times; hopefully this will reach all intended audiences, lol.

I cosign much of what the other ladies have said and just wanted to let you know that you and your families were/are on my heart today. I'm praying strength in your walks; edifying associations; deliverance in the face of temptation; and God's protection against all danger, seen and unseen, in Jesus' name! :yep::hug3: