Is It Ok To "Wait" For A Trim?

Bouncy Curls

New Member
Hello Ladies,

I had a quick question. I know I need a trim but I wanted to wait until I got a few more inches before I do so. Is this ok or will I get split ends. I never wear my hair out. It's in cornrows the whole three months (except for when I wash it) until my relaxers. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure of the concensus on the board but I usually wait. I need a trim now but due to some of the challenges I am on, I will be waiting until the beginning of spring. HTH!
If your split ends are that bad go ahead and get a small trim if not just wait. You say your hair is always in protective styles so it shouldnt matter any way. I havent trimmed since june and dont plan on doing it again till april. I always have my hair up and rarley wear it down. I dont think I am harming my hair by waiting to trim it. Alot of ladies havent trimmed in years and have beautiful hair.
In my opinion, it is unnessesary to trim, unless you just want your hair to be even as it grows. I read Cathy Howse's book "6 inches a Year from now", she has mid back length hair now, and she syas that she has never trimmed just to prove to stylist that you don't have to trim to make your hair grow. I know that I haven't trimmed my hair and it's almost SL ...but this is my opinion

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My personal policy is no trims unless absolutely necessary. I haven't put scissors to my hair since the summer of 2005 and I have no plans to do so until my hair is at least waist length...and maybe not even then.

I define absolutely necessary as a situation in which the health of the hair is being compromised by not trimming the ends. In my case, I don't get split ends, so I see no need to get a trim. If I were to see some, I would do S&D and maybe dust before getting a trim.

I did go through a short period of time when my ends felt extremely dry and crispy. I thought I might have to trim them but I held back and with care I was able to correct the problem without scissors.

I should say here that I virtually never wear my hair down, never use heat and etc. In addition, I don't wear straight styles, so the straightness/evenness of the hemline does not matter as much as it might to someone who wears their hair straight.

I think when deciding whether to trim or not you have to take into account your own hair issues. A person who is prone to split ends, for instance, might be very diligent about trimming.
Bouncy Curls said:
Hello Ladies,

I had a quick question. I know I need a trim but I wanted to wait until I got a few more inches before I do so. Is this ok or will I get split ends. I never wear my hair out. It's in cornrows the whole three months (except for when I wash it) until my relaxers. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

If you wear your hair in protective styles as you said and you don't have any split ends. You can wait to trim. I have not had a trim since June 06 and don't plan on getting another trim til June 07. JMO of course:) I S & D when I see splits.HHG.
I don't wait to trim. I might cheat and just dust my ends but it is always good to maintain healthy ends.
If your hair has splits, cut cut away but if it's just uneven, just do protective styles for a while, last year I had about 5 trims which was a few for me, but I think this year i'm keeping it to only 2 for the year.
I say TRIM now! In my case I was constanly waiting to trim ........

then when It was actually time to trim I didnt want to!

I would look at my length/progress gained and didnt want to lose it!

It made it extremly difficult to trim what was needed Due to the fact

that I wanted to hold on to as much length as possible !!!!

Anywho, I said that to say, if you are anything like me. Trim now!
If you need a trim don't wait. I have waited to long and have had to get more cut than I wanted. I trim my hair every other month myself, sometimes once a month. I always want to keep my end looking thick.
My first question is - why are you trimming? You don't get split ends, you are wearing your hair in protective styles - are you trimming just to keep your hair 'blunt' cut - and if so, what's the point, if you are wearing it in protective styles all the time?

I am slowly growing out my damaged/bleached/dyed hair, and each time I trim (about every three months) I cut off roughly half the hair I've grown over thouse three months - so while I'm not keeping as much hair as I COULD - it's a nice compromise between length and quality. Once I've grown out all of the damaged hair - I have no intentions of trimming my hair again UNLESS the ends start getting rough and damaged feeling - othewise, what's the point?
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I think you should wait also, if you want to wait. Since your hair is not spliting, and you're wearing it in cornrows; you should be fine:)
I haven't trimmed since early 2005, and don't plan to anytime soon. However, I will trim if my hair needs it. Each head of hair is probably different in its need for trims.
I think trimming is overrated. When I was natural, I didn't trim for a good 4 or 5 years. Granted, my hair was in protective styles the entire time so my ends weren't in much danger of getting split.

I just got a trim a couple of weeks ago to get rid of some underprocessed ends that I had been holding on to for a long time. Now that they are gone, I won't be trimming again for many, many moons.

But like others have said, how much you should/need to trim completely depends on how you care for your hair and your expectations of it.