Is it ok to switch relaxers often?


New Member
I have been getting Affirm relaxers for several years. I recently changed stylist and this one uses Design Essentials which I really like. She just went up on her prices which will make a relaxer 65 dollars :(. I have a relative that just openened a salon that uses Vitale and she will only charge 45 dollars. Is this too many switches, too soon????
I would like to know as well. I have been using the new Motions line (Salon Herbals Mild) for my relaxers. But I am planning on seeing Marcia (in NYC) next month and she said she will use Affirm mild.
Well not to sound bitter but many stylists including my old stylist will relax your hair with anything that they feel like it...not caring what they used the last time. (trust me i know). We all know that it's not a good idea and you should stick with one, but if you've made the decision to stick with the 3rd one, then i'd say go for it...and be sure to stick with it for a while.... (just don't hit me if you have issues) :look:
HealthyHair35 said:
I have been getting Affirm relaxers for several years. I recently changed stylist and this one uses Design Essentials which I really like. She just went up on her prices which will make a relaxer 65 dollars :(. I have a relative that just openened a salon that uses Vitale and she will only charge 45 dollars. Is this too many switches, too soon????

I really don't think it's a good idea to keep switching relaxers.....I'll tell you why....

I used to use all kinds of different relaxers when I was a teenager (usually the cheapest I could buy) and this accounted for a lot of breakage in my hair.

Bear in mind too that a lot of relaxers have different or conflicting chemicals that will react in your hair if you keep swopping and changing relaxers frequently.

I think it's best to find yourself a good brand that suits you (lye or no-lye) and stick with it, or study the ingredients carefully to see if they have very similar/identical ingredients before swopping. That's what I do if I ever have to change and this way you keep more hair on your head.

Oh, and watch out for "some" stylists/hairdressers because they will usually try to force you to use what they have in stock if they don't use what your previous hairdresser used, it used to happen to me a lot before I learned to do my hair myself!
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The chemical is the same, the brand name is really the only difference. I'd also say the quality of a salon brand vs. a beauty supply brand is a difference. I'd say it's okay as long as you're not switching chemicals as in going from lye to no-lye and back or vice versa.

I've had a Nairobi, Affirm, and Design Essentials (all lye relaxers) in the last year and my hair has not suffered. I have decided to stick with Design Essentials. Go ahead and switch again if you believe you'll be sticking to whichever you are switching to next. :)
I have had stylists put different relaxers in my hair from Motions to Design Essentials and Affirm. My old stylist switched on me from Motions to Design Essentials, and I was a bit upset. :( I was just used to the Motions relaxer. Since then however, I have changed stylists...and most likely for the best. The DE mild was what I was getting at my old stylist and although it wasn't bad, I LOVE my NEW stylist because she uses Affirm on me and Affirm is the BOMB! :D

Affirm mild is what she uses in my hair, and although the DE was also a mild relaxer, the Affirm just feels so nice in my hair. Perhaps a higher quality maybe? I don't know. All I know is that my hair looks and feels better and more moisturized. Plus, I've heard good things about Affirm, and my stylist swears by it. It's what she uses herself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to knock DE, but for me personally, my hair loves Affirm (so far).

My advice: Find what relaxer works best for YOUR hair and stick with it. I can't imagine that it's all that good to switch relaxers so often. It may not make your hair fall out completely, but I think it's probably healthier to stick with a GOOD relaxer that your hair likes instead of just letting your stylist put whatever is "in stock" in your hair. Just my .02.
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Thanks Ladies. I'm still debating. I liked the way DE made my hair feel but 20 more dollars???? My cousin put the Vitale on another relative and she loves it. I'll keep thinking, Thanks again.