Is it OK to Blow Right AFTER a Relaxer?!


New Member
:D :) Hi Fellow Hair Lovers!

I'm new to this board(so please bear with me if this question has been asked before)!

Ok, here goes.....I have 4a/b relaxed hair & get relaxed every 12 weeks(or the tangles get unbearable). I go to my hairdresser for the perm & everytime after the perm & deep conditioning, she will sit me under a dryer for 20 minutes(to let my hair dry a bit) & then use KEMI OYL & proceed to blowdry my hair straight.

QUESTION: Is this safe for our hair? Wouldn't a rollerset be better? I'm sort of concerned because of possible 'down the road' damage/consequences.

What do you guys think?

Thanks for listening & for all the great posts on this forum. I lurked for over a year & finally decided to join(didn't want to miss out on all the INVALUABLE info!).


Cherinca :newbie:

I wouldn't blow dry after a touchup. The bonds of your hair are not completely together immediately after you relax (which is why they say NOT to wash for three days after). I would wet wrap or rollerset.

Good luck!
Welcome to the board ..:D

I think blowdrying is OK in moderation, but your hair is very fragile after relaxing I personally try not to do it if I can help it though. Rollersets are much better for your hair. Are you asking your stylist to do that style? If not just let them know you want your hair to dry completely under the dryer. If you wrap it or rollerset your hair it will come out with the same effect as blowdrying minus all the manipulation.
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I agree with the above comments. I would refrain from blow drying after getting your relaxer. I go to a Dominican salon and after my relaxer, I have her roller set my hair and then wrap it.
WELCOME!!!!! :)

I also agree with the above mentioned statements. My hair is very fine and it would melt off my head if I let them blow my hair after a relaxer. I actually stopped letting them blow my hair. It's too much heat for one day. :)
ok so for me its been I guess a mystery as to how most of the ladies on this board go to the salon and have their hair comepletely str8 everytime I go its always done in this curly style I don't want. So to get it straight get a rollersat then wrap?
Welcome, Cherinca :wave:

I may have to ask about a rollerset next time instead of the blowdryer and flatiron. That's less work for the stylist and less heat for me.