Is it my place in the church to say this?


Well-Known Member
I am joining the church on Sunday. I love everything about it. The one thing I dont like is the fact that they have people to go to the front of the church to put tithes in the plate. When I first went to this church I put my money in the first service. They had a special second service and I didn't have any cash, so when they called my row to go up front, I just sat there looking very embarrased because I was the only one who didn't go up to put the money in the plate. I think if they would just pass the plate down the row it would be better than having people to stand up. Once I become a member, and when they have members meetings to address stuff, would I be out of place to bring this up? I am thinking if I felt this way, I am sure alot of other folks felt this way too.
I'm not sure if it would be your place to say something, maybe you can talk to someone in private about your concerns. I know at my former church that is how it was done. I guess we was all use to the system. I will say this: Don't ever feel bad about not having anything to put in the offering. I firmly believe that as long as we are each doing on best we can do to the Lord who cares what any one else thinks. I recall the story of the widow who only had a couple of pennies and Jesus stated that she would be blessed because she give her all as oppose to the one who gave money but with the wrong mindset.
Contrary to what that & many churches teach about putting tithes @ the feet this is inappropriate for a church to require people wo walk the tithe up.

Do what makes your spirit @ peace. If u r not cool w it, find another church or comply with their order of service. They will not change for u if u speak up or not. As always pray about it.
I don't think you should say anything. It sounds like you are concerned with what others think a bit too much. I pay my tithe twice a month so I rarely walk up and neither does half of my congregation.
As a member you have ever right to ask questions or if you have concerns they should be addressed. There should be no Queens and Kings in the service. I dont like walking around I still do not see the reason for it other then to make you feel bad that you dont' have the money. I just do not agree and I would say something about it. but perhaps in that church their might be thieves that might be a concern. I hope it all works out.

P.s. itsn't that strange thieves in the church yeah all kinds of folks come up in the church. I just found that out last week duh, I was still shocked that people can't leave anything at the church as someone will take it.
Dearest Misshairdiva... first, I'm happy to hear you have found a church home.. :yep:

But I ask that you first pray about how you feel about this before speaking to anyone.

I can't help but noticed you felt "embarrassed".. why? That's a form of people bondage..and no one should be in church feeling uncomfortable. If this is the way the service is conducted, there's a reason behind that. Maybe you can ask WHY they do it this way so that you better understand, instead of suggesting it be done differently because of how you feel. The answer you get may surprise you... :yep:

God bless

I am joining the church on Sunday. I love everything about it. The one thing I dont like is the fact that they have people to go to the front of the church to put tithes in the plate. When I first went to this church I put my money in the first service. They had a special second service and I didn't have any cash, so when they called my row to go up front, I just sat there looking very embarrased because I was the only one who didn't go up to put the money in the plate. I think if they would just pass the plate down the row it would be better than having people to stand up. Once I become a member, and when they have members meetings to address stuff, would I be out of place to bring this up? I am thinking if I felt this way, I am sure alot of other folks felt this way too.
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Why did I feel embarrased, because THE WHOLE ROW went up and I was the ONLY ONE sitting there!! Had I known there was going to be a second offering I would have brought some cash. I am just saying if I felt this way, couldn't others who would visit the church feel the same way too??
Why did I feel embarrased, because THE WHOLE ROW went up and I was the ONLY ONE sitting there!! Had I known there was going to be a second offering I would have brought some cash. I am just saying if I felt this way, couldn't others who would visit the church feel the same way too??
I've been there, before. So have the others who went up while you were there. Even your Pastor has been there. If they judge you, they are wrong. Not you for being the lone one sitting, but for leaving you there and not hugging you, for being new and unaware of THEIR routine.

Don't give it another thought. God hasn't and He never will. :giveheart:

The enemy wants you to find 'discomfort' here. Now (absent from what I shared in your other thread), I truly sense that the enemy is using everthing that he knows will 'make you feel uncomfortable'; his goal is to get you to stay away from a 'Word' that God has for you here at this Church. First it was the issues with the Older lady and the V-neck dress issue and then the offering lines.

Tell the satan flat out! "...devil you are not robbing me of my blessings. In Jesus' name, I am not missing out on what God has for me here. If I leave it's of God not man and surely not you. Get out of my way, you have no authority over my spiritual destiny. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

HairDiva, as your prepare for Church, ask the Lord to prepare you for each Service as HE wills, not man. As long as you're pleasing God you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Not even if you wear a V neck dress without............ a safety pin.

Doesn't that lady know that you don't put pins in a silk dress? It ruins the fabric... Ummm, I'm just sayin' :rolleyes:

For you HairDiva :flowers: Lady you are doing just fine, in the heart, eyes and mind of God your Father. :Rose: :yep:
My first church was like that. I HATED being the only one to not get up, so I got up. Even if I didn't have any money, I got up and I blessed the plate on my way by, and I sat back down. The Lord doesn't want me to give into poverty, I tithe, I give my offering, and if there's something I was unprepared for, I just bless the plate as I pass.
I wondered about this at my own church, so I asked.

Turns out our church does it this way (having everyone walk up) because it's faster than passing it row by row, so the service is shorter. Also, I know in the past there was an issue with thieves.

But, no one is singled out. Everyone is supposed to go with their row. And it's not like you can see who is putting in money and who isn't.
Keep in mind that no church will ever to be perfect. If the way they do offering is the only thing you notice now, get ready to see more things you will be irritated by because the church and traditions will come and go. The real focus is if the word of God is being taught and you are making a change in your life based upon the lessons on Sunday, Sunday School, Bible Study, and personal talks with God.

Back to the topic, I agree that you can go and bless the try if you having nothing or just walk around. As others have said it takes a lot of time to pass those trays. Sometimes people need change for a $50 or $20. As a person who use to count the money the sooner we could start counting the better so we could hear the message.
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I wouldn't say anything. It probably wont change. I think a lot of churches, not all, but a lot. Have moved to just having people walk up rather than passing the plate. In reality, folks were making their own change for years and taking out more than they put in. Church people steal too. Real talk. don't be embarrased about not going up. You are to tithe when you get paid, unless you get paid weekly, then you don't have anything to worry about. I personally turn my tithes in sometimes on Fridays just so I don't forget so there have been times when I didn't get up for a month of sundays. But God knew I had turned it in. Bump what anyone else thought. I got God's favor and you do to.
I have been a member at churches where the plate was passed and ones where we walk around. At my current church we walk around. I am paid bi-weekly. Before I committed to giving other offerings to my church's ministry fund there were many weeks where I did not go around. We do it for time's sake too and quite frankly I agree w/ the ladies here. If ppl are that focused on whether you got up for the 2nd offerring their focus is on the wrong thing. Giving of any kind should always be done cheerfully. Keep praying about everything. Sometimes God may tell you to give an offering and no one else is doing anything. You keep your eyes on God and make sure your soul is being fed. You want your seed to be sown into good spiritual ground. I think it is fine to ask questions in your new member's session. I had a list of questions already prepared. If their responses hadn't lined up w/ God's word we would not have stayed there.
Turns out our church does it this way (having everyone walk up) because it's faster than passing it row by row, so the service is shorter [/quote ] ITA and we also only do one offering at the very end of the service.
Why did I feel embarrased, because THE WHOLE ROW went up and I was the ONLY ONE sitting there!! Had I known there was going to be a second offering I would have brought some cash. I am just saying if I felt this way, couldn't others who would visit the church feel the same way too??

you know, to me this is like communion. our church does it jim jones style: they pass out pre-filled little cups that have wafers on top and then we all feed communion to ourselves in unison. i don't like it but i understand why. for us it is faster and it is like a show of unity in the faith.

so, next time just get up and go even if you have no offering then you won't feel embarrassed. if it REALLY bothers you take a dollar and put it in then u won't feel bad about not putting anything in the basket.
so, next time just get up and go even if you have no offering then you won't feel embarrassed. if it REALLY bothers you take a dollar and put it in then u won't feel bad about not putting anything in the basket.

yeppers, that is a good piece of advice. Especially if you are desiring to tithe or offer more, walking up is an act of faith letting God know you "want" to be putting more in the basket.
Yeah, I am learning quick! I started keeping extra money in my purse for days when I dont have to pay my tithe. Last night was Bible study and I made sure before I left the house that some dollars were in my pocket book.
Yeah, I am learning quick! I started keeping extra money in my purse for days when I dont have to pay my tithe. Last night was Bible study and I made sure before I left the house that some dollars were in my pocket book.

It's so beautiful to see a young woman in Christ learning! I'm proud of you for finding a Church that was right for you.
Lots of good responses, remember Op church is one place where no one should feel embarassed.

Matthew 6:4.
4so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you