Is it just me...??





Sometimes I luv it and sometimes I hate it. I'm starting to simplify my reggie so that its not a chore. I started to just wash my hair once a week. I might add a mid-week co-wash but for now I'm only shampooing once a week.

I wish I could be one of those people that washes their hair often, but sometimes I just get so annoyed do my hair b/c its an all day process. The only time I kinda enjoy it is when I'm testing out new products.
Lol these responses are humorous. :lol:

I looooove wash day, especially since my regimen is solid with very low maintenance techniques and I've tamed my seborrheic dermatitis. :whip: I know exactly when I need to wash; my ends are dry, roots kind of oily and there's less body and movement to my hair -- I love that feeling of just knowing that it's time to clean and pamper my hair. Trying new products is a trill! Most products work on my hair and based on ingredients, I can tell when a product is worth its claims or not. If only waiting for growth was this joyful. This is why I want more hair, to have fun on wash day. :lachen:

Btw, how on earth do you ladies know your elemental signs? I wanna know mine too! *Crosses fingers for air or water*

It's based on your zodiac sign. I'm an Aries which is fire.

Fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Air signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
Earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
I loathe wash day...which is why I went from weekly washing to WIFLI... (When I Feel Like It)...

:lol: I see we have the same schedule:lachen:

I use to feel this way. Now it's like a dreaded chore. lol It's so bad that I've been delaying my washes for weeks at a time. Today I was going to wash but that didn't happen. My laziness set in. So you can say it's been almost 4 weeks without a wash. o_O
This is what happens to me. I just keep putting it off and realize it's been a month. Oops
I used to hate it when I was rollersetting, but now that I just airdry and bun, it's not a burden anymore. I was excited for Sunday's wash day because my head was smelling super ripe. :lol:
You guys are funny! So many of you who don't like wash day have much more hair than I do (I'm APL), so maybe when I get longer, I will feel the same.

For now... I love it!
No OP, you are not the only one. I've posted ad nauseum about how washday is the highlight of my hhj. Some examples of old posts on that note:

I use finger pads to massage my scalp. I consider it a very good thing for loosening dirt and increasing circulation. In fact, it is this very action that is the highlight of my hair journey. It is why I look forward to washing my hair every 3-4 days. I do this during the shampoo application and during the rinse. I don't do it during conditioning (In fact, I avoid my scalp by skipping the inch of my hair closest to it completely), but when rinsing out conditioner, I do massage my scalp to makes sure any traces of conditioner have been "erased" from my scalp. Then I repeat the massage after dunking my head in a solution of ACV and essential oils of lavender and rosemary.

Aah... thinking about it all is heaven!
From this thread

I love shampoo. I use no products but cannot wait to shampoo my hair, more specifically my scalp every 3 days or so. I love the feeling of a clean scalp. I love the massaging that comes along with shampooing my scalp. Washing my hair is the highlight of this hair growing journey.
(From this thread)

I think rinsing for a while before you wash is important if you use a lot of product or if you have extremely non-porous hair that takes a while to get wet. I don't think it opens cuticles unless you're rinsing your hair with hard water full of salts. A change in pH is what opens and closes cuticles.

I do not rinse for a long time because I usually don't use any products so my hair doesn't take long to get wet. I do make sure it is wet before I apply shampoo but it doesn't take me two minutes for that to happen. When I am DCing, my hair doesn't get wet until 15 minutes after I've applied conditioner.

I've always loved the results of my wash (in fact wash day is the highlight of my hair growing journey) and so I won't be changing anything about it.
(From this thread)

Water is my friend. When I wear twists, they look crazy until I wet them and let them drip dry. I usually say I hate WNGs and don't wear them, but that's not entirely true. When in twists WNGs-on-twists are a regular thing.

Unless my hair is straightened, water doesn't seem to affect it much. I'm in braids and I don't blowdry or press my hair before I braid it. So when I wash it, the part of the braid that contains my hair (I wear extensions) doesn't seem affected by the wash. It's like prewashed jeans: it's already shrunken so it just stays as it is.

I think water ruins a style if you create the style on straightened hair, or if you don't do the style firmly in a way that keeps the hair stretched and detangled. I'm careful to observe both these points so I LOVE water. In fact, the highlight of this hair growing journey is when I wash my hair.
(From this thread)

ETA: I sound like a broken record. :lol: Any questions? :grin:
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I've been natural almost 3 years and I don't think I've ever had a wash day I didn't enjoy. I may not always have the time for them every week but when I do have time I always enjoy it lol maybe that's just me
The only part I like is deep conditioning w/ avocado.
Maybe I need to buy different conditioners so I'll have something to look forward to.

:lol: I love that you enjoy wash day, too! It's quickly becoming my favorite part of my HHJ also. I could probably co-wash every 2-3 days but since I'm transitioning, my relaxed ends don't agree with that. :nono:

I noticed in one of your excerpts, you mentioned not to put conditioner on the scalp... can you elaborate or link the thread if it's been discussed before? I slather conditioner on like nobody's business, and I want to make sure I'm not hindering the health of my scalp by doing that.... :look:

Thanks for your post... it made me smile! :yep:

I noticed in one of your excerpts, you mentioned not to put conditioner on the scalp... can you elaborate or link the thread if it's been discussed before? I slather conditioner on like nobody's business, and I want to make sure I'm not hindering the health of my scalp by doing that.... :look:

Thanks for your post... it made me smile! :yep:

missbugg21, when I apply conditioner, I apply it relaxer style. Part out a row of hair and using fingers apply from near the bottom to the ends...then part another section and do the same. Doing it this way ensures that no hair is missed out and also I am able not to waste the product and also to control how I apply.

Not only does this stop me from getting an itchy scalp (Conditioner is for hair and is supposed to leave a coating on hair after you rinse; so on scalp it's a recipe for itches) but I also believe that the hair close to my scalp is not only in good shape and so not in dire need of conditioning, but my clean scalp means sebum production is not hindered so those roots get well conditioned by my own moisturizing system.

I got this idea from one of my idols JJJ years ago and it's worked well for me. JJJ's has very long hair and this is her conditioning regiment:


This is her page (love her hair when it's got a blunt cut and ends look full):
I actually dread wash day because now that my hair is longer it takes longer to detangle, more condish to detangle and more patience which I am limited on to begin with. It was easy breezy when I was SL and shorter of course but now at BSL it's not fun anymore. I put it off for as long as I can lol
Yeah I look forward to them until I had that terrible wash day and I was scared to wash ever again but in the middle of the week I fantasize what im going to use in my stash and what I will whip up and Saturday I can't sleep because I'm excited to wash that day
I love it! I countdown the days to washday. I do it at the end of the work week (which is Thursday for me). It's my ritual to light a candle in the bathroom and listen to Rickey Smiley or 2Chains while I wash my hair. When I deep condition I already have my favorite snacks and movie ready to watch or I read LHCF. When I do my final rinse I can't stay out of the mirror, I take pics do length checks..I guess .I'm just happy to see my hair because I cover it at work.
@missbugg21, when I apply conditioner, I apply it relaxer style. Part out a row of hair and using fingers apply from near the bottom to the ends...then part another section and do the same. Doing it this way ensures that no hair is missed out and also I am able not to waste the product and also to control how I apply.

Not only does this stop me from getting an itchy scalp (Conditioner is for hair and is supposed to leave a coating on hair after you rinse; so on scalp it's a recipe for itches) but I also believe that the hair close to my scalp is not only in good shape and so not in dire need of conditioning, but my clean scalp means sebum production is not hindered so those roots get well conditioned by my own moisturizing system.

I got this idea from one of my idols JJJ years ago and it's worked well for me. JJJ's has very long hair and this is her conditioning regiment:


This is her page (love her hair when it's got a blunt cut and ends look full):

Nonie THANK YOU! I've never heard of her, but her hair is :lick:. I'll definitely try this method and also the scalp massages. :yep:

I actually dread wash day because now that my hair is longer it takes longer to detangle, more condish to detangle and more patience which I am limited on to begin with. It was easy breezy when I was SL and shorter of course but now at BSL it's not fun anymore. I put it off for as long as I can lol

I'm sure I'll feel similarly once I get longer. My ultimate goal is WL and my texture promises to be a BEAST to deal with at that length. I'm happy that I'm starting to hone in on a strong regimen now which I will (hopefully) be able to continue with long-term.

I fantasize what im going to use in my stash and what I will whip up and Saturday I can't sleep because I'm excited to wash that day

I do the same thing, too! :lol: I usually start thinking about my next protective style early in the week and having dreams on Thursday (Friday is wash day). :yep:

I love it! I countdown the days to washday. I do it at the end of the work week (which is Thursday for me). It's my ritual to light a candle in the bathroom and listen to Rickey Smiley or 2Chains while I wash my hair. When I deep condition I already have my favorite snacks and movie ready to watch or I read LHCF. When I do my final rinse I can't stay out of the mirror, I take pics do length checks..I guess .I'm just happy to see my hair because I cover it at work.

I LOVE this! It's very similar to what I do! I also listen to music and have my movies all ready. My wash starts Friday night where I pre-poo, co-wash and DC. I'll usually DC overnight with a baggy then rinse, moisturize/seal, and band my hair Saturday morning to air dry. Then, I'll style or set my hair Saturday night to be ready for church and the work week. I only do my hair once a week. :yep:
... or does anyone else LOVE wash day?? :yep:

I don't know it if it's because I've finally found my staple products or because I've gotten my regimen down to a science. But, it's really enjoyable... :lol:

I'm currently transitioning (9 months post) and I've gone back to a relaxer twice over the past few years because I couldn't get my haircare "ish" in order.

I'm feeling good about my journey so far and I ALWAYS look forward to my weekly wash / DC / Style!!

Anyone else feel this way?
Oh yeah definitely it's like a day off pampering absolutely love it.
I love wash day because like @Royalq said, I do not use alot of products or steps anymore either... I sit under the dryer, prop my feet up, and read a good book. I only read on wash days so I'm excited to get back to my reading as well on wash day... It takes me 2months to finish a book but the time is well spent...
The product junkie in me eagerly looks forward to wash days, but me personally, nah, I can definitely take it or leave it.

Truthfully, if it can magically be done well without me doing it, then yes I would like that. I would enjoy the heck out of a that experience for sure.

Why? Because my hair is getting longer and it is getting way more tedious to take good loving care of it.

At the same time, I can't trust a stylist to be patient with my kinks, so that's a :nono: also.
I enjoy the planning and plotting. The washing and conditioning..LOVE........but umm errr.......THAT STYLING... ummm... not so much.

If I could magically have 6 additional inches right now, where I can put my hair in 4 big braids, then I wouldnt mind styling but alas, thats a long ways off for me.
I used to dread wash day, but now I look forward to it. I just washed my hair tonight with Cream of Nature extra body shampoo and I'm doing a 30 minute dc with Kerastase Elixir Ultime mask.
No but I use. Now that my 4C TWA has grown out, I actually loathe wash day. Maybe when I find my grove I'll love wash day again.
I still love wash days, even though I'm on a biweekly schedule now. I wear my hair in small twist during the week and they take at least 4 hours to install, so my wash and style regimen is a 6-8 hour task. However, I enjoy every minute of it. If time would allow, I would wash and twist weekly, but alas there is a world outside of my hair. :cry3:
I love wash day because I can feel how healthy and long my hair is growing, and I can feel the texture coming to life more and more each week. What I do not like is that I MUST work in sections because my hair is dense, and big sections just don't cut it. My arms get so tired that sometimes I'm just standing still, but I continue to push thru.