Is it just me or does there seemed to be......


Well-Known Member
more posts about shedding and/or breakage this year? I'm on several hair forums and there are loads of post about ladies having breakage and/or shedding AND having a difficult time getting it under control. Has anyone else noticed this?
yeah me too:nono:

But that was caused by laziness & lack of protein:grin: I've slacked on my regimen this year(and part of late 2010). During last year i , i was treating my hair like it was still natural AKA Moisture, Moisture, Moisture annnndd little to no protein. Until last month, I never made the switch from natural to relaxed in my Product & Hair regimen:ohwell:.

So now i am starting to incorporate my old regimen(relaxed days) into my "natural" hair regimen. I am actually going to do a Aphogee 2-step tonight.
I think with all the focus on moisture moisture moisture takes away from the importance of protein....

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It wasn't until late last year that I noticed, I, too, have had a large amount of shedding. And yes, there have been more threads about breakage and shedding these last few months. Interesting observation!!
I think with all the focus on moisture moisture moisture takes away from the importance of protein....

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That's where I get confused because in my thread I'm being told just MOISTURE but I'm still thinking don't I have to use protein too?
Yup. I've noticed,too. I got breakage during the past 6 months from doing braidouts and trying to use natural products. My hair was happy with cones (slip + heat protection = less breakage) & rollersets, with occasional buns and baggying.

I'm back on rollersets, protective styling, and the regular use of cones and protein. ETA: and it seemed like I was doing better with products that had mineral oil, too :look:. Of course I still use natural products, but I rotate more now.
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I've noticed that too. I gave myself a treatment/hot oil today. It's taken about three weeks to gradually get it under control.

I infused some cooking oil (safflower/garlic) in the oven with black tea and rosemary then I added castor, almond, and vitamin e oils. It made my hair feel crunchy but afterwards I had virtually no breakage with a few shed hairs here and there. Going to let the rest of the batch sit a bit longer. So far it's a keeper.
I've noticed that too. I gave myself a treatment/hot oil today. It's taken about three weeks to gradually get it under control.

I infused some cooking oil (safflower/garlic) in the oven with black tea and rosemary then I added castor, almond, and vitamin e oils. It made my hair feel crunchy but afterwards I had virtually no breakage with a few shed hairs here and there. Going to let the rest of the batch sit a bit longer. So far it's a keeper.

Thanks for that, I think I'll try it. I'll probaby use fresh rosemary from the backyard. My shedding/breakage isn't as bad as it was earlier this year :spinning:.
I don't know what it is, but my daily shedding looks like what I got in a week about a month ago. I'm taking Garlic pills and It's not even helping.
I think it's because of the dry winter air, and the constant heat indoors... No moisture plus heat can cause a lot of problems.
That's where I get confused because in my thread I'm being told just MOISTURE but I'm still thinking don't I have to use protein too?

That's what I said but I'm a minority on naturals and protein. My hair gets overmoisturized with a quickness, but that appears to be the exception rather than the rule.

Coffee, sorry for the mini-hijack, and yes, I've noticed it too :yep:.
I've noticed as well, but I thought since the same thing is happening to me, I was just more focused on those types of threads.

I think my shedding is due to medications though, but it's improving.
I don't know what it is, but my daily shedding looks like what I got in a week about a month ago. I'm taking Garlic pills and It's not even helping.

Do you know what your NORMAL shed rate is versus an "abnormal" amount of shedding?

Garlic scalp treatments seem to work "faster" than oral pills.
I've noticed as well, but I thought since the same thing is happening to me, I was just more focused on those types of threads.

I think my shedding is due to medications though, but it's improving.

Maybe my shedding/breakage is due to medication. My Dr changed my BP medication, that might be the reason :yep:.
Maybe my shedding/breakage is due to medication. My Dr changed my BP medication, that might be the reason :yep:.

It could be a possibility. I'm taking BP medication as well and this is what I thought. Google your medication and see if others have experienced hair loss/shedding with your medication. My Dr. does not want to change mine since he finally found one I'm doing well with & it doesn't give me other nasty side effects. :ohwell:
Do you know what your NORMAL shed rate is versus an "abnormal" amount of shedding?

Garlic scalp treatments seem to work "faster" than oral pills.

I know what "normal" shedding looks like; however, if your talking about the number hairs I'm not into counting hairs. It's to a point where I picked up my detangling sessions because I don't want my hair to get extra tangled. I'll have to try a garlic treatment or tea rinse this weekend and see what happens. If nothing works I'm not going to be super frantic becasue it's a normal part of the hair growth cycle, unless it turns into chunks of hair then I don't think I have too much to be worried about.

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breakage is literally the story of my life
since i started my hair care journey, i've never been able to get it fully under control.
Yeah I think its really interesting that alot of women are experiencing excessive breakage and shedding. I was attributing the breakage to new members who still hadn't learned their hair well enough but it seems that the breakage is happening across the board. Whatever the issue is ladies I hope you all figure it out. HHG
I think some people have unrealistic expectations. Shedding is a natural process that is supposed to happened daily. Breakage can never be eliminated, breakage can be minimized but not eliminated. If hair is being manipulated (which includes all forms of combing, washing, styling etc..), strands will break. If the breakage and shedding are not excessive and doesn't hinder retention, it's really nothing to worry about.
I agree with Milk... I think some people may be a little paranoid or hypersensitive to every strand they see. And may freak out but it may be a normal amount. Also, hair goes through cycles. You can't expect that every hair on your head will be the exact same 2 years from now. Like even if you grow your hair wsl then the next year you may need to trim to mbl, it doesn't mean you did anything wrong. Hair ages. Just like the clothes we own eventually need to be thrown out because of wear and tear, the same thing applies to hair.
I know what "normal" shedding looks like; however, if your talking about the number hairs I'm not into counting hairs. It's to a point where I picked up my detangling sessions because I don't want my hair to get extra tangled. I'll have to try a garlic treatment or tea rinse this weekend and see what happens. If nothing works I'm not going to be super frantic becasue it's a normal part of the hair growth cycle, unless it turns into chunks of hair then I don't think I have too much to be worried about.

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Thanks for answering. Sometimes with these types of threads you get a lot of "my hair is coming out in clumps" only to find that the person doesn't know the difference.

If you haven't tried it, alter ego garlic condish is really worth the money. It worked for a good number of people including myself. Nutriene also offers a garlic condish that is less expensive. Some people have also given that good reviews.
I think it's to be expected. Many people say their growth happens mostly in the warmer months. Shedding precedes growth and there is nothing abnormal about that. Unless there are any medical conditions with the individuals, I say it's probably normal and nothing to be scared of.

As far as breakage goes, idk. There could be 50-11 reasons people experience excessive breakage. When I experienced it last year, it's just because I was being careless and doing the absolute most while I was transitioning. When I found my groove and went back to simplicity, it was smooth sailing.

I'm sure this 2012 Doomsday weather isn't helping either. :lol::spinning:
I've noticed an increase in breakage threads too, interestingly I've finally found a way to stop my breakage and it hasn't been a problem for the past 6-8 weeks.:look:
When in comes to breakage I don't know if I'm being a bit paranoid. Certainly I've noticed it more since I started my HHJ, but that's proabably because I'm looking for it. Still haven't really sussed out my protein and moisture balancing rountine yet, and I find I'm examining loads of my shed hairs to see if they have bulbs on. Maybe I'm being OTT
yep I have noticed this...I wonder what the cause is. Maybe yall are on to something with the de-emphasis of protien

I didnt retain as much due to overmoisturization.

I also noticed long hair ladies cutting lots of hair, a small piece of me dies everytime I see them hack away a length I have yet to reach :cry: this may be a personal issue :lachen:

However; I am glad that the scisssor happy stylist threads have died down.... Those made me sad and angered me at the same time!

and I will be glad when the BC threads die down