Is it just me or do you ever get sick of having braids in to grow your hair??


New Member
Hi Ladies...I love the the growth I get from wearing my braids..but I just hate the way they get messy so quick...never look as slick as a nice weave or your own hair and my SO is getting tired of them too!

I am trying to stick to my goal so braids are the way forward for me at the about you- my fellow braid wearers?:perplexed
I was a braidaholic. But the frequent washing made my hair messy too quickly so now I've been using full head weaves and its working great!

ETA: I actually think the full weave is more protective and a LOT better for my edges :yep:
I was a braidaholic. But the frequent washing made my hair messy too quickly so now I've been using full head weaves and its working great!

ETA: I actually think the full weave is more protective and a LOT better for my edges :yep:

Do you wash as frequently with the full head weave in and condition the same way too?
Hi Ladies...I love the the growth I get from wearing my braids..but I just hate the way they get messy so quick...never look as slick as a nice weave or your own hair and my SO is getting tired of them too!

I am trying to stick to my goal so braids are the way forward for me at the about you- my fellow braid wearers?:perplexed

I'm glad you asked the question. I have been a braided/Kinky twist queen for far too long. As a matter-of-fact, I've been wearing Kinky twists since June 2004, due to a bad, bad, relaxer. I am so sick and tired of being a slave to braids/twists.....I don't have the gall to wear my own hair, though. It has grown a great deal, although I can't tell just how much since I haven't relaxed in three years.

I dunno...maybe one day, I'll get the courage to wear my own hair out.:perplexed
I wore braids pretty much continuously from December 06 until August 07 and the last 3 months were so hard. The only thing I hated more were buns. I'm having a lot of success with wearing my hair down everyday but with low manipulation.

I'm not sure if I could be considered "apart of the group" on this one but I
do know I do my own braids- nothing too serious (just regular box braids)
all over my head and they have the same effect but you can do SO many
things to dress them up and look sexy. I strongly recommend:
-doing braids all over your head and then pulling into a cute little
bun at the nape
-pulling a couple braids to the front and doing another bun at the
-braiding the braids into one large box braid
pull a couple braids across the top of the head and pinning and letting the
rest of the braids run free.....
Braids don't have to be boring or annoying at all- just play with the styles
and see what you come up with.... I just know I don't use weave (apart
from the cost) because of it being less easy to remove and deal with (so
to speak)..... also I love working with my hair and lately since i've been
doing the braids myself and leaving them in with a nice thick pomade
for 4 days i've noticed my hair stronger than ever before. HTH


btw. try them without the weave from now on.... you can have so much more freedom
you'd be shocked!
I'm glad you asked the question. I have been a braided/Kinky twist queen for far too long. As a matter-of-fact, I've been wearing Kinky twists since June 2004, due to a bad, bad, relaxer. I am so sick and tired of being a slave to braids/twists.....I don't have the gall to wear my own hair, though. It has grown a great deal, although I can't tell just how much since I haven't relaxed in three years.

I dunno...maybe one day, I'll get the courage to wear my own hair out.:perplexed
What better a day than today? Nazarite i'm sure you have BEAUTIFUL :love: hair! Why be a slave to kinky twists or braids? Its time for you to truly start enjoying the beauty of your own hair. I don't know how most ladies do it- theres nothing like feeling a nice cool breeze against your scalp whether you have hair to your ankles or hair to your ears.... TRY IT I PROMISE you WON'T regret it!
I wear braids too....underneath my wig. I get tired of the wigs and the braids sometimes too. But I know it's only temporary; so my frustration usually doesn't last long. Gotta keep your eyes on the prize girlie.;)
I live in the Uk and during Winter its rough on your hair...the braids help to protect my hair...also I may be crazy but I feel like I see more growth with braids...I am doing the C&G thing...trying to stay focused!!:grin:
What better a day than today? Nazarite i'm sure you have BEAUTIFUL :love: hair! Why be a slave to kinky twists or braids? Its time for you to truly start enjoying the beauty of your own hair. I don't know how most ladies do it- theres nothing like feeling a nice cool breeze against your scalp whether you have hair to your ankles or hair to your ears.... TRY IT I PROMISE you WON'T regret it!

Aww..thanks for the encouragement. I'm really trying to aim for a big during the holidays, to wear my own hair. I'm telling you, my hair was so overprocessed, it wasn't funny. I've been wearking Kinky Twists, back-to-back since 2004 with no relaxer!

I know, it's sad because I'm also a licensed cosmetologist.:realitycheck:
I use to be sick to tears of my braids and weaves. When I stopped wearing them and let my hair be, I felt so free. It was refreshing.
I'm really sick of it but i have no:nono: choice:
  1. It's fall/winter :cold:
  2. I need 5 inches to reach Waistlenght my ultimate goal
  3. My hair loooooooooooves:love3: growing in Braids and weave
I have to do what my hair want me to do now in order to rock WL in 2008 (by God's grace)
Do you wash as frequently with the full head weave in and condition the same way too?

Actually I co-washed a LOT more- every other day, and wash and DC once a week, I only changed the weave because I get bored easily and I do it myself so its cheap:grin: I switched to once a week wash and DC because its freaking cold but I use my moisture concoction in an applicator bottle every other day.

I have got a curly weave in at the mo, BUT the next one I'm doing will be straight check for the lace closures, I'm using an old wig (for closure) when I do the straight look, but no closure for the curly hair:yep:
Good thread. This morning I was thinking about getting kinky twists because I'm at shoulder length and I don't want any problems or breakage in trying to get to APL.... But, I was also thinking about how I would miss being able to see my hair and what a pain it is to take them out. I was in braids of some sort for about 4 1/2 months of this year, which is more than I have ever done. I had good progress and winter would be a good time to do it because of the cold air, wool coats, etc, but I don't know:perplexed
When I was relaxed and got serious about growing my hair long, I didn't do braids. I got it wash and deep condtioned once a week and kept it wrapped until I got it washed again the next week. That helped my hair so much. When it got longer I kept it rodded or got a rollerset.
I was in braids for a long time.....extension braids but I took them out for an interview and now I have a wig. My hair is braided up under the wig.

I like braids because I don't have to do anything to my hair but I think the wig is better. I can just take it off when I get home.
I am doing the CAG challenge...
I am almost at the 18 month mark..I really want to stop with the braids. My hair has made GREAT progress in the past year and a half put I am tired of braids. I am really pushing hard to get a large amount of growth between now and June. After that I will probably just bun my hair and do braids once a year when I want a break
ladies, I am no longer in braids, but I was for eight months. Great job! Congratulate yourself! By the time my eight months was over, I was sick to death of braids, but, more, my Dh was tired of them too.

Ladies, you can so do this - I am sendng support and good hair thoughts!
I've had them for barely a month and my SO is already sick of them. Everyone else really likes it. Good thing he didn't know me before - I wore braids back to back for 2 yrs with no breaks before we met!
ladies, I am no longer in braids, but I was for eight months. Great job! Congratulate yourself! By the time my eight months was over, I was sick to death of braids, but, more, my Dh was tired of them too.

Ladies, you can so do this - I am sendng support and good hair thoughts!

Yup, I'm in this predicament right now. Both of us are sick of them, but I know it's the best way to get over this next hump. I think I'm going to get 2, maybe 3 sets in to get through the next few months. My hair thrived in them and washing every day was so good for my hair with no styling manipulation.

OP-I will be very happy to reach your length. I keep eyballing your avatar:yep:
Wow ladies...this is the last thing I need right now :nono:. I'm in the C&G 6 months challenge yet I'm only in my 3rd week in braids . Now if you think braids are sickening...just add Mac itchy MN to the mix and you've got a perfect roadmap to bonkershood :dizzy:. But gotta stay focused..keep my eye on the price :lick: but heeeeeck :eek2:!!!!!....somebody please wake me up in 04/2008 :ill:
I used to wear braids, but I got tired of the time it took to put them in/take them down. Blargh.

This is why once I put mine in, they never come out. Too much like hard work to take them all out. I just redo one at a time till they're all neat again.

I have hand-in-hair disease (HIH) so I'm usually touching my braids up all the time. Any time I'm sitting watching TV, my hands are in my hair looking for loose braids that need redoing. But I'm practicing the art of leaving my hair alone. So yes, I'm getting the "untidy" look you are all talking about with my constant washing. But I have a way of disguising this. The secret is wearing my hair up like this after the wash (I do this to damp hair). And as an alternative, I wear the braid-out from that a few days later. It's hard to see the mess when my hair is in either style. Then there's always the option to don a cap/hat or a self-made head-dress letting the ends hang out (or not) just to buy more time.
Aww..thanks for the encouragement. I'm really trying to aim for a big during the holidays, to wear my own hair. I'm telling you, my hair was so overprocessed, it wasn't funny. I've been wearking Kinky Twists, back-to-back since 2004 with no relaxer!

I know, it's sad because I'm also a licensed cosmetologist.:realitycheck:

Awwwww no problem, I mean it! :yep: I know how you feel. I was like that once I bc'ed.....I was going MAD having only 5 or so inches (if memory is correct- although it might've been longer and just shrunk to about ear-length.... but with a little of love and a LOT of hope, i'm now just above mid-back natural... during the holidays would be perfect, but if you'd like a little primer before making the commitment, trying now when the temperatures are cooler could be good to get an idea of how to approach it during frigid winter!

MY HAIR WAS TOO- SOOOO over-processed it wasn't even funny-- girl I used to re-layer and re-layer relaxer over already permed hair thinking I was doing the right thing! I WAS LOST!! Split ends, receding hairline, scab skin- you name it, I had it. I think deep down I just felt I had to do something more for the longterm so I chopped. Now i'm a staunch NO HEAT (not even a bit from a hair dryer with a showercap- NOTHING), NO CHEMICAL, NO ALCOHOL/SULFATES/PARABENS believer... i've come a long way since and realized if we make little changes in our routine, big things can come to pass:drunk: .....positive change can be encouraged...welll i'm thinking that you're as good as natural too if you don't relax (which could be an idea
:scratchchhmmmm lol).... ITS NOT SAD! I think sometimes (even licensed cosmetologists too! :kiss:) we as people are forced to believe so many things are better ways to go- i used to even be made fun of for wearing natural hair but honestly, (thats actually how I ended up getting my first perm) we do as our mothers and sisters and grandmothers did and they help us to do it because theres something so sexy and polished about straight hair- i must admit!! but with all the excess chemicals they slip in there today none of us are ever sure what we're putting on our scalps.... but the kinky's are definitely good to get you going in the right direction- are you transitioning or thinking about perming again soon?
Awwwww no problem, I mean it! :yep: I know how you feel. I was like that once I bc'ed.....I was going MAD having only 5 or so inches (if memory is correct- although it might've been longer and just shrunk to about ear-length.... but with a little of love and a LOT of hope, i'm now just above mid-back natural... during the holidays would be perfect, but if you'd like a little primer before making the commitment, trying now when the temperatures are cooler could be good to get an idea of how to approach it during frigid winter!

MY HAIR WAS TOO- SOOOO over-processed it wasn't even funny-- girl I used to re-layer and re-layer relaxer over already permed hair thinking I was doing the right thing! I WAS LOST!! Split ends, receding hairline, scab skin- you name it, I had it. I think deep down I just felt I had to do something more for the longterm so I chopped. Now i'm a staunch NO HEAT (not even a bit from a hair dryer with a showercap- NOTHING), NO CHEMICAL, NO ALCOHOL/SULFATES/PARABENS believer... i've come a long way since and realized if we make little changes in our routine, big things can come to pass:drunk: .....positive change can be encouraged...welll i'm thinking that you're as good as natural too if you don't relax (which could be an idea:scratchchhmmmm lol).... ITS NOT SAD! I think sometimes (even licensed cosmetologists too! :kiss:) we as people are forced to believe so many things are better ways to go- i used to even be made fun of for wearing natural hair but honestly, (thats actually how I ended up getting my first perm) we do as our mothers and sisters and grandmothers did and they help us to do it because theres something so sexy and polished about straight hair- i must admit!! but with all the excess chemicals they slip in there today none of us are ever sure what we're putting on our scalps.... but the kinky's are definitely good to get you going in the right direction- are you transitioning or thinking about perming again soon?

Meia, I love my natural hair.....I really do. :yep:

But there is something within that keeps telling me to relax my hair. I'm so scared because prior to the bad relaxer in 2004, I had braids in for two years which contributed to my bra strap length -- something that I had never experienced. Then, I went to a Dominican salon....and that was all she wrote -- no more bra strap length for me!! The woman didn't even neutralize the perm, so you can just imagine what my hair looked like. :wallbash:

I dunno....I'm trying to envision myself without twists or braids, but as you can tell, I'm such a wimp!! I need some serious therapy.
Yup, I'm in this predicament right now. Both of us are sick of them, but I know it's the best way to get over this next hump. I think I'm going to get 2, maybe 3 sets in to get through the next few months. My hair thrived in them and washing every day was so good for my hair with no styling manipulation.

OP-I will be very happy to reach your length. I keep eyballing your avatar:yep:

Yup, I started braids in March and finished 2 weeks ago. When I had my hair blown out it was past bra-strap. But the stupid stylist didn't cut where I told him to cut and now its a little shorter than my avatar!:wallbash:
Yep, I've been wearing braids now for 6 months and yes, I'm sick of them but I'm conducting this experiment and want to see if it works. Why I'm trying to stick to it is that my edges grow but they don't get long. It seems like everytime I relax the edges, it gets straight but when the next touchup comes around there are no relax ends, just new grow -- I think it just breaks and starts over for the next touchup. Now by waiting this long for a touchup, hopefully my edges will get long enough to relax, after which I'll probably wait another 6 months to do another touchup, hopefully I'll see relaxed ends w/new growth by then.
Hi Ladies...I love the the growth I get from wearing my braids..but I just hate the way they get messy so quick...never look as slick as a nice weave or your own hair and my SO is getting tired of them too!

I am trying to stick to my goal so braids are the way forward for me at the about you- my fellow braid wearers?:perplexed

I wish I could JUST wear braids and grow my hair, but unfortuantely, they break my hair off. I can do cornrows, but braids are out of the question! :nono: