Is it healthy to moisturize and seal daily?

I M&S DAILY!!! Especially my ends....i notice the longer my hair gets it gets dry i have to keep my hair moisturized and i do seal with either EVCO or Jojoba oil.:)
i moisturize daily and seal too. If i ever use castor oil i wont seal daily as its a heavy oil (i'll do it like every 3 days but everyday to the ends). When i have braids in (extension-individuals) i moisturize every single day and seal with very light oil either every day or 2 days.
When i have cornrows i moisturize everyday and seal with coconut oil. When i feel its needs to be washed i do so and start all over again. and for the first time in years ive gone past SL.
I moisturize daily with water. From April until now I cowashed daily, as of last Friday I am just misting it once in the morning and once at night. With either method I am incorporating water daily and my hair is very happy...
moisturizing and sealing once a week? *the crowd behInd me laughs* to me that = breakage from dry, thirsty hair. but EVERYONE'S HAIR IS DIFFERENT. i do it every day, sometimes twice a day. if not, im pretty sure i would still be at SL.

You are too much!!!! lol

Yeah, for me, it's at least once a day or my hair cries for moisture. The weather's too dry here to avoid it.
Moisturizing once a week is nowhere near enough! You should be moisturizing twice a day then sealing with a light oil after each time.

Understand the reasoning behind moisturizing. Even air dries out the hair...particularly afro-textured hair. You must put the moisture back in with a water-based product, then seal it with a light oil which has moisturizing properties. Coconut and Olive Oil have these properties.
Vaseline = Petrolatum. My first lesson HHC was NO petrolatum. Vaseline seals OUT the moisture. It does not have the properties to let more moisture back in. So if you are using can only use it once.

All of us have seen black women with the greasy, stiff hair with the comb marks in it that has no movement or sheen
Do what works for you. Everyone's hair is different. When I was relaxed and even now as a natural, I simply listen to my hair. Sometimes I moisturize (and seal) daily, sometimes everyother day... You get the picture. There's no "one size fits all" for how often you should. We can only tell you what works for our individual heads.
I moisturize at least once a day! It did much to bring my hair back to life at the beginning of this year. During last winter my hair had become a dry, brittle mess! When I started learning about healthier hair care practices, I started co-washing daily and sealing my hair with coconut oil.

Now I only co-wash 3-4 times a week, but I still moisturize my hair daily.

My choices for moisturizers include:

* Plain water spritzes
* Plain water with glycerin added
*Stay Sof Fro
* Care Free Curl Gold activator
* A mixture of Cheapie conditioner and water
* Then seal with a light oil (usually coconut)

On any given day, I will use one or more of these, depending on how my hair is feeling, or what style I plan to wear that day. And I have recently started sealing again. I hadn't been doing it and I was starting to notice that my ends weren't feeling so pretty. Now that I am sealing again they feel much better!

Oh, and sometimes I moisturize again at night!
Yeah....I'm in the Moisturize & Seal Daily Crowd.:grin: Most of the time Twice a day especially since I am wearing a wig.

I will moisturize and Spritz w/a water-based spritz in the morning.:lick:

And then at night, perhaps moisturize and seal with a light oil.
Vaseline = Petrolatum. My first lesson HHC was NO petrolatum. Vaseline seals OUT the moisture. It does not have the properties to let more moisture back in. So if you are using can only use it once.

All of us have seen black women with the greasy, stiff hair with the comb marks in it that has no movement or sheen

:yep: That is true. But Vaseline also seals moisture in and prevents its loss, which is why you only need do it once. But I was thinking more in terms of sealing ends, rather than the whole length.

There used to be a Vaseline challenge years ago on this forum and it worked for a lot of people. Perfect example: Adrienne0914 and she used to use it to seal her ends (Tutorial). Her results speak volumes.

Also Wanakee's Constant Care for Ends was a petrolatum product and it definitely kept her ends in good shape. (The ingredients:[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] Isocetyl Stearoyl Stearate, Petrolatum, Stearilc Acid, Linoleamidopropyl Ethyl Dimonium Ethosulfate (&) Diethyl Lauramine Isostearate, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vit. E), Propylene Glycol (&) Diazolidinyl Ureas and Methylparaben (&) Propylparaben & Fragrance. Contains no artificial color.)[/FONT]

I think a lot of products get a bad rap because people imagine you applying them to your scalp and clogging pores, when in reality, applied to the length or ends of your hair, they really do no harm.
^^^ This is slightly OT, but if it's true that petrolatum seals moisture out of the hair, does that mean that it can act as a humidity blocker for pressed hair?

Just curious. :look:
I've been doing this since I relaxed and my hair is growing fast! I'm using ayervedic oils and jheri juice.:lachen: I've been abusing heat like crazy, but I am trying to learn to not do that.:rolleyes:
Yeah....I'm in the Moisturize & Seal Daily Crowd.:grin: Most of the time Twice a day especially since I am wearing a wig.

I will moisturize and Spritz w/a water-based spritz in the morning.:lick:

And then at night, perhaps moisturize and seal with a light oil.

Ummm what spritz are you using missy??? I'm using Ojon revitalizing mist, however they have changed the ingredients and it is not as moisturizing as it use to be. :wallbash:
I dc twice a week and a lot of times I don't have to moisturize and seal again until 3 days later when it is time to dc again. I used to m&s twice and day, then once a day and found that it was just too much for my hair.

During warm weather, I can easily only m&s twice a week. During colder weather, I sometimes do find that I have to up it to daily or every other day, moreso if I've been outside a lot of the day because NY winters can strip hair of any and all moisture.
I don't think it's so much evaporating as being absorbed. If I am not mistaken all the oils you mention are carrier oils which means their molecules are small enough to be absorbed into skin and hair and hence the reason they are usually recommended for use with essential oils.
I agree with another poster that my hair dries out after moisturizing and sealing, especially when wet bunning. So perhaps I'm not sealing properly. I moisturize with either H14n1, CFCG, or WN. What's a good oil to seal with? Typically I use one of the following: grapeseed, regular castor, jbco, evoo, evco, or argan oil.
^^^ This is slightly OT, but if it's true that petrolatum seals moisture out of the hair, does that mean that it can act as a humidity blocker for pressed hair?

Just curious. :look:

I am guessing so. Ask Poohbear. IIRC, she uses grease for her presses and I don't think her hair reverts.

ETA: I found a post of hers where she shares this:
When I straighten my natural hair, it stays straight for a month. I shampoo, condition, blowdry, and flat-iron with grease. At night, I either wrap it or put all my hair in a butterfly clip. I do not moisturize at all because my hair will revert back to its natural state. I may apply a little bit of grease or spray some oil sheen on my hair but that's it.
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I agree with another poster that my hair dries out after moisturizing and sealing, especially when wet bunning. So perhaps I'm not sealing properly. I moisturize with either H14n1, CFCG, or WN. What's a good oil to seal with? Typically I use one of the following: grapeseed, regular castor, jbco, evoo, evco, or argan oil.

As far as oils are concerned, I'm not sure. Whenever I have "sealed" I have used Constant Care for Ends or John Frieda serum and that was way before I joined the forum. I think some people seal with Castor Oil and of all the oils you listed, if any can seal, then I'd say that's the heaviest and hence the one most likely to do a good job as a sealant.

I guess whenever I jump on the sealing bandwagon, I'll be able to experiment with oils and see if any seals as well as Petrolatum or 'cone serums.
My moisturize/seal schedule is totally random. I just do it whenever it feels necessary. With the exception of my edges and nape, they need olive oil every night or they get crazy dry.
^^^ This is slightly OT, but if it's true that petrolatum seals moisture out of the hair, does that mean that it can act as a humidity blocker for pressed hair?

Just curious. :look:

Yes. And that is exactly why Vaseline products are used when people get an old-fashioned press and curl with marcell irons.

I used to use Wanakiee products and the greasiness mystified me, because it had some other beneficial effects on my hair. I didn't understand it then, now I do. Now I know that Vaseline is no match for essential oils and the detriments far outway any reason to use it regularly.

The ends of the hair, the oldest part, are the last place I'd put Vaseline. Granted some peoplel swear by mother used to "slap it on" to make her hair look straight.
Ummm what spritz are you using missy??? I'm using Ojon revitalizing mist, however they have changed the ingredients and it is not as moisturizing as it use to be. :wallbash:

Ojon's Revitalizing Mist gets alot of great reviews.:yep:

Right now, I'm using Qhemet's Karkady Tea Hair Spritz (which I love) and Darcy's Botanicals Herbal Conditioning Hair Spritz.

Hairveda's Hydrasilicia Spritz also gets great reviews.:yep:

OT: Love the Siggy *drools & passes out*
Yes. And that is exactly why Vaseline products are used when people get an old-fashioned press and curl with marcell irons.

I used to use Wanakiee products and the greasiness mystified me, because it had some other beneficial effects on my hair. I didn't understand it then, now I do. Now I know that Vaseline is no match for essential oils and the detriments far outway any reason to use it regularly.

The ends of the hair, the oldest part, are the last place I'd put Vaseline. Granted some peoplel swear by mother used to "slap it on" to make her hair look straight.

@ the bold: May I ask why?

Essential oils are beneficial to scalp/hair follicles, not so much the dead hair itself.

To me if Vaseline should go anywhere on the head, it should be on the ends of your hair. On the scalp, or near it, IMO isn't a good idea. But since it can prevent loss of moisture, I'd think the ends are where it belongs if it is to be used at all. And we've seen it worked for people who used it there.

So why do you think it's a bad idea?
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When I was still using cones I use to have to moisturize sometimes as much as 2x a day, now that I'm happily living cone free I can moisturize every other day and still retain all my length. Silicones are great for detangling, but once it dries it leaves a coating and causes moisture block. I don't even use cones to flat iron my hair. Coconut oil has replace this for me.
^^^I think that's the reason why I don't have to moisturize everyday anymore. I no longer use cones and since I stopped, my hair has been soooo soft. Before, I would moisturize everyday and my hair was still dry. Now I'm down to twice a week. Cones are the devil for me! But I still use mineral oil.

OT! Carry on.....
Much to my chagrin, I've realized that I need to moisturize daily. I normally wear twist as my protective style and used to moisturize on the 4th day or so, but my scalp would be so dry and itchy it felt like it was on fire! I literally have the driest scalp in the world. So now I moisturize my hair everyday with plain ol' water (though I might incorporate aloe vera juice now that I have this huge $17 jug sitting in my living room...random PJ attack, don't ask) whether that's a spritz from my water bottle or rinsing my hair in the shower. I mainly need to moisturize more so for my scalp than my hair, as my hair is less dry. I wear protective style 4-5 days out of the week, so the daily wetting is not a big deal. I generally only seal my hair with coconut oil 2x a week or every couple of days as not to make my hair greasy. I always seal after moisturizing my scalp tho.
I use Oil for a sealant (coconut oil, jojoba oil, EVOO oil, Sweet Almond Oil....etc.) Never thought to use vaseline, although I have heard it mentionted a time or two when I frequented BHM. But from my own personal experience, I can say that I have witnessed my moisture "escaping" a few hours after i've done my mornnig moisturizing and sealing hair felt dry and brittle, that's why I am a firm believer in moisturizing and sealing twice a day (or as oftern as needed). Now that's just me speaking on what i've learned from MY hair.....can't speak for anyone else's hair though.:look:

I agree.Its best to seal with a natural oil so you can get the benefit from it (vitamins,essential fatty acids etc) ,I personally moisturize on a daily basis basis or atleast damp my ends with water anD apply a tiny amount of oil to protect it from rubbing (during the night) or losing moisture.
Ojon's Revitalizing Mist gets alot of great reviews.:yep:

Right now, I'm using Qhemet's Karkady Tea Hair Spritz (which I love) and Darcy's Botanicals Herbal Conditioning Hair Spritz.

Hairveda's Hydrasilicia Spritz also gets great reviews.:yep:

OT: Love the Siggy *drools & passes out*

How is darcy's?

Thanks girl!!!