Is it forgiveness if you still don't like that person?


New Member
I have had folx do some SHADY stuff to me, and I don't like those folx 'till this day because of their character, I forgave them, but I still don't like them, nor do I want to be buddy-buddy with them. If saw them, I would ignore them. Is this forgiveness?
Since God never meant for you to be a punching bag it is not a requirement to like people who do evil. You forgive then pray for them but protect your self. As long as it is not resentment, a disire to payback or hate, or wish harm etc. If it is over in your heart then you have forgiven them. If you are still holding it over their head with your actions then your forgiveness may not be complete. Hope it helped.
Yes, I believe it IS forgiveness . . . We can't like everything or everyone, can we? But we can accept and send kind thoughts and words their way. As long as one is not resentful and there is no hate in your heart toward them, that is true forgiveness, at least in my opinion!
No this is not true forgiveness. Forgiveness is more than an act it is an attitude. You donot need to be buddies with the person but you still should have a Christ-like attitude whenever you are around them. The blessing God has for you usually is locked up in your ability to truly forgive. God is the only one who can give you strength to forgive and become heal. God allowed the person to afflict this pain on you for a reason. It is way God forces us to come to Him. You never know what others have been through. We all have been a victim at one point in our lives but our goal is to become VICTORS from it. Trials are not to make us bitter but better. Ask God to give you His strength to heal from the pain that is trying to rob you of your blessing. This is the devil playing the tapes of your yesterday so you can stay in prison to other person. The power of choice all lies in your hands. You know you have forgiven when you let it go and do not bring it up each day. You know you are healed when you see the person and it does not hurt as much as it use to. Forgiveness is not easy but possible through time spent in the presence of God where you will be comforted and strengthen for your battles.
star said:
No this is not true forgiveness. Forgiveness is more than an act it is an attitude. You donot need to be buddies with the person but you still should have a Christ-like attitude whenever you are around them. The blessing God has for you usually is locked up in your ability to truly forgive. God is the only one who can give you strength to forgive and become heal. God allowed the person to afflict this pain on you for a reason. It is way God forces us to come to Him. You never know what others have been through. We all have been a victim at one point in our lives but our goal is to become VICTORS from it. Trials are not to make us bitter but better. Ask God to give you His strength to heal from the pain that is trying to rob you of your blessing. This is the devil playing the tapes of your yesterday so you can stay in prison to other person. The power of choice all lies in your hands. You know you have forgiven when you let it go and do not bring it up each day. You know you are healed when you see the person and it does not hurt as much as it use to. Forgiveness is not easy but possible through time spent in the presence of God where you will be comforted and strengthen for your battles.

I do not agree with you entirely on this. We are to hate the sin, not the sinner. When we dislike someone who has done something wrong to us, it the act that we dislike, not the person. And Love is based on acts, not on feelings. Having a christlike attitude only means that you do not reward evil act for evil act, it doesn't mean you are going to have a warm fuzzy feeling when around that person. In fact these days, most people have the character of a snake. You can turn the other cheek and they will just slap that one. God does not let bad things happen to you to get you to turn to him either. If that were the case, bad things would be happening all the time to everyone, because to be sure He wants us all to turn to him. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. God has dominion in everything and on everyone. And there is no explaining why someone is sick and the other in good health. That is the way people judged other people in the bible and still are today. If anything, if someone is being a snake in the grass to you, it is not from God, but from that person simply embracing the spirit of darkness. They will be judged on their behavior and you will be judged on how you respond to it. When people hurt us terribly does not mean that the feeling will go away over night, but through the holy spirit we can give the matter over to God. But there is nothing wrong in giving a wide berth to someone who has hurt you and without out their repentence more than likely hurt you again. Once you are burned, you do not ignorantly open yourself up to be burned again.

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YES. Just because you forgive someone doesnt mean you have to like them and continue to be their friend especially if they did some questionable things to you. I wouldnt.
Good post. I was just thinking the same thing.

There are 2 people who were in my life that did things that truly hurt me. One was a relative and one was a friend. Years later, while I don't hate them or wish anything bad to happen to them, I never want to see them again. I do not want to speak to them again and I do not want to include them in my life. We live in different states so that part is easy.

The former friend still calls me on occassion. We've spoken in the past and I forgave her but I just don't want anything to do with her. I look at the caller ID and never answer her phone calls.

If I ever physically see these people again, I will be cordial and refrain from acting "funny". Yet it would start and end right there.