Is it damaging to slow dry your hair on cool setting?


New Member
I was just wondering? I have a hand held dryer that I never use, but it has a cool button. It can be used to lock in a style after blow drying, but I was just wondering, would it be damaging if I wanted to quickly dry my hair using the cool setting? I was thinking of maybe buyign Caursos when i go back to school so maybe cowashing then blowdrying on coola nd placing the carusos in my head? What do you think?
The fast blowing of the air may slightly damage but blow drying on cool is ALWAYS better.
cool air closes your cuticle hot hair (or heat in general flat iron blow dryer) opens your cuticle leading to damage. . so to answer your question no.
cool air closes your cuticle hot hair (or heat in general flat iron blow dryer) opens your cuticle leading to damage. . so to answer your question no.

Hmmmm that's good to know unless the cuticle needs to be open for some reason (like to receive better conditioning benefits)