Is hot water damaging to hair?


grabbing life by the pussy
This may be a stupid question, but lately I've been finding incomplete splits in my strands. Sometimes as high as 3 inches.:wallbash: I really can't think of a reason why my hair would be behaving this way. It looks like heat damage but the thing is, I never use heat. In the 2 years I've been natural I've never straightened and I've only blow-dried about 5 times on the cool setting. The only thing I can think of is the scaling hot water I use when I wash my hair.

If it's not the hot water, what could be making my hair split like this?
Nope. If that were the case I'd be bald.

I take very hot showers and wash and condition my hair in hot water. I continue to make progress, hot water along with the right products/regimen will actually make their hair very manageable.

I also did many self-installed senegalese twists in my hair back in the days when I was transitioning and to seal the twists you dip the ends in hot water....kept all my hair and even retained some length.

I definitely think something else in your regimen is the culprit.
I second that. Looking at how your manipulate and detangle your hair is something to consider. I can't wash my hair with cool water because for some reason it shrinks/tangles up. I use the same temperature I use when taking a shower which gets pretty steaming.
I know once I started using cooler water I had a few less splits but there are so many reasons for split ends it could be anything. How do you wash your hair and wear it regularly? Do you wash in sections or loose? Do you do frequent wng's or do you let it dry stretched?

Evaluate your regimen a little closer I don't think it can only be hot water.
SistaSlick said one thing that would cause it was calcium deposits, maybe you have hard water in your area? I dunno.