Is henna safe to use?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I was reading about henna on another website. And 1 lady claims that henna made her sick and she had to be hospitalized. I wanted to know if anyone here has every experienced illness related to henna or any other Indian herbs? I saw some 100% body art quality henna at a Indian Grocery store and I wanted to try it . But of course im scared now.

This is what the lady said: "I've seen many people even in India get sick from "100 % organic" and "100% body art" henna. I've gotten sick from it. I ended up in the hospital. That's why I'm saying be careful of the packaging because of loads of boxes are full of lies."
Never had trouble with BAQ or ayurveda. Just like any other plant, some people are simply allergic. Im allergic to castor oil. Most ppl aren't but im that one aberration that gets a bad case of hives. Oh well, tis life.

Henna is pretty inexpensive. Buy the box snd patch test it and see if you react. Its the only way to know.
Millions of people use it without getting sick soooooo maybe do more research and make sure it's body art quality before you decide if it's right for you
I order from Hennasooq and Butters-n-Bars when they have $5 specials on Jamilla henna. I like that they have the crop harvest date on the outer plastic of the box so I know its still fresh.

Here is a link to the $5 henna. I like Hennasooq bc she gives a lot of info and instructions with the product. She also has vids on the product page.

I LOVE this HHJ!!
Having a reaction to PURE henna is very rare. However, there are many "hennas" out there that are not pure and have additives. Her reaction is likely due to one of those additives. Just be sure to purchase pure, BAQ henna.
I'm kinda a sensitive type - but I've been using Henna for a few years now with no allergies, but if I leave the Henna on for a long time, do have increased amount of itching...I mix up Nupur/ Henna/Indigo...but as others have said..need to do a patch first
I had a bad allergic reaction to indigo. AND that mess (heena I assume) loosened my curl pattern in some areas. I agree she was either allergic to it or had contaminated henna.
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