Is he wigged out?


New Member
Okay so I hope I'm overreacting about this but... I went out with a guy, and my wig came off during the date. He said it didn't bother him, but he didn't text me at all the next day (did text me after the date though).

I'm sort of worried because before that he was all "I'm really into you!" and now it's like "silence."

However he could also be mad that I didn't text him either... because the other day when we were chatting he'd mentioned that I didn't respond to a text he sent to keep the convo going (it was late and I'd gone to bed. >.>)

I did it again when we were chatting after the date, so it could be that he thinks I'm not interested or snubbing him or something.

At any rate... I did text him today but no response so far.

So uh, what do you ladies think is going on here?
Wow your wig came off? How? I remember I reading the forums on and there was a woman who was suffering from cancer I think and her wig came off during coloring. She said her date was fine with it, but after that night he never got back in touch with her. The people on there was telling her she should've told him her condition and that she wore a wig.
You say your wig came off really it just slipped off your head? Not that it's just that those kind of situations are really awkward. It may have been an unexpected/unwelcome surprise.
We were on the couch making out. >.> It prob. came off because my head was against the couch; I don't have a wig cap so it wasn't really secure in the first place.

Guy in question d/led his dating profile entirely, so maybe it's not me after all. Still really weird though.
I'm so mad at myself. >.> I'm getting my hair done early next week and I should've just been like, "Nah, I can't hang out 'til Wednesday."

I didn't think it bothered him at first because he kept making out with me, then we hung out some more watching T.V. and what-not. But he did say he was getting tired rather abruptly which made me think he was bothered... but I'd also put my tongue ring back in at around the same time, and he prob. also noticed that I was pretty uncomfortable, so that could've been it too.

He gave me a goodnight kiss and txted me when he got back... I asked him if it bothered him and he said "not at all!", then we chatted some about the night until I went to bed.

Then poof! Didn't hear from him until like 12AM the next night when I asked for his e-mail... he responding in like ten minutes, but earlier today I texted him "Hi!" and nothing.

I'd think he was just busy except his online profile went poof! too... As you can tell I'm pretty new to this, lol.
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I'm sorry that happened (I wear wigs, too)!

But you know what though? I would so much rather know up front that a man is not tolerant of my interests/foibles/lifestyle choices; that way I can cut ties before I grow emotionally attached to someone who will be giving me the side eye for the things you enjoy or for perceived "imperfections" (which is what some people erroneously consider the "need" or choice for a wig).

If he just laughed uneasily and kept going out with you but later expressed unhappiness with wig-wearing, you might feel self-conscious and always having to have your hair be on point "for him." What type of way to live is that?
Girl, :lol:, what a nightmare. I'm sorry this happened. But, it is a funny story. Why not just ask him in a phone conversation? Have a sense of humor about it and be self-deprecating . That can be very attractive. I'm sure it was weird for him too. Maybe you guys can :lol: about it?
P.S. and if he's "mad" that you didn't text him then he needs to get over it and move along, sonny. Who gets "mad" at someone they're interested in building a relationship with for not returning a text? Disappointed and hurt, yes. Mad/pouting/teach you a lesson? :rolleyes:
Awwww, I can understand how that happened, especially if it isn't bobby pinned down.

Maybe it's not you, something could be going on with him for him to delete his profile.
Could be wig related, could be something else entirely. Either way, his behavior seems a little odd. I probably wouldn't put too many eggs in that basket until you get a better sense what this guy is all about.
It'll suck if it was that... but oh well. Guess I'm upset over this one because he was pretty much the opposite of any guy I thought I'd like, yet I loved hanging out with him. xD
I'm so mad at myself. >.> I'm getting my hair done early next week and I should've just been like, "Nah, I can't hang out 'til Wednesday."

I didn't think it bothered him at first because he kept making out with me, then we hung out some more watching T.V. and what-not. But he did say he was getting tired rather abruptly which made me think he was bothered... but I'd also put my tongue ring back in at around the same time, and he prob. also noticed that I was pretty uncomfortable, so that could've been it too.

He gave me a goodnight kiss and txted me when he got back... I asked him if it bothered him and he said "not at all!", then we chatted some about the night until I went to bed.

Then poof! Didn't hear from him until like 12AM the next night when I asked for his e-mail... he responding in like ten minutes, but earlier today I texted him "Hi!" and nothing.

I'd think he was just busy except his online profile went poof! too... As you can tell I'm pretty new to this, lol.[/QUOTE]

Then you already know then.
I missed that post about his online profile going poof. This goes under that "would you rather know the truth or rather him disappear" question. I'm sorry. :bighug: This is a toughie. You were brave wearing a wig on a date without pinning it down. These guys....:nono:

:meditate: <may every girl he ends up dating for the next 17 years be a wig-wearer> :meditate:
Lol I actually didn't know it was possible to pin it down... I am new to wig-wearing as well. I prob. shouldn't have combined the two. xD
Lol I actually didn't know it was possible to pin it down... I am new to wig-wearing as well. I prob. shouldn't have combined the two. xD

It's okay! Wig wearing is a tough road, full of twists and turns :lol:. It took me a few months to get my wigs looking on point, thanks to black hair media.
OMG...i'm sorry this happened i wear wigs too but haven't had this happen before, the ladies made a great suggestion about the bobby pins to secure it. in time you'll look back at this situation and laugh though i know it was super awkward. when i read this i simultaneously laughed but felt bad for you at the same time.
Yeah guys don't respond very well to surprises like that. Especially if it was a really nice wig and he assumed your hair was real.

Oh well... you win some you lose some.
lawd ha merci chile...... i KNOW your me. I've had some wig catastrophes too...but'r uh....

chalk it up n keep it movin. da next time he should see u, ur REAL hair should be lookin tight!!!

he prolly was thinkin in his head when it happened..what da phuck....and it prolly scared him a lil too....u lucky he ain't jump up off da couch...but he played it cool.

ummm...yeah, his friends know now, so u should leave dat one alone.
Well he did respond to my text, but he's "busy." xD Soyeah. I told him he had my # when he's available.

I guess I am just mad because he spoiled me. I have this nice, sweet guy who's all into me but wig-guy made me realize I don't like guys like that... I mean I CAN, once I get to know them, but wig-guy was just so much more fun and the chemistry was like wow.

But obv. if he was into me as much as I am him he'd still be trying to hang out. I am going to try to find another "wig guy" and pretend like my braid extensions are my real hair. >.>
Well he did respond to my text, but he's "busy." xD Soyeah. I told him he had my # when he's available.

I guess I am just mad because he spoiled me. I have this nice, sweet guy who's all into me but wig-guy made me realize I don't like guys like that... I mean I CAN, once I get to know them, but wig-guy was just so much more fun and the chemistry was like wow.

But obv. if he was into me as much as I am him he'd still be trying to hang out. I am going to try to find another "wig guy" and pretend like my braid extensions are my real hair. >.>

It sounds like you may have been blocked. I'm sorry this happened. I don't know how I would have handle the situation if I were you :(
Well he did respond to my text, but he's "busy." xD Soyeah. I told him he had my # when he's available.

I guess I am just mad because he spoiled me. I have this nice, sweet guy who's all into me but wig-guy made me realize I don't like guys like that... I mean I CAN, once I get to know them, but wig-guy was just so much more fun and the chemistry was like wow.

But obv. if he was into me as much as I am him he'd still be trying to hang out. I am going to try to find another "wig guy" and pretend like my braid extensions are my real hair. >.>

you haven't learnt your lesson. :lachen: are you being facetious?
Well he did respond to my text, but he's "busy." xD Soyeah. I told him he had my # when he's available.

I guess I am just mad because he spoiled me. I have this nice, sweet guy who's all into me but wig-guy made me realize I don't like guys like that... I mean I CAN, once I get to know them, but wig-guy was just so much more fun and the chemistry was like wow.

But obv. if he was into me as much as I am him he'd still be trying to hang out. I am going to try to find another "wig guy" and pretend like my braid extensions are my real hair. >.>

If you get the chance to speak with him again (only if he seeks you out) make a joke about him being wigged out. Be sure to laugh so he knows it's okay to laugh.