Is he running game?


Well-Known Member
I joined a Bible Study Group a few months back and the leader (let's call him X) will bring up things that I've said to him in the group (without mentioning my name) but when I talk to him alone he acts like he doesn't remember my name. He called me by my friends name once [let's call her K] :lol: :blush:. Then after the group he shook my hand and said my name like it was the first time we met?

At first I blew it off! It's a big group and I know I can remember details but I have a problem remembering names so I didn't think much about it until recently.

Lately, people have casually mentioned that X has been paying me compliments and saying how glad he is that I've joined the group. I should probably mention that this Bible Study runs the gambit in age from 30's-70's. The people telling me this are in their 60's-70's but they tell me while they are giving me a compliment or telling me how glad they are that I've joined (they are all very sweet). If I miss a night K will call to check on me (she is in her 60's) and she will tell me X and other people were asking what happened to me.

Fast Forward:
K was telling X I'm leaving for the holidays and he came over and gave me a hug. (He's never hugged me before...he usually shakes my hand). He asked where are you going _______ (let's say Vermont). I laughed and said Vermont where did you get that but he didn't answer me he just smiled and walked away. I laughed and looked a K and she simply stated he knows exactly where you are going.

I think I was afraid to ask her how could she be so sure...:lol: but now I'm wondering ....IS THIS MAN RUNNING GAME IN THE CHURCH?

And has he accomplished his task of getting me to thinking/wondering about him?

Someone please tell me is this a game? Is this what men/little boys do? (Unfortunately, I'm book smart and men dumb :perplexed)
hmm... I don't know. Don't have enough details to be sure.... whatever the case, don't think on it! Just keep doing whatever it is you've been doing, and wait till he makes his intentions clear! :yep:
There are a lot of "busy bodies" in church. Don't pay them any attention. It sounds like he's just being nice to you.

When you're dealing with a lot of people, it's hard to keep track of names and things of the sort. That's probably where the problem lies.
I think he is just being nice..Unless he tells you other-wise (Just keep it simple)...

Happy Hair Growing!
I'm not sure if I get the he's being nice to you comments because he's never said anything nice to me. Every time he says anything to me it's wrong :lol:. I mean the man can't even remember my name :lachen: sometimes.

Maybe they are being busy bodies but they deliver their messages so nonchalantly (they really don't come across as busy bodies).

I was getting a little upset thinking he might be playing games but I'm going to think positively. He's making an effort to get to know the new person in the group and I'm going to K.I.M. :lol:

Back to my packing
There are a lot of busy body, match maker types in the church. He could be simply a nice guy. If a man is interested, he won't send the message via a church member. He will let you know on his own.
He don't have to remember your name to be nice to you. Women tend to read too much into men's actions. Men are not complicated creatures. It would be more obvious than this if he had other intentions.

He's being nice to the new girl, as folks usually are. A lot of times, women think a man is flirting when he's just being nice.

I'm not sure if I get the he's being nice to you comments because he's never said anything nice to me. Every time he says anything to me it's wrong :lol:. I mean the man can't even remember my name :lachen: sometimes.

Maybe they are being busy bodies but they deliver their messages so nonchalantly (they really don't come across as busy bodies).

I was getting a little upset thinking he might be playing games but I'm going to think positively. He's making an effort to get to know the new person in the group and I'm going to K.I.M. :lol:

Back to my packing
He don't have to remember your name to be nice to you. Women tend to read too much into men's actions. Men are not complicated creatures. It would be more obvious than this if he had other intentions.

He's being nice to the new girl, as folks usually are. A lot of times, women think a man is flirting when he's just being nice.

Its that simple. If he wanted to get at you, he would show you clear interest or tell you. But I agree, he's being nice. If its more, he'll reveal it in time. Other than that, you can stop thinking about him.
IMO, I think he is running game. Something is off. He is being nice, but also running game.

He forgets your name (well pretends to imo)
Acts like he does not know where your going, but K said he did (K is too old to play games so I take her at her word)
He ask what happened to you, pays compliments. I am sorry, but my radar is good and I do not know any of you...IMO he is checking for you, but does not want to be obvious...and he wants to spark your interest too.

Anyway, let it ride for now, but come back and update us please. I have a strong feeling that he is checking for you.

I had to come back and say men are not always that clear. Look at your surroundings! Ur in church so he is going to be careful. Men scope situations out first too, before they jump and say can I take you out! It's not like you met him in a night club.

Just please come back and update please. I do not think you are bugging at all. :yep:
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Doesn't sound like he is running game, it seems he is just being nice. It is a shame in this day and age, folks continue to question niceness. Not everyone is running game or trying to get something from you.

Plus I never give out too much personal information to church folks, like many have mentioned they are busy bodies. If you don't give them information then they can't use it. I would never tell anyone at the church where I am going on vacation. If they ask, I always say, I am going away. If they press, I just say I am going to have a nice vacation and leave it at that. I wanted to say that it is none of their business, but I keep it pleasant. Some do continue to press and I change the subject or walk away. I swear some church folks are the biggest bullies and they do it in the name of the Lord.
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IMO, I think he is running game. Something is off. He is being nice, but also running game.

He forgets your name (well pretends to imo)
Acts like he does not know where your going, but K said he did (K is too old to play games so I take her at her word)
He ask what happened to you, pays compliments. I am sorry, but my radar is good and I do not know any of you...IMO he is checking for you, but does not want to be obvious...and he wants to spark your interest too.

Anyway, let it ride for now, but come back and update us please. I have a strong feeling that he is checking for you.

I had to come back and say men are not always that clear. Look at your surroundings! Ur in church so he is going to be careful. Men scope situations out first too, before they jump and say can I take you out! It's not like you met him in a night club.

Just please come back and update please. I do not think you are bugging at all. :yep:
I agree. With it being a church setting and him being the leader of the bible study group, of course it would make him look bad if he just came right off showing interest and asking for her number. What he's doing is throwing bait out and waiting for OP to grab it. He knows exactly what he's doing.

OP what do you think of him? :look::giggle:
OP what do you think of him? :look::giggle:

Well, I think that he's a great teacher and he's going to be a great minister :yep:. Other than that I hadn't really thought about him at all :lachen:(until recently).

I have to admit that it bothered me thinking that he was playing with me but other than that I don't know. He's just OK.
To me it's not the being nice that is being questioned. It is the pretending not to kow your name.

The acting like he did not know where you are going... and even if he did not, why just throw a name out.

K confirmed he knew. K and others have said he asked about you being absent...Why??

Trust there is more than meets the eye. I do believe he is a nice guy...a nice guy that is interested. That's just me though.