Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good?


New Member
Can anyone tell me if Flax seed and evening primrose oil good for hair growth? I notice some of the feature women of the month take them. I know the two are good for overall health but does help the hair to grow faster?
I take Flax Seed Oil. It's a good internal moisturizer. Since using it, my skin is softer and my new growth comes in very soft and silky.
Yesterday at the Vitamin Shoppe, I got a free book by a naturalpath/MD who states that Flax seed oil may help to lower the risk of tumors and breast cancer.
I like using EPO and Flax seed oil! my new growth feels so much better when I use it...softer...more moisturized. I also noticed that my skin looks better/younger when I am taking this stuff (and the EPO) regularly.
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

Hi and welcome to the board!

You will probably discover that nothing will really make your hair grow faster, but the supplements usually make it grow in healthier and stronger. Good luck
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

Thanks ladies! I am going to begin taking both tomorrow.
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

I've been taking one gel tablet a day of the essential fatty acid (all in one) fish, borage and flax seed oil.... I've noticed a tremendous amount of new growth.... i take the pills... has anyone used them on the hair (oil) and if so did you notice growth as fast????

Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

I didn't notice faster growth with these two, but my hair did feel softer. When taking EPO, I noticed that I skipped periods several times.
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

I didn't notice faster growth with these two, but my hair did feel softer. When taking EPO, I noticed that I skipped periods several times.

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I read somewhere that evening primrose oil may help with PMS and/or menopause.
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

I've been taking flaxseed oil for about 13 years now (1 tablespoon/day) and after the first 4-5 days I noticed my skin became more clear and was no longer dry and my hair was shinier. My hair is also very thick. If I had known then what I know now from this board on hair care, my hair would be exceptionally healthy and hanging down my back as long as I wanted it to.

If you take flaxseed oil, it cannot be cooked with (like frying) but is best when put on or in something. I put mine in my salads and vegetables or even drizzle it on popcorn (my brand has a buttery taste). And it has to be refrigerated or it can go rancid within hours. I keep mine in the freezer.

As of a few months ago, I started buying flaxseed and grinding it in my food blender (one should never eat the whole seeds). It is very high in protein and fiber and very low in carbs. It is also very inexpensive to buy. 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed is equal to 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil. There are many ways to eat it and my favorite way right now is to stir it in a glass of grape juice and drink it.

I've learned that flaxseed oil is one of the best sources for Omega-3 besides certain kinds of fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel and certain vegetables like dark-green leafy vegetables. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid. Our bodies must have it or we deteriorate. When we eat enough Omega-3 our skin and hair just glows. I don't know if it speeds up the growth of hair but it certainly increases the health and beauty of it. Omega-6 is another essential fatty acid which Evening Primrose Oil has. I started taking this recently so I haven't experienced all of the benefits yet.

Bonus: Flaxseed oil helps you lose weight. It is one of the "good fats" that burns up stored fat on the body. Flaxseed oil is never, ever stored as fat.
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

I took evening primrose oil for a while and it had great effects on my hair (more moisturized), my skin (clearer), and my PMS (totally eliminated all cramps). FYI - EPO can also swell breasts, which may or may not be a desired effect.
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

Wow, Isis. Thanks for the information. You coul do an infomercial w/ so many years of experience. Thanx was very helpful.
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

I did not know that evening primrose oil could swell breasts. I have been taking it for a few weeks now and noticed just a few days ago that I looked "bustier" than usual. I will have to stop taking it then because mine are already big enough!!! Do any of you think that flaxseed oil is better than evening primrose oil or vice versa?
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

I noticed that too.... but Didn't think it was the EPO. Thanks! I do love how my skin isn't as dry as it used to be... and my new growth is more managable...
Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil are both essential fatty acids (efa). The many benefits to your health to taking efa as a supplement. In regards to hair evening primrose oil nourishes the scalp. And flaxseed oil has been shown to contribute to healthy hair growth (in fact, low levels of these acids may cause dry and lackluster locks). Hair problems exacerbated by psoriasis or eczema of the scalp may respond to the skin-revitalizing and anti-inflammatory actions of flaxseed oil as well.

Hair grows faster and stronger when the body is healthy.
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

I took evening primrose oil for a while and it had great effects on my hair (more moisturized), my skin (clearer), and my PMS (totally eliminated all cramps). FYI - EPO can also swell breasts, which may or may not be a desired effect.

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To the vitamin store!!
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

I've been taking flaxseed oil for about 13 years now (1 tablespoon/day) and after the first 4-5 days I noticed my skin became more clear and was no longer dry and my hair was shinier. My hair is also very thick. If I had known then what I know now from this board on hair care, my hair would be exceptionally healthy and hanging down my back as long as I wanted it to.

If you take flaxseed oil, it cannot be cooked with (like frying) but is best when put on or in something. I put mine in my salads and vegetables or even drizzle it on popcorn (my brand has a buttery taste). And it has to be refrigerated or it can go rancid within hours. I keep mine in the freezer.

As of a few months ago, I started buying flaxseed and grinding it in my food blender (one should never eat the whole seeds). It is very high in protein and fiber and very low in carbs. It is also very inexpensive to buy. 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed is equal to 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil. There are many ways to eat it and my favorite way right now is to stir it in a glass of grape juice and drink it.

I've learned that flaxseed oil is one of the best sources for Omega-3 besides certain kinds of fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel and certain vegetables like dark-green leafy vegetables. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid. Our bodies must have it or we deteriorate. When we eat enough Omega-3 our skin and hair just glows. I don't know if it speeds up the growth of hair but it certainly increases the health and beauty of it. Omega-6 is another essential fatty acid which Evening Primrose Oil has. I started taking this recently so I haven't experienced all of the benefits yet.

Bonus: Flaxseed oil helps you lose weight. It is one of the "good fats" that burns up stored fat on the body. Flaxseed oil is never, ever stored as fat.

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I didn't know that about flaxseed oil. Boy I could use it when I go back to school. Thanks!
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

...flaxseed and grinding it in my food blender (one should never eat the whole seeds).

It is one of the "good fats" that burns up stored fat on the body. Flaxseed oil is never, ever stored as fat.

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Do you have any references for these two claims? (no whole seeds and not stored as fat)

Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil are both essential fatty acids (efa). The many benefits to your health to taking efa as a supplement. In regards to hair evening primrose oil nourishes the scalp. And flaxseed oil has been shown to contribute to healthy hair growth (in fact, low levels of these acids may cause dry and lackluster locks). Hair problems exacerbated by psoriasis or eczema of the scalp may respond to the skin-revitalizing and anti-inflammatory actions of flaxseed oil as well.

Hair grows faster and stronger when the body is healthy.

[/ QUOTE ] I started taking flaxseed and EPO for my eczema and psoriasis. I mix it with my morning smoothie and/ or sprinkle it on my cereal or yogurt. My skin doesn't itch anymore, and my hair is healthier also. Oh, no more PMS either!!
I just bought flax meal and I've been mixing it in with my pancake mix. It also didn't taste bad just eating it off the spoon. I have the oil, but I don't like the taste of mine (spectrum).
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

...flaxseed and grinding it in my food blender (one should never eat the whole seeds).

It is one of the "good fats" that burns up stored fat on the body. Flaxseed oil is never, ever stored as fat.

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Do you have any references for these two claims? (no whole seeds and not stored as fat)


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Hello Katrine -

It's been a while since I collected info on flax and weight loss for some of my friends. I printed out a lot of information but I'll need to relocate the sources.

In the meantime, here are two links on flaxseed and flaxseed oil. The first is about the many benefits of flaxseed and the oil and the second one is to an archived radio show called The Laura Lee Show and the topic is called "Good Dietary Fats Promote Body Fat Loss" with the guest Udo Erasmus. Just scroll down to the date 01/07/02.

"It sounds counterintuitive, but Udo, author of "Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill" says the many benefits of the right essential fatty acids include suppression of appetite, improved mood and energy and hormonal balance, building lean muscle tissue, and loss of fat. Listen to hear why."

I had many sources and I'll relocate what I can from my old files.
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

Thanks Isis!
That's interesting information. I take Flaxseed oil now; I use the kind from Wal-mart in the black bottle. I've noticed that it's best taken in the AM. I'm going to have to work harder to take it in the morning. From my reading, omega 3 oils (flaxeed) are more important than Omega 6 oils (evening primrose), but of course, both are needed by the body. Lately, I lowered my primrose dose and upped my flaxseed dose.

For anyone looking for another multi-purpose supplement, Lechitin contains omega 6 and omega 3 oil, and it contains inositol and choline (b-vitamins) that help stop hair shedding.
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

Thank You so much for the information! I went out and bought Flax seed oil in capsule form today. The girl at the counter asked what it was for...I told her for shiny hair and that it moisturizes from the inside. (As if I was an expert! I just knew she'd ask!)
Anyhow, Isis, thanks for the article. I wish I had read it before I bought the capsule form b/c I would buy the actual oil which seems to have more. (Well, wait I haven't yet opened my I may take it back and switch!) I am so glad to see from the article that this stuff can help a variety of issues!
Re: Is Flax seed oil and evening primrose oil good

I found myself drawn to the oil supplements at Wellsprings today...yes I purchase them both! Thanks everyone.