Is flat-ironing only allowed on wash days?

Whenever I've read about how to flat-iron, or how people flat-iron, it's always usually right after washing, conditioning and drying the hair, that they will flat-iron it. I'm just wondering if this is actually an absolutely necessary procedure to follow for good straightened results and healthy hair?

Or is it OK to flat iron hair that's like, a few days post-wash, and not wash day? Is there anyone who does this successfully? It's just that sometimes I'm just too tired/lazy after washing and drying my hair to bother with more effort of taking a flat-iron to my head that day :look:
You shouldn't flat iron "dirty" get much better results in my opinion when it is right after the wash/blow dry... I know alot of naturals will straight after wash and gos days later. My hair would be a HOT MESS if I tried to do that.
I flat iron the day after wash day because I air dry. I think I would still do it two days after wash day if I didn't feel like doing it the day before but no more than 2 days later.
I agree, I always do it w/n one to 2 days. Sometimes I"m tired if I've blowdried so instead of rushing I'll wait and flat iron the next day. If I airdry I have to wait about a day anyway to make sure my hair is fully dry. If you don't have alot of product in your hair you may be able to get away w/doing it days later but I typically say it's a no-no.
1) Dirty Hair = Burnt hair smell

2) Flat hair multiple days post wash = hair that is dry as the dickens and can lead to serious splits

I am guilty of both of the above in my pre LHCF days but I see the difference a wash and good DC make before flat ironing.

My hair is honestly happier if I air dry as well
1) Dirty Hair = Burnt hair smell

2) Flat hair multiple days post wash = hair that is dry as the dickens and can lead to serious splits

I am guilty of both of the above in my pre LHCF days but I see the difference a wash and good DC make before flat ironing.

My hair is honestly happier if I air dry as well

I'm natural, so this bush is never flat :lol:. Thanks for your input though :yep:. I always airdry as well, I can't stand blowdrying, and I don't feel like it does much anyway.
i think you should flatiron within 2 days after washing...and thats only if you put in a leave-in (&possibly seal) and let it airdry...dont wash and then put in a million oils and gels and stylers and curl creams and moisturize for 2 days and then flat iron
well i washed and blow dryed my hair on one day and went to sleep, then the next day i flatironed. my hair was fine. but i don't think it got dirty over night. ♥