Is BT greasy/oily?


Well-Known Member
I am trying to fit in MTG or BT into my regime. I absolutely do not like to use anything through the week to work that will weigh my hair down, make it stink, and make it oily. I already figured that I would use the MTG on Friday, Saturday nights then shampoo on Sunday. Can you use BT on flat ironed hair without it looking/feeling oily? TIA.
It's an oil. Key word in 'oily.'

All oils are oily in my opinion. You just have to learn to not overapply them. But using it more than twice a week is guaranteed to give you oily hair. No matter who you are.
LocksOfLuV said:
It's an oil. Key word in 'oily.'

All oils are oily in my opinion. You just have to learn to not overapply them. But using it more than twice a week is guaranteed to give you oily hair. No matter who you are.

ITA. Even if you use just a touch, it will end up weighing your hair down if you apply it alot.
well, its an oil, not grease, so its defintely oil. if u apply too much, it will definitely run down your neck and face, so definitely apply sparingly, NOT LIBERALLY.
I would just apply to your scalp with your finger tips. It should not weigh your hair down too much.