Is Being a PJ Really That Bad?


Well-Known Member
I would like to propose an alternative view on being a PJ:

What's wrong with it, really? I've spent so much time feeling guilty for buying products when I know I have something similar at home. But hair is my hobby and buying products is fun, so what's all the fuss about?

If I don't use a product I most of the time end up giving it away. So what I bought for me ends up being a blessing for someone else. I like learning about new products and trying new products b/c it is fun. As long as I'm not spending my mortgage or light bill money on Wen, then what's the big deal?

I don't like going into Sally's or Walgreens giving myself a headache and making myself not buy anything. If there is something that interests me and I have the money in my budget, buy it I shall!

Life is too short and hair is too much fun to take all the joy out of it by always worrying whether or not you are buying too much stuff.

So I say, if buying 60+ bottles at a CVS supersale suits you (ahem, cough, you know who you are), or stocking up on growth products gives you something to look forward to, then go right ahead! Just don't be spending your car note money on hair stuff, lol!


***I'm happy to say that soon I will have to buy an organizer for all my hair products and rods/rollers.

***I'm looking forward to buying a steamer this year even though I have a Pibbs hair dryer.

***I like deciding which shampoo/condish/leave-in to use or even going to buy another one if it thrills me.

***If I don't like something, I refuse to feel guilty about throwing/giving it away. I won't use it up and damage my hair in the process or take the joy out of my "hair time"

***I know my personal hobby of hair is constructive and much better than doing drugs, hoeing around, gambling, etc. So I will hold my head up high and not be ashamed or embarrassed about what anyone thinks about it!
I would like to propose an alternative view on being a PJ:

What's wrong with it, really? I've spent so much time feeling guilty for buying products when I know I have something similar at home. But hair is my hobby and buying products is fun, so what's all the fuss about?

If I don't use a product I most of the time end up giving it away. So what I bought for me ends up being a blessing for someone else. I like learning about new products and trying new products b/c it is fun. As long as I'm not spending my mortgage or light bill money on Wen, then what's the big deal?

I don't like going into Sally's or Walgreens giving myself a headache and making myself not buy anything. If there is something that interests me and I have the money in my budget, buy it I shall!

Life is too short and hair is too much fun to take all the joy out of it by always worrying whether or not you are buying too much stuff.

So I say, if buying 60+ bottles at a CVS supersale suits you (ahem, cough, you know who you are), or stocking up on growth products gives you something to look forward to, then go right ahead! Just don't be spending your car note money on hair stuff, lol!


***I'm happy to say that soon I will have to buy an organizer for all my hair products and rods/rollers.

***I'm looking forward to buying a steamer this year even though I have a Pibbs hair dryer.

***I like deciding which shampoo/condish/leave-in to use or even going to buy another one if it thrills me.

***If I don't like something, I refuse to feel guilty about throwing/giving it away. I won't use it up and damage my hair in the process or take the joy out of my "hair time"

***I know my personal hobby of hair is constructive and much better than doing drugs, hoeing around, gambling, etc. So I will hold my head up high and not be ashamed or embarrassed about what anyone thinks about it!

I am mad that you likened being a pj to "hoeing around":lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I go through spurts. I think I am going to do a personal challenge though, for no "new" products. No purchasing except for restocking stuff that I already have. (see how long this lasts:rolleyes:)

I think I am a version of a "hoarder" I tend to buy multiples of stuff cause I hate liking stuff and then it being discontinued or hard to find. But I am seeing that I do this with other things as well as hair products.
(I have 3 rolling carts that are filled to capacity :sekret: and everything is not in them that needs to be...)
Nope I'm a product junkie and an ingredient junkie. I'm getting a steamer next month for my birthday:grin:

me before the end of the year :grin:

I am mad that you likened being a pj to "hoeing around":lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I go through spurts. I think I am going to do a personal challenge though, for no "new" products. No purchasing except for restocking stuff that I already have. (see how long this lasts:rolleyes:)

I think I am a version of a "hoarder" I tend to buy multiples of stuff cause I hate liking stuff and then it being discontinued or hard to find. But I am seeing that I do this with other things as well as hair products.
(I have 3 rolling carts that are filled to capacity :sekret: and everything is not in them that needs to be...)

you know, I had to give an example of a destructive hobby for comparison purposes :lachen:

I am not a hoarder, but i like variety. So I will buy several varied items just so I can switch things up.
:amen: I have always said it beats out being some other kind of junkie...I say as long as you can afford it, do what makes you feel good!

"If there's a cure for this, I don't want it, don't want it..."
:amen: I have always said it beats out being some other kind of junkie...I say as long as you can afford it, do what makes you feel good!

"If there's a cure for this, I don't want it, don't want it..."

"It's the sweetest hangover, I don't wanna get ova..." :lachen:
Yall are a mess!
I have lots of things, but I most all of them. There's are very few just gathering dust. As evidenced by my jewelry collection:

My 5 year old said, mommy, your box (jewelry armoire) has a lot of neck's in it! He was pointing to all of my necklaces hanging on the loops. :lachen:
Nope I'm a product junkie and an ingredient junkie. I'm getting a steamer next month for my birthday:grin:

Congratulations - you are going to loovvveeee it! :D

I think I'm keeping my PJ'ism safely in check at the moment. I like trying out new things, but at the same time I need to ensure I give my existing products a chance to assess their effectiveness.
i luv being a pj!. i love having 15 options for a co-wash. I luv running out to get the next raved about product. although i think my pj ways have caught up with me. there's hardly any new products in the bss to try that i havent already tried....or agree with the ingredients enuff to try. so im kinda feenin for something new....but thats what being a junkie is all about
I don't think there's anything wrong with it at all as long as you can afford it and aren't spending your rent money to stock up on Ovation or your baby's milk money to buy some WEN :lachen:. THAT'S when it get to be a problem!

Besides, black women have gone too long w/o paying any attention to their own hair and now we are! (maybe a little *too* much attention in some people's opinions but whatevs :grin:) As a PJ you can't help but get excited about your hair...playing with it, seeing if a new product makes it softer, stronger, longer. Basically you're on a quest to find the BEST for your strands.

SO all PJ's stand tall, keep your heads up, and don't bow under the pressure to cut back!!!!!! :lachen:

...just remember to do a strand test first... :look:
Hello, my name is Wannabelong and I'm a PJ and I LOVE it!!!!

"They tried to make me go to rehab and I say No, No No..."
I love being a PJ and here is why:

Last night my hair got so tangled that I wanted to :cry2:. I started to brainstorming my inventory of products :think: . I decided that I would apply some French Perm Stabilizer, rinse, apply, CON, rinse, and apply a bit of ORS replenishing Pak con and Nexxus Humectress. I then rinsed and proceeded to add work through the tangles that remained with some S-curl, NTM, EVOO, and my Jibere wide tooth shower comb.
Final Product: Tangles detangled :grin:!!

If I were not a product junkie, I would have ripped out my hair with fright.

PJS ROCK!!!!!! :thumbsup::Copy of 2cool:
I love buying products and trying them out, even if I only use it once or twice. I just get a little embarrassed when someone calls me out on it, or when I have to come up with a reason to justify not wanting to give away my "extra" bottle of CON (replace with any other product) even when there a 5 other new ones...
So what's the gang sign gonna be ? :lachen:

You gotta come up with one and then post a pic

Or better yet, like another poster said, we can just have a symbol, be like prince, the LCHFers formerly known as PJs

That's hilarious!! New T-Shirt ladies!!!
I love buying products and trying them out, even if I only use it once or twice. I just get a little embarrassed when someone calls me out on it, or when I have to come up with a reason to justify not wanting to give away my "extra" bottle of CON (replace with any other product) even when there a 5 other new ones...

Girl, It KILLED me to give my momma some of my Motions moisture plus conditioner (Out of my 5 lb. TUB:rolleyes:)
She didn't even use it!
You know I POLITELY stole my conditioner back!

Also, my son is using my CON green like WATER! You ain't got no hair bruh! Our conversation:

Me: Boy, if you don't stop using globs of my shampoo!
Son: Momma it smells good and my hair has got to look good too!
Me::blush: Boy, use some of that cheapie loreal kids that your brother's use!
Son: But Momma I want to use the good stuff like you do.
Me::rolleyes: Well, just don't use so much. You only need a little bit. That stuff is Discontinued and we have to make it last!
Son: But Momma you have like 6 bottles!
Me: :blush:Don't sass me boy, just stop using so much!:wallbash:
Son: Alright momma, what hair type do I have?

He 14 and he knows about the forum!:lachen::lachen::lachen: Wanting to be a pretty boy so he can catch all the girls!
When I went to the meetup a coupld of weeks ago he said "have fun with the hair ladies!"
^^sounds like my 11 y/o. Yesterday she asked me if she needed to get the ORS Replenishing out for her prepoo.
Her: I'm gonna go ahead and get started so you can wash me up tonight. I gotta be looking right tomorrow, you know I have a reputation. :ohwell:
Me: As what?
Her: As that girl who always dresses cute and hair be right!

:nono: If her grades weren't good, I think I'd be a lil more worried...
^^sounds like my 11 y/o. Yesterday she asked me if she needed to get the ORS Replenishing out for her prepoo.
Her: I'm gonna go ahead and get started so you can wash me up tonight. I gotta be looking right tomorrow, you know I have a reputation. :ohwell:
Me: As what?
Her: As that girl who always dresses cute and hair be right!

:nono: If her grades weren't good, I think I'd be a lil more worried...

They are starting YOUNG!
^^sounds like my 11 y/o. Yesterday she asked me if she needed to get the ORS Replenishing out for her prepoo.
Her: I'm gonna go ahead and get started so you can wash me up tonight. I gotta be looking right tomorrow, you know I have a reputation. :ohwell:
Me: As what?
Her: As that girl who always dresses cute and hair be right!

:nono: If her grades weren't good, I think I'd be a lil more worried...

Girl, It KILLED me to give my momma some of my Motions moisture plus conditioner (Out of my 5 lb. TUB:rolleyes:)
She didn't even use it!
You know I POLITELY stole my conditioner back!

Also, my son is using my CON green like WATER! You ain't got no hair bruh! Our conversation:

Me: Boy, if you don't stop using globs of my shampoo!
Son: Momma it smells good and my hair has got to look good too!
Me::blush: Boy, use some of that cheapie loreal kids that your brother's use!
Son: But Momma I want to use the good stuff like you do.
Me::rolleyes: Well, just don't use so much. You only need a little bit. That stuff is Discontinued and we have to make it last!
Son: But Momma you have like 6 bottles!
Me: :blush:Don't sass me boy, just stop using so much!:wallbash:
Son: Alright momma, what hair type do I have?

He 14 and he knows about the forum!:lachen::lachen::lachen: Wanting to be a pretty boy so he can catch all the girls!
When I went to the meetup a coupld of weeks ago he said "have fun with the hair ladies!"

It's BOTH yall's faults :lachen:
you must have been in my head because i was just thinking "why should i feel bad". i avoided buying wen for two months because i didnt need it, but hair stuff is what i want, so i finally got it and am glad because i love it. infact im going to buy a bigger bottle within the next two weeks. i got my creamy unrefined shea butter in the mail today and i have hairveda on the way along with my dominican products and i refuse to feel bad.
so go on girl....
Hey girl! I'm a serious PJ! I came up with Ride or Die Product Junkie... I got two rolling things full o stuff... It's fun and addictive!!
I was a product junkie waaaaay before I joined this forum. I got it from my mama.

I dont feel bad/guilty, I usually give away/sell stuff that I dont use.
Yeah, being a PJ can be fun, but so can gambling and other habits that can get a bit out of control if you don't curb your enthusiasm.

I feel that being a PJ is not always beneficial to the health of your hair. Using so many different shampoos, conditioners, oils, butters, etc. can throw off the hair's balance and quite often can have adverse effects. Some products don't work well with others, which can lead to hair shedding, breakage, dryness - all of which is detrimental to not only your hair's health, but your body's health as well. Whatever you put in your head is potentially going into your body. The negative thing is that most PJ's don't know what they may be allergic to or what is bad for their hair when things go awry because they're putting everything under the sun into their head! I speak from my own experience of PJism.

Of course this is not the case with all PJ's, but it's best that you take precation with trying out all the different hair products. I say if it ain't broke, do't fix it! If you have a regime that works, no need to mess with it on a continuous basis.
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