Is anyone taking digestive enzymes and HCL?


Well-Known Member
I see a lot of folks are taking very complicated vitamin regimens -- If you are low on HCL you aren't breaking those supplements down properly as well as your nutrients from what you eat....

I recently started taking HCL and dig. enzymes again and already see the benefits. Less bloating when I eat and my skin tone is looking better from my other supplements.

Just something to think about!
I recently purchased BRAGG Apple Cider.
I drink an 8 oz. glass of apple juice, 2 TBS BRAGG ACV, and water once a day! I decided to start doing this because ACV has enzymes, is a source of potassium, and provides better digestion overall.
I've been doing this for a week and I haven't had any negative reactions.

I was thinking about taking Papaya enzymes.
This months issue of Body & Soul magazine has an article about papaya and the benefits it provides.
**Papaya contains Papain, an enzyme that aids in digestion
*More Vitamin C than oranges
*More Vitamin A than carrots
*A third more potassium than bananas
*Three times the dietary fiber of apples

What is HCL?
What enzymes besides HCL do you take?
I had the chewable papaya. I originally brought it because it helped with some nausea when I was on antibiotics. It also helped with my digestion. Enzymes help with your vitamins absorption wether from food or supplements...and it's also supposed to help with weight loss because your food is digested quicker. Better absorption of vitamins means healhtier hair also. I just keep forgeting to take mine daily. I really should make more of an effort to. It really does take away the bloated feeling also.
Thanks Sweetcocoa
I take Digestabs and Pancreatin Enzyme from Puritan Pride. Since taking these, I never need anacids, or pepto. My stomach used to always be noisy when it was digesting something, but now, my stomach is quiet most of the time. Drinking Apple Cider vinegar or lemon juice after meals is also helpful. For anybody who gets gas, or upset stomach, or bad breath often, get some enzymes ASAP.

I think it's funny that some doctors prescribe acid blockers if you complain about problems with digestion and gas, and this is ironic because you might actually be lacking in stomach acid, so the doctors give you some pills to turn off the little stomach acid you do have (Pepsid, Nexium), but this is doing you more damage than good, (unless you have an ulcer).
I never thought about digestive enzymes so I'm glad you started this thread, Vevster. BTW, those two little girls are *adorable*!
Vevster, those little girls are sooo pretty. I used to squeeze a little lemon juice in my drinking water, but for sime reason I stopped. I'll start again. To repeat the question,what is HCL?
Thanks, Zoya and Nyambura! Those are the 2 cutest lil flowergirls... the one on the right is my niece.

SVT is right HCL helps you break down your foods. I use the Twinlab HCL w/ pepsin along with Rainbow Light's Allzyme.

I take enzyme and HCl caps too. They really help a lot, especially if you're taking more protein and a lot of other supps. HTH!

I just drank my water and acv! What is HCL?

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I was thinking about doing the same thing. I hear so many good things about it. Do you know if it's safe to do this every day?
I take a probiotic with my regimen ( Kefir ) but I 'm considering enzymes ~~ Anyone heard of Swedish Bitters ?
It is important to take HCL and enzymes especially to break down proteins... so any meal w/ protein it is needed. That protein feeds ones HAIR!!!!
Hi Vevster,

Thanks to this thread, I went out and purchased some hcl w/pepsin and the rainbow light allzyme. Since I know that supplements do not work on me, I decided to purchase the Rainbow Light All-zyme Double Strength. My hcl is made by Solaray and I initially took one capsule per meal, now I am up to two. It is too soon to tell if this is effective or not. I was just wondering how many you take to make a difference. My capsules contain:

Betaine HCI 250 mg
Glucamic Acid HCI 100 mg
Pepsin 150 mg
Papaya Leaves (Carica papya L) 100 mg

The instructions say to take between one and six each meal. The all-zyme says to take one with each meal or more. Any suggestions on how to identify how many my body needs?


I've posted this before, but a couple of years ago, I was listening to a radio station on health issues. A caller stated she had been a "health nut" virtually all her life. Eating the right foods, taking vitamin supplements and working out for years. She stated she noticed her hair began to feel like straw & I think she said it began thinning. To make a long story short, she found out although she maintained a healthy lifestyle, her body stopped fully absorbing nutrients from the food she ate and her supplements. Somehow, she found out she might need a digestive enzyme and began taking it. The caller stated eventually her hair began to grow and thicken again. I think the caller also stated as we get older, we may experience this problem. I know since taking digestive enzymes, I don't experience that bloaty feeling.

I've posted this before, but a couple of years ago, I was listening to a radio station on health issues. A caller stated she had been a "health nut" virtually all her life. Eating the right foods, taking vitamin supplements and working out for years. She stated she noticed her hair began to feel like straw & I think she said it began thinning. To make a long story short, she found out although she maintained a healthy lifestyle, her body stopped fully absorbing nutrients from the food she ate and her supplements. Somehow, she found out she might need a digestive enzyme and began taking it. The caller stated eventually her hair began to grow and thicken again. I think the caller also stated as we get older, we may experience this problem. I know since taking digestive enzymes, I don't experience that bloaty feeling.

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What a great testimonial!
Thank you for starting this thread! I think it's very important.

I've learned that eating pineapple (fresh or canned in its own juices) also helps a lot with digestion. I eat it everyday with my meals. It has an enzyme called bromelain which breaks down proteins.
Isis said:
Thank you for starting this thread! I think it's very important.

I've learned that eating pineapple (fresh or canned in its own juices) also helps a lot with digestion. I eat it everyday with my meals. It has an enzyme called bromelain which breaks down proteins.

Iris, how much pineapple do you eat? I purchased the all natural Dole Pineapple Chunks(no sugar added) in a jar I just need to know how much to eat to feel or make a difference.

Isis said:
Thank you for starting this thread! I think it's very important.

I've learned that eating pineapple (fresh or canned in its own juices) also helps a lot with digestion. I eat it everyday with my meals. It has an enzyme called bromelain which breaks down proteins.

DITTO and DITTO! I've been eating pineapples pretty much daily for last 10 years or so since I started low carbing. I also take a daily dose of digestive enzymes to help things along . . .
WOW, I can't get enough of the information I have learned on this board.

Let's summarize the different forms of enzymes/ sources that aid in the digestive process:

Apple Cidar Vineagar
Digestive Enzymes supplement

Can someone fill in the dosage and frequency for each? I am also interested in other non-pill options . . . *looking forward to future posts*
chellee said:
WOW, I can't get enough of the information I have learned on this board.

Let's summarize the different forms of enzymes/ sources that aid in the digestive process:

Apple Cidar Vineagar
Digestive Enzymes supplement

Can someone fill in the dosage and frequency for each? I am also interested in other non-pill options . . . *looking forward to future posts*

I think the dosages and frequency should depend on the individual lifestyle; for example I low carb and eat a lot of protein based foods (fish, chicken, meats, eggs, etc.) and as such my need for the bromelain (pineapples) and papain (papayas) would be higher than say someone who is a vegetarian since bromelain and papain specializes in breaking down complex proteins -- that's why that holiday ham comes with the pineapple slices -- the oldtimers knew what they were doing . . .

Check out this link on the different types of enzymes and their particular function:

Happy research!
