Is anyone taking digestive enzymes and HCL?

JFemme said:
I take a probiotic with my regimen ( Kefir ) but I 'm considering enzymes ~~ Anyone heard of Swedish Bitters ?

My mother drinks that nasty stuff....yes, it's actually what the name implies, it's bitter. So whats the stuff for?
I used to take the papaya enzyms from gnc last year and noticed a quick weight loss. I took it for granted and stopped . But since last month iam back to the enzyms . It says on the bottle that I can chew up to nine a day. it tastes very good.
I take a lot of supplements, but I don't experience any bloating, so I guess my stomach's HCL is working fine...
Wow maybe this is my problem I have acid reflux, heartburn and bloating issues.

So what is the recommendation for the average person?
Great thread. Is Kefir a digestive enzyme on it's own? Can I just take Kefir or what else would you ladies recommend?