Is 4b Natural Hair Really That Dry??


New Member
So yesterday I informed my cosmetology instructor that I cut off the majority of my relaxed hair and that I decided to go natural (yay me!!!), so I asked her if she had any tips or advice to successfully care for natural hair as a professional and all she said was "4b natural hair? Oh Lord child GREASE!! Natural hair is always dry so you'll need to grease your scalp every two days if not once a night." So I went home and checked out all my new growth and I did notice it was rather dry, but I thought it was just because I wear wigs and havent really "cared" for it yet (waiting to cut off the remaining few inches of relaxed ends), so I am curious to get the opinions of the lovely 4a/b natural your hair always dry? If so, how do you nourish it?

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My hair is only dry when it's not moisturized, obv.

I spritz my hair daily with water and apply a water based leave-in and seal. As of lately I've been using Kimmaytube's leave-in and Oyin's Hair Dew which leaves my moisturized for a couple days.
So yesterday I informed my cosmetology instructor that I cut off the majority of my relaxed hair and that I decided to go natural (yay me!!!), so I asked her if she had any tips or advice to successfully care for natural hair as a professional and all she said was "4b natural hair? Oh Lord child GREASE!! Natural hair is always dry so you'll need to grease your scalp every two days if not once a night." So I went home and checked out all my new growth and I did notice it was rather dry, but I thought it was just because I wear wigs and havent really "cared" for it yet (waiting to cut off the remaining few inches of relaxed ends), so I am curious to get the opinions of the lovely 4a/b natural your hair always dry? If so, how do you nourish it?

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No, my natural hair isn't always that dry. However, that's because I take proper measures to ensure that it never gets that dry by:

Using a moisturizing conditioner weekly as a DC
Using a moisturizing leave in
Hair moisturizing cream

There are ways to accomplish lovely hair with using plain ol grease. By the way greasing the scalp isn't the most effective way to get moisturized hair.

Welcome aboard and happy hair journey.
I'm pretty much a daily rinser and moisturizer. My hair is soft and I never experience dry or crispy feeling ends. I have learned what my hair is supposed to feel like. I used to aspire for hair that felt silky soft but it finally got through my thick skull that it is not supposed to feel silky. I was not born with silky hair. I have cottony, soft hair. I love squishing it between my fingers and marvel at how squeezably soft it is.

My advice:
Learn and accept your hair for what it is so you don't end up chasing a goal that is unrealistic.

I rinse hair daily, moisturize daily, and deep condition weekly.
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Not to **** on your instructor, but don't listen to her :look: it just sounds like she has a negative opinion of 4b natural hair...

She's talking about dry hair? Well GREASE is not a moisturizer :nono: Water-based products are (which, obviously, includes water). So use conditioners, moisturizers, leave-in conditioners, plain ole water, etc.
Well to answer the question, yes it is naturally dry and you'd be hard pressed to find somebody who would tell you that it is not NATURALLY very dry, but you can work to keep it moisturized with the methods the ladies above mentioned. I still struggle with dryness.
4b hair needs lots of moisture. Stay away from the grease bc like somebody mentioned already it doesn't moisturize. Make sure you DC regularly with a good DC, stay on top of moisturizing, and seal after moisturizing.

My hair is only dry when it's not moisturized, obv.

I spritz my hair daily with water and apply a water based leave-in and seal. As of lately I've been using Kimmaytube's leave-in and Oyin's Hair Dew which leaves my moisturized for a couple days.

Can you not seal with grease/pomades?
So yesterday I informed my cosmetology instructor that I cut off the majority of my relaxed hair and that I decided to go natural (yay me!!!), so I asked her if she had any tips or advice to successfully care for natural hair as a professional and all she said was "4b natural hair? Oh Lord child GREASE!! Natural hair is always dry so you'll need to grease your scalp every two days if not once a night." So I went home and checked out all my new growth and I did notice it was rather dry, but I thought it was just because I wear wigs and havent really "cared" for it yet (waiting to cut off the remaining few inches of relaxed ends), so I am curious to get the opinions of the lovely 4a/b natural your hair always dry? If so, how do you nourish it?

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Curly hair tends to be dry if not properly moisturized. I don't do grease. There are people that use it and have marvelous results but grease is just way too thick for me. I use cream based conditioners and moisturizers. I never ever apply anything but shampoo to my scalp. Back in the day I'd grease my scalp or apply product to my scalp and it would be so itchy. I have found that the only thing that I need to keep moisturized are the strands but I don't have to do so every night.

Some naturals do feel the need to do so each night. Natural hair varies. My 4b and another person's 4b might have totally different needs and strive by using two different products. My best advice is to try various methods and see how your hair responds.
4b hair isn't the only hair that can be naturally dry. And I don't think all people with 4b hair have dry hair. All hair that isn't properly lubricated will be dry, not just 4b hair. And I don't like her assessment right off the bat :nono:. Grease will not moisturize your hair.

I also think proneness to dryness is attributed to texture. My hair is very coarse and it's much more prone to dryness than a person with much finer hair. Not all 4b hair is coarse/wiry (which is often the assumption).

Anyways, I moisturize my hair everyday. I wash my hair about 2 times a week. I sincerely believe that shampooing my hair more often has contributed to the health of my hair, especially my scalp (but I understand washing that often isn't for everyone. I need to mainly because of my scalp. My hair just happens to respond well to it). I DC every time I shampoo.
i'm mad your instructor is not well informed on her profession. what book is your class studying from? where is she getting her lack of science from?

but to answer your question, the key is to moisturize your hair with water-based ingredients. you seal in the moisture with oils. please don't grease your scalp with grease. it will not moisturize your hair and will just cause buildup on your scalp. applying grease to your scalp creates a barrier that prevents moisture from getting into your hair and scalp.
So yesterday I informed my cosmetology instructor that I cut off the majority of my relaxed hair and that I decided to go natural (yay me!!!), so I asked her if she had any tips or advice to successfully care for natural hair as a professional and all she said was "4b natural hair? Oh Lord child GREASE!! Natural hair is always dry so you'll need to grease your scalp every two days if not once a night." So I went home and checked out all my new growth and I did notice it was rather dry, but I thought it was just because I wear wigs and havent really "cared" for it yet (waiting to cut off the remaining few inches of relaxed ends), so I am curious to get the opinions of the lovely 4a/b natural your hair always dry? If so, how do you nourish it?

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@the bolded.....And the ignorance continues..... She's an instructor???!!! With instructors like her, we'll always be in the DARK AGES!!! Please don't pass along these falsehoods!

These ladies here have given great advice. I'm a type 4 and I NEVER have dry hair 'cause I keep it moisturized with DCs, L-Is and daily moisturizing spritzes.
yep what the other ladies said.

I moisturize my hair 1 time per week when I wash DC and twist my hair. I touch up my edges with some waterbased moistrizer every morning when styling my hair. and I may re-moirturize and seal my ends if needs be.

this is a far way from when I just went natural when I used to have to do this everyday. Its important to find the indgredients/products that work best for your hair. after that its normally easy peasy
I have fine 4 a/b hair, for those who subscribe to the system. If I wear it out, it'll dry out by the end of the day. Braids and twists help to hold in moisture.

IA, w/the ladies.
As a student, I would likely be second-guessing anything else that instructor had to say..
You should start caring for your hair now, not only after you cut off he rest of the relaxed ends.
My hair would be dry if I didn't do anything to take care of it.
I listen to my hair closely so if it needs oil I give it oil.
If it is drying out and It needs hydrating I will spritz with water and seal with avocado butter. If I have neglected my hair and have not moisturised and sealed when I should have done my hair will be dry so then I will have to wash and deep condition it so my hair is no longer dry.
As far as I know, most women experience dryness right after a BC. You can get your hair moisturized and keep it that way. There are a lot of good moisturizers out there and plenty of threads on here with good recommendations for what you can use to do it. I DC'd once a week for the first few months post BC to combat my dryness along with trying out different moisturizers. Aloe vera gel & juice have been pretty helpful to me in keeping my hair moisturized throughout the week. You'll get it under control. Congrats on your BC.