Iron Deficiency and Hair Growth/Loss


New Member
Does having an iron deficiency cause your hair to shed more or to grow slower? Will an iron supplement aid in hair growth and retention? I was just wondering that today... any ideas I'd love to hear them.
I am anemic and my hair use to be hard, dry, and it felt like a brillo pad but I have noticed a difference since I have been on iron. My hair grows and I'm able to retain length and my nails are growing to and not splitting. I take my iron faithfully because I don't want to go back to the way I was feeling and looking.

Does having an iron deficiency cause your hair to shed more or to grow slower? Probably. It was in my case. Will an iron supplement aid in hair growth and retention? Probably. In my case it is helped me. I was just wondering that today... any ideas I'd love to hear them.
it sure does. It caused severe breakage in one area of my head repeatedly and slowed growth. Now i'm on a multivitamin and iron pills.
Yes, iron deficiency will cause hair loss, because an iron deficiency means oxygen cannot be carried by your blood to the cells where it's needed, including your hair follicles. Follicles starved of oxygen get the picture.