Bug iPhone App Problem


Baby Chick Gate 2011
I keep getting alerts for a thread that I subscribed to that was poofed. It says that there are new posts in the thread.
I keep getting alerts that I have messages in my private message box and they've been checked for 2 days. I dont know whats going on with that.
I get a notification every hour that a thread that I have subscribed to has new posts, but there have been no new posts since yesterday afternoon.
I just has to shut off all my alerts for this app got tired of the red circle on the app all day every day!!

Sent from my iPhone
I got like 10 alerts last night for messages I've already read. I had to delete the app and reinstall but now it's doing it again and it's super annoying
Oh, I thought it was just me. I got tired of the notification and deleted the app. I couldn't open the app to clear out the my inbox.
Thank GOODNESS!! I thought there was something wrong with my phone. The first time it happened was in the wee hours of the night, my phone just started going off like crazy, scared the h&ll out of me. I deleted the app twice but I couldn't live without the convenience of uploading pics via the app so I reinstalled it. I still get the alerts, I just changed the app settings so I get no audible alert. Now when I get push alerts, I just see it scrolling like crazy at the top of my iphone screen but no noise, LOL! Works for me.

How temporarily fixed the annoyance:
- go to settings
- Notifications
-Scroll down to the LHCF app
- In the LHCF settings; scroll down to sounds and switch it to 'OFF'
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Thanks KiWiStyle

DH threatened to throw my iPhone out of our bedroom. It's amazing how such a light sound can sound like thunder when you're fast asleep.

A thread I subscribed to, that's only been posted to once since 10-25-2012, keeps alerting......with no new posts! I don't get it!
I keep getting the notifications even when I put it on "do not disturb..."
I did alladat, too, and finally had to un-subscribe to all my threads and I still kept getting notifications every.4.hours from this one thread......Arrggghhhh!

So, I deleted the app....couldn't take it anymore.
Keeps notifying me of new posts in subscribed threads that have no new posts. :ohwell: Tried moving these threads to a different folder and I'm still getting notifications. Gonna uninstall the app. :look:
Aireen said:
Keeps notifying me of new posts in subscribed threads that have no new posts. :ohwell: Tried moving these threads to a different folder and I'm still getting notifications. Gonna uninstall the app. :look:

Omg, yes! So annoying. If you uninstall the app do you have to pay for it again?
I had to turn off the notification on my phone.... I can't take it! Multiple notifications at a time come into the phone and it would be one or two posts

I thought it was just me...and especially now with Sandy and trying to keep in touch with folks I can't even keep my ringer on cause it's too many notifications
Omgoodness!! Its 4:25am & my notification for a thread that Im subscribed to just went off like 10x in a row!!!!!! I just deleted the app altogether. Glad Im not the only person having this issue, I thought it was my phone trippin.

Now Im wide awake & I don't have to be up for at least 3 hours. Uggghhhh!!!!!

Apologies for this inconvenience. I don't have an iPhone so I rely on these topics to know what is going on.

I have opened an issue with the developers to get to the bottom of this. Most likely it is a glitch on the notification server which should be rectified soon.

In the meantime, you could just switch off the notifications so that you don't waste bandwidth or get annoyed (because yeah it is annoying to get notified 10 times for the same thing).

Updates to come.
LilMissRed said:
Omgoodness!! Its 4:25am & my notification for a thread that Im subscribed to just went off like 10x in a row!!!!!! I just deleted the app altogether. Glad Im not the only person having this issue, I thought it was my phone trippin.

Now Im wide awake & I don't have to be up for at least 3 hours. Uggghhhh!!!!!

Mine is doing the same with the 10 times in a row thing. It's so loud and embarrassing when I'm out. I hated that alert thing in the beginning but now it's going off like 10 times in a row it's even worse. I tried logging out but strangely that doesn't work. I hate to delete the app cuz that's how I upload pics to the forum.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
KiWiStyle said:
Thank GOODNESS!! I thought there was something wrong with my phone. The first time it happened was in the wee hours of the night, my phone just started going off like crazy, scared the h&ll out of me. I deleted the app twice but I couldn't live without the convenience of uploading pics via the app so I reinstalled it. I still get the alerts, I just changed the app settings so I get no audible alert. Now when I get push alerts, I just see it scrolling like crazy at the top of my iphone screen but no noise, LOL! Works for me.

How temporarily fixed the annoyance:
- go to settings
- Notifications
-Scroll down to the LHCF app
- In the LHCF settings; scroll down to sounds and switch it to 'OFF'

Thanks for this!!!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Apologies for this inconvenience. I don't have an iPhone so I rely on these topics to know what is going on.

I have opened an issue with the developers to get to the bottom of this. Most likely it is a glitch on the notification server which should be rectified soon.

In the meantime, you could just switch off the notifications so that you don't waste bandwidth or get annoyed (because yeah it is annoying to get notified 10 times for the same thing).

Updates to come.

Thank you dimopoulos. Do you also know why some of us can't open threads within the app and keep getting the error message that I posted upthread? I tried to re-download, but it doesn't correct the issue. Is there something that I could do on my end to rectify this issue? Thank you.
I keep getting this error message... :(

SmileyNY this is an error we cannot do much about unfortunately.

The developers and I have done a lot of debugging in order to get to the root of this and we found what was going on.

Your phone uses its network to "ask" the forum for content. This can be the forum listing, threads, topics anything really.

Now if this communication has a delay and your phone hasn't had the chance to send the correct amount of data to the forum, the web server of the forum will sever the connection. Your phone application then in turn will report what you are seeing.

Our timeout was 120 seconds and we have increased it to 240 which corrected most of the mobile app issues but apparently not yours. For some reason there is a delay from your phone to your mobile network, internet, and the forum server. That is one part of the communication between your mobile device and the forum that we don't have control of.

A suggestion would be to install the Forum Runner application and try to see if the application persists. The only caveat is that you won't be able to "thank you" from that application.

Let me know how it goes.