Inversion Method Challenge -March 2022, 2023, 2024-

What Is Your Hair Length Goal?

  • Ear Length

  • Chin Length

  • Shoulder Length

  • Armpit Length

  • Bra Strap Length

  • Mid Back Length

  • Waist Length

  • Lower Back Length

  • Hip Length

  • Tail Bone Length

Results are only viewable after voting.


Well-Known Member

Anyone looking for a boost in hair growth to meet hair length goals sooner than later should join this challenege! Challenge starts March 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024.

There are a ton of blogs and videos describing the boost in growth the Inversion Method can do for hair growth. If you have never heard of it, quickly do a YouTube search, watch a few videos, then come back. Please research any health concerns that may limit you from doing this challenge.

Challenge Rules: (Updated June 10, ‘22)

There should be a minimum of 14 days each month.

Massage your head for a minimum of 4 minutes.

This challenge is open to anyone who wants to join and is willing to follow the simple, but important, instructions for posting IM days.

We keep a running tally of the month's IM. To do that:

Copy or quote the most recent post, including the date (changing it to the current date if necessary), and either add your name to the list or update your number if your name is already on there. Failure to copy the most recent post will result in other participants' numbers being goofed up, which isn't fair to the rest of the group.

Everyone starts at zero at the beginning of the next month.

Keep tabs on your number to make sure it's accurate, and let me know if there are issues. Thanks, and welcome!

Feel free to post any progress photos, share tips, or positive thoughts along the way. You can join at any time ☺️

Hope this motivates many for consistency with the Inversion Method and you get amazing growth results:weird:
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Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: November 2024 to May 2025

Four Days For IM: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Steaks: 0
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Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: November 2024 to May 2025

Four Days For IM: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Steaks: 0
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: November 2024 to May 2025

Four Days For IM: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Steaks: 1
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: November 2024 to May 2025

Four Days For IM: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Steaks: 1
I completely forgot this yesterday. For streaks missed, I’ll post the days I complete IM
I completely forgot this yesterday. For streaks missed, I’ll post the days I complete IM
Did Inversion Method today with DC that had Pepperment EO and head massager for 5 minutes. I really need to set an alarm. I’m 1/4 this week. Need to do better and make this a habit :)
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: November 2024 to May 2025

Four Days For IM: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Steaks: 1
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: November 2024 to May 2025

Four Days For IM: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Streak: 1

Misses: 1 - Week 3/7/21: 1/4 Sunday
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: November 2024 to May 2025

Four Days For IM: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Streak: 2

Misses: 1 - Week 3/7/21: 1/4 Sunday
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: November 2024 to May 2025

Four Days For IM: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Streaks: 2

Misses: 1 - Week 3/7/22: 1/4 Sunday
Misses: 2 - Week 3/20/22: 2/4 Saturday and Sunday
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: November 2024 to May 2025

Four Days For IM: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Streaks: 3

Misses: 1 - Week 3/7/22: 1/4 Sunday
Misses: 2 - Week 3/20/22: 2/4 Saturday and Sunday
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: May 2025

**Commit to 4 days or more a week for IM**

Streaks: 3

Misses: 1 - Week 3/7/22: 1/4 Sunday
Misses: 2 - Week 3/20/22: 2/4 Saturday and Sunday
Misses: 3 - Week 4/4/22: Saturday
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: May 2025

**Commit to 4 days or more a week for IM**

Streaks: 3

Misses: 1 - Week 3/7/22: 1/4 Sunday
Misses: 2 - Week 3/20/22: 2/4 Saturday and Sunday
Misses: 3 - Week 4/4/22: Saturday
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: May 2025

***Commit to 4 days a week ***

Week 4/11/22

Wednesday 1/4
Thursday 2/4

Streaks: 3

Misses: 1 - Week 3/7/22: 1/4 Sunday
Misses: 2 - Week 3/20/22: 2/4 Saturday and Sunday
Misses: 3 - Week 4/4/22: Saturday
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: May 2025

***Commit to 4 days a week ***

Week 4/11/22

Wednesday 1/4
Thursday 2/4

Streaks: 3

Misses: 1 - Week 3/7/22: 1/4 Sunday
Misses: 2 - Week 3/20/22: 2/4 Saturday and Sunday
Misses: 3 - Week 4/4/22: Saturday
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: May 2025

***Commit to 4 days a week ***

Week 4/11/22

Wednesday 1/4
Thursday 2/4
Friday 3/4

Streaks: 3

Misses: 1 - Week 3/7/22: 1/4 Sunday
Misses: 2 - Week 3/20/22: 2/4 Saturday and Sunday
Misses: 3 - Week 4/4/22: Saturday
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: May 2025

***Commit to 4 days a week ***

Week 4/11/22

Wednesday 1/4
Thursday 2/4
Friday 3/4

Streaks: 3

Misses: 1 - Week 3/7/22: 1/4 Sunday
Misses: 2 - Week 3/20/22: 2/4 Saturday and Sunday
Misses: 3 - Week 4/4/22: Saturday
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: May 2025

***Commit to 4 days a week ***

Week 4/11/22

Wednesday 1/4
Thursday 2/4
Friday 3/4
Saturday 4/4

Streaks: 4

Misses: 1 - Week 3/7/22: 1/4 Sunday
Misses: 2 - Week 3/20/22: 2/4 Saturday and Sunday
Misses: 3 - Week 4/4/22: Saturday
Starting Hair Length: Armpit Length

Hair Goal Length: Tail Bone Length

Hair Length Goal Date: May 2025

***Commit to 4 days a week ***

Streaks: 4

Misses: 1 - Week 3/7/22: 1/4 Sunday
Misses: 2 - Week 3/20/22: 2/4 Saturday and Sunday
Misses: 3 - Week 4/4/22: Saturday
Misses: 4 - Week 4/18/22: Sunday