Introduce Yourself Here

Re: Introductions Forum???

I'm new too. Just registered today. Just wanted to say Hello and Welcome. :p
Re: Introductions Forum???

Hello Everyone,

I am using this as a way to say hello. I am so happy to find this site. I am trying to grow healthy long hair. I am looking forward to this journey with all of you.

- Lady Godiva
Re: Introductions Forum???

Hello to you all. I am new as well. I also couldn't find the introduction forum. I just ended up introducing myself in my first post. So, for all those veterans, where IS the Introduction Forum???

Not sure if this is where we are to introduce ourselves but I wanted to take the chance to say hello to everyone. I am so happy to have found this site and I'm hoping to benefit from all of the advice and knowledge from others. I have had some hair challenges in the past but I'm hope that I'm moving in the right direction.

A quick question. Is there a link to a thread that helps us to determine hair type (ie. 3a, 4a/b)? I'm not sure about my hair type.

Thanks a lot ladies!
Hello All!

I have been registered for a while now, but I have never posted. I would just like to say that I have learned so much from you all and I really appreciate this site. Thank you sistas for all of the advice.
Hello To All,

This is my first post. I have been lurking for a while reading and learning how to properly care for hair such as ours. This site is truly a blessing, and because of it, I am being a good steward over my hair. Thank you ladies for all of your vast knowledge and your willingness to share.

Hello everyone. Just found this forum the other day and have been reading till my eyes are green. Well I find this site to be very informative and just had a few questions. I have always had long hair when I was in school, but kept cutting it and now it's like it just will not grow. Well I have ordered the MTG today and purchased the Mane N Tail conditioner, shampoo, leave in conditioner spray, and the grease. Washed hair for the first time with this stuff. Also did a trim on hair. I am really hoping that this will work because I want my hair to be at bra strap length by the end of next year. How often should I use the conditioner and shampoo. Also I was just wondering has anyone ever had an allergic reaction to the MTG. I have had an allergic reaction from AFROOGEE Reconstructor for leaving on for about a hour and 1/2. Had to end up going to the emergency room.:mad: I am really ready for my hair to grow out. Always had thick hair and long but now its not long but still kind of thick. I also wanted to find out about the MSG and the what is a Dominician Blowout.. What are the best vitamins to take for hair growth?
Hi Everyone,

This is like a dream come true. People who want advice about healthy hair. Beautiful hair is my passion and claim to fame. I have grown out countless women's hair since 1990. The experience that I have will help all of you dealing with natural hair, chemical changes and home maintenance. I am planning a consumer seminar for women who really want to grow their hair out long. If you are interested please let me know.:p
Hello Everyone!

I have been secretly lurking on this site for months and decided it was time to join. I have been struggling with my hair for YEARS, and it was always my dream to have long, beautiful hair (did anyone else put towels on their head as a little girl and pretend they had long hair?)!! NE way, I started CO washing last week and used MTG for the first time last night. I am on my way, but I will need lots of support. My husband thinks I have gone off the deep end!!! I will look to you wonderful ladies for support. My hair will grow InJesusName!!

Type: 4a/4b relaxed
goal: BSL
Last relaxer: 2/15/06
Current products: NTM, UBH Conditioner, EVOO, Queen Helene Cholesterol, MTG, Neosporin AF, Surge, Care Free Curl, Pantene Natural and Relaxed Shampoo... (Truly becoming a PJ!!!!!!!!!!!!):newbie:
Hi ladies! Like a lot of others, I've been lurking here for quite a while, but finally decided to join last week. It's nice to have so many people knowledgeable about hair all in one place! :)
Hello everyone. This is my first time posting because I still haven't figured out how to start a thread. I'm glad that I finally found a site where women can share what we all have in common,, HAIR OBSESSION. I'm glad I found my way here. Hope to continue to learn all things hair.
Hello Everyone:

I just registered with the boards and I am happy to finally be part of this wonderful hair experience.

I was a lurker for 5 months and finally decided to join. I have been following the hair care advice and tips for the last 4 months and have had great results. I can't wait till I relax in August to see my growth progress. My last relaxer was April, 2006.

I had already been doing some of the things suggested on the boards in my haircare regimen, i.e., I always stretch my relaxers, wear protective styles, and moisturize daily. However, I was terrible with relaxer aftercare which is a problem for my thin, delicate hair.

I decided to join this board because you all are so positive, helpful, and friendly. No hatin females here. You all have great personalities and your great tips, beautiful spirit and positive energy is the reason I want to take this hair journey with you all.

Thank you all for your sistafriendly hair care advice.

Hello! New here, I've been lurking on the sight and decided to finally subscribe. there's so much good information here and i hope to learn and share with other women here to reach our hair goals:)